Monday, December 25, 2017

Correction of the shape and function of the nose (rhinoseptoplasty)

December 20, 2012

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 Correction of the shape and function of the nose (rhinoseptoplasty)  Rhinoplasty   (this operation is also called Rhinoplasty . correction of the nose ) Is considered to be the most ancient of all surgical interventions aesthetic. But even more than three thousand years of history of such operations does not affect the fact that the correction of the nose and the restoration of its functions is considered one of the most serious and complex topics in plastic surgery.

Functions of the nose and rhinoseptoplasty

Rhinoseptoplasty - A complex operation, which can eliminate a deviated septum and correct its external form. The nose has not only an aesthetic function. That it begins human respiratory system. During the passage through the nasal passages occurs heating and humidifying respiratory air, which also at this time is cleared. These are all important to the human body provides a function of the nasal mucosa. In addition, the nose involved in the sense of smell, provides ventilation and occupies an important place in the lacrimal system. Therefore, for a long period of nose shape among representatives of different nationalities depending on the climate of residence evolved in its own way.

Broad noses at those who live in warm regions, provide a fast and easy process heat. Narrow noses northern residents - a guarantee that the air is constantly passed through the nasal passages are relatively small portions and keep up with the time to warm up. Given these and other features, rhinoplasty is always done with regard to the function of the nose was not broken. In addition, when a person has trouble breathing nose trying to resolve them at the same time holding the bow plastics.

Who needs a rhinoplasty?

 Correction of the shape and function of the nose (rhinoseptoplasty)  Rhinoplasty is carried out to a noticeable improvement in a person's appearance. About how much can be striking change after plastic surgery, as evidenced by numerous before and after photos. But prior to such intervention should take into account that no standard rhinoplasty, or plastic nose can change the look with exactly the ideal that loomed in advance of the patient in mind. Before the operation, it is important to consider not only how much such an intervention, and health status, as well as realistic patient expectations. The cost of surgery depends on many factors, so prices may vary.

The most common rhinoplasty is performed to correct the shape of the nose or eliminate deformation after injuries, surgical intervention failed. This operation is carried out and in order to rejuvenate, while parallel wires and other surgical plastic surgery. The operation carried out when a neoplasm, as well as in dissatisfaction with the results of previous operations.

At the same time, it allows parallel rhinoseptoplasty eliminate medical problems.

Indications rhinoseptoplasty

Natural deviated septum It occurs in about 90% of people on the planet. The baffle is curved in the process of growth, as its tissues grow unevenly. As a result, the partition is curved towards or appear on it projections.

Deviated septum often occurs as a result of the injury, which sometimes occurs even at childbirth . As a rule, because of the appearance of the nose injury is changing: it looks unbalanced, biased to one side.

With   compensatory curvature of the bow   partitions have been a violation of human relations of several entities of the nose. That is not only the nasal septum, and shells are irregular in shape and size. The reason for this phenomenon may be a congenital anomaly nature of the disease.

With perforations in the nasal septum it has a hole, because of which may interfere with breathing. Perforation occurs as a consequence of operations, fractures, or drug abuse.

If a person is curved baffle that is a violation of the outflow of mucus, so there are congestion, disturbing the patient. Due to the growth of bacteria in the mucus in humans can occur sinusitis . genyantritis . sinusitis . Breath nose is constantly hampered.

But even with a relatively normal nose breathing people with a deviated septum often snore during sleep, and in his nose constantly formed crusts, itching worried. Sometimes people suffer from the curved wall of allergic diseases, in particular of allergic rhinitis . asthma .

Thus, holding rhinoseptoplasty provides not only for the decision of aesthetic problems, but also improve the general well-being.

Planning rhinoseptoplasty

 Correction of the shape and function of the nose (rhinoseptoplasty)  During the initial consultation, the doctor must be sure to explain to the patient, who wishes to make a rhinoplasty, as it is possible to change the shape of the nose in his case. Before planning the operation, it is important to assess a person's age. It is advisable to carry out rhinoplasty in age from 18 to 25 years. Before surgery is performed is not desirable, since before the age of eighteen is formed osteochondral skeleton nose. Consequently, in the process of crushing operation may occur after deformation range.

For plastic surgery on the nose is successful, it is necessary to ensure the maximum mutual understanding between doctor and patient. Before you spend a rhinoplasty, the doctor determines whether it is necessary limitations due to some individual anatomical features. So important is the type and condition of the skin, the structure of cartilage and bone structures of the nose, face type.

In addition, the features of the transaction affects particularly scarring in each case. Of great importance are the patient's wishes.

Prior to the surgery clinics in modern practice
computer modeling, allowing approximately simulate the future shape of the nose. However, ultimately determines the type of operation the surgeon.

Features rhinoplasty

In modern medicine stands out several varieties of plastic nose. Aesthetic rhinoplasty carried out in the case, if the patient has no history of injury and nose as the body functions completely normally. Functional rhinoseptoplasty indicated in patients with a variety of functional disorders of the nose. Carrying Reconstructive rhinoseptoplasty it is advisable that if a person changes dramatically nose shape under the influence of certain factors.

This operation can last from half an hour to one and a half hours. Normal breathing is fully restored within two weeks after the surgery.

Depending on the complexity of the operation it is performed under local and under the anesthesia . Surgery of this type is carried out in two ways - open   and closed . Special complexity differ repeated operations in which corrected the unsatisfactory results of previous interventions.

The postoperative period

 Correction of the shape and function of the nose (rhinoseptoplasty)  After the rhinoplasty the patient stays in the hospital for about three days. After 1-2 days of nasal swabs are removed, and the first few days after the removal of the nose may still be laid. In the early days of field operations may occur intermittently small bleeding . After 7-10 days, the plaster is removed. Swelling after surgery begin to subside by about the third day. In the first months after surgery the patient may complain of reduced sensitivity of the upper lip and the skin of the nose. Restoring sensitivity occurs gradually without any additional procedures.

Pocle man operation, it is important to adhere to certain rules. We should not tolerate even minor injuries nose, do not sleep face in the pillow, do not wear glasses for a month. You can not overwork physically and avoid temperature extremes. Therefore, taking a hot bath is not necessary. Doctors also recommend to try not to sneeze.

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