Friday, December 1, 2017

Hereditary disease: what parents do not say "thank you"

 Hereditary disease: what parents do not say "thank you"  Species are many hereditary diseases. The probability of their occurrence can not be predicted in advance: one for children defective genes are transferred, and others are not. Still, planning offspring are kindly requested to talk with his second half of family illnesses. Otherwise, you can expect a nasty surprise.

Predominantly male disease. His "carry" around 10% of men and only 1% of women. Typically, patients can not distinguish red and green. Full "color blindness" is very rare in a ratio of 1 to 30,000.

This is also basically male disease. Its causes are still not fully understood, but it is known that heredity plays a role. Chance alopecia is very high, if the disease is found in both the maternal relatives and paternal.

It may be inherited and is not always treatable. The skin condition in these patients is not stabilized and after puberty. It does not help even the meticulous care. Therefore, if the acne was the parents, it may well occur in their offspring.

Lactose intolerance
The inability to digest dairy products, too - hereditary disease . It is due to the lack of the gene for lactose tolerance.

Hemophilia A and B, ichthyosis, Duchenne myopathy.
These diseases occur mostly in males. Defective gene is passed from a mother to them. That it is its bearer.

Treatment and prevention

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