Monday, December 18, 2017


February 17, 2012

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 Thrombophlebitis  Thrombophlebitis - Inflammation is acute, arising in the walls veins . In the vein lumen formed clot .

With the development of the disease is set to many different factors. Thus, the development troboflebita in humans depends on the slowing of blood flow and changes in blood composition, presence of an abnormality in the clotting process, the presence of damage or disease of the vascular wall, the presence of allergies, infections, neurotrophic and endocrine disorders.

Most often suffer from thrombophlebitis patients who have previously diagnosed phlebeurysm . infectious diseases purulent . tumor . diseases of the cardiovascular system . Thrombophlebitis may also be the consequence of surgery, especially if they are made on the pelvic organs, a difficult birth, the situations under which a vein catheterization. This disease occurs in those who have previously had a trauma, injury, administration antibiotics   and concentrated medication intravenously.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis

To distinguish thrombophlebitis sharp . subacute , and chronic . Given the nature of the process, the experts define purulent   and purulent   thrombophlebitis.

Depending on where it is localized thrombophlebitis, varies and the clinical picture of the disease and its symptoms. Thus, the disease is divided into two types: superficial vein thrombophlebitis   (in most cases - varicose) and thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs   (deep vein thrombosis).

In patients with acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of the lower limbs develop the disease, mainly in the varicose-vein altered. Most often the defeat of the great saphenous vein. At the same time one feels severe pain in the course of pulling character thrombosed veins. Sometimes a patient with an acute condition of the body temperature increases, making up to 37, 5 - 38 ° C. In the affected vein is observed flushing of the skin, local redness and sensation of pain on palpation. In some cases, it may develop an ascending thrombophlebitis of the great saphenous vein and, as a consequence, the threat pulmonary thromboembolism .

People with acute deep vein thrombophlebitis shin clinical symptoms depend on what the location and extent of thrombus formation, as well as the number of veins, which touched the painful process .  Basically, the disease begins acutely: in the calf muscles causes pain, feeling of fullness shin .  This feeling is especially exacerbated if lower shin down .  The patient body temperature rises .  There is swelling in the distal tibia appears cyanotic light skin tone .  A few days later in the legs, abdomen, thighs becomes noticeable network of superficial veins, looking extended .  Once the patient flexes the foot in the rear position, there is a sharp pain in the calf muscles .  Also for thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs causes pain during palpation of the gastrocnemius muscle .  In the diagnosis of deep thrombophlebitis expert drew attention to the presence of the following early signs .  It symptom of Moses   (a manifestation of pain in the lower leg compression in the anteroposterior direction and no pain, when to squeeze the sides of the shin); symptom-Opitz Raminesa   (display of sharp pain during vein tibia after the pressure in the cuff sphygmomanometer, superimposed above the knee is raised to 40 - 45 mm Hg. v .; syndrome Lovenberga   (display of sharp pain during vein tibia after the pressure in the cuff sphygmomanometer, superimposed on the middle third of the leg, increased to 60-150 mm Hg. article).

In the case of thrombosis in the femoral vein characteristic signs of venous outflow are expressed less strongly. Pain in this case there is around the thigh adductors. During the inspection of a given illness is detected the presence of edema and expansion of small saphenous veins. When thrombophlebitis common femoral vein there is a sharp pain in my leg, her edema and expression cyanosis . The patient is also evident chills, fever. After some time, become visible dilated superficial veins at the top of the thigh, in the groin area.

The most severe course of the disease is manifested in thrombophlebitis iliac-femoral segment the main vein . Initially, a person feels pain in the lower back and rump as well as in the lower abdomen on the affected side. When this condition occurs malaise, slightly increases the body temperature. If the patient is formed floating thrombus , The main feature of this is pulmonary embolism. If there is a complete occlusion of the iliac vein, a sharp pain manifests itself in the groin area, the whole limb extends strong edema, which goes to the area of ​​the buttocks and groin, and also on the abdominal wall. At first, the swelling is soft enough, but after a while it hardens and thickens. This changes the color of the skin: it becomes white or purple, with marked venous pattern. The body temperature of the patient rises to 38-39 ° C, manifests strong slackness , Fever, signs of intoxication.

As a serious complication of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is sometimes a pulmonary embolism.

If acute thrombophlebitis becomes purulent, in the course of thrombosed veins developed multiple abscesses. The consequence of this disease can be abscess limb .

In chronic thrombophlebitis during a long illness: the illness may last even several years.

Diagnosis thrombophlebitis

 Thrombophlebitis  Usually, diagnosis of "thrombophlebitis" does not cause difficulties professionals. During diagnostic use special instrumental methods of research. The diagnosis is easy to install using reovasography or Doppler ultrasound. Accurate and detailed diagnosis can be established by using the method of ultrasonic duplex angioscanning color-coded blood flow. The result of this study is detailed information on the state of the veins, the presence of thrombotic masses, but also learn about the exact nature of the thrombus. Laboratory diagnosis in this case is not very informative. Thus, to determine the blood only moderately pronounced signs of inflammation.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis

Radical treatment of thrombosis is surgery. This operation is a reliable method of protecting against the spread thrombosis   in the future, and also prevents complications of the disease and its recurrence. If the disease develops in the veins had not changed, and possibly the use of conservative therapies thrombophlebitis. However, with the development of the ascending thrombophlebitis of large and small saphenous vein progressive type performed emergency surgery in order to prevent deep vein thrombosis As well as to provide quality prevention of thromboembolism.

If the patient is diagnosed with superficial thrombophlebitis feet and legs, it is possible to apply the methods prescribed by the doctor of conservative treatment in an outpatient setting. A person can continue to lead active lives, but at the same time follow the recommendations of doctors. Thus, the affected limb several times throughout the day to keep for a while in an elevated position. For therapy in this case is often used bandages with heparin ointment, cold. Also, the patient is often recommended the appointment of agents with anti-inflammatory and reduces venous congestion effect. Effective action in this case, Indomethacin . venoruton . Aescusan . troksevazin . When inflammation occurs in the tissue near the vein, it is possible to use a course of antibiotics and sulfa drugs. It is also used for the treatment of thrombosis UHF therapy. It is important to regularly correct bandaging a limb with an elastic bandage. During treatment, patients are encouraged to drink plenty of liquids, but please note that there are no contraindications to it.

Deep vein thrombophlebitis patients undergoing treatment for the disease only in a hospital. At first, it shows adherence to bed rest. This lie is necessary so that the affected limb was raised by about 15-20 ° and bandaged with an elastic bandage. Parallel treatment is performed by administering streptazy, urokinase streptokinase, and intravenous injections Heparin . reopoliglyukina . pentoxifylline .

Around the fifth to the tenth day the patient is recommended to return to an active lifestyle. For this, they appoint a special gymnastics. In the first days of exercises performed in the supine position - a flexion and extension of the foot. After a few days these exercises are performed sitting already, they later recommended dosage walking. But this leg have to be properly bandaged with an elastic bandage.

Also for the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis used some unconventional methods of treatment. Girudinoterapiya   (leech) is used to treat those patients who have contraindications to anticoagulant treatment. However, there are a number of contraindications for this method of treatment: anemia . pregnancy   and etc.

After the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis ended, the next few months to undergo restoration in a resort, taking radon or hydrogen sulfide baths.

Generally, the prognosis for people with acute superficial thrombophlebitis favorable. However, after the disease in most people develop chronic venous insufficiency . With such a person develops illness edematous form of post-thrombotic syndrome pain . erysipelas . sores . As a result, a person can permanently lose the ability to work.

Prevention of thrombophlebitis

 Thrombophlebitis  To prevent the occurrence of thrombosis should be promptly and properly treat chronic venous diseases. To provide quality preventive thrombosis, patients with varicose veins should receive advice from experts and inspections, and to carry out their orders. Very important is the prevention of the disease in pregnant women: women who are prone to varicose disease, it is imperative to wear special compression stockings periodically undergo a course of massage therapy. It is particularly important to comply with the recommendations in the second half of pregnancy.

People who are recovering from surgery, it is advisable to engage in physical therapy, massage. It is important to regular use of compression garments with characteristics of elastic bandages. If patients received an intravenous infusion of certain drugs, you need to pay special attention to compliance with all the rules of aseptic and antiseptic. Not to be used for infusion leg veins.

Feeding habits also have an impact: it is important not to abuse the animal fat, too fat meat, and the diet include various vegetable oils, berries, vegetables and other foods with a high content of rutin and ascorbic acid.

Important and everyday activities: you often walking, swimming and cycling. Resting, keep the feet up periodically able to enhance blood flow. When sitting feet do not need to cross. Women do not have to wear shoes with heels: Casual shoes should have a heel no higher than five centimeters.

You should avoid eating too much, because excess weight   also a contributing factor to the disease. Provoke the disease can be too hot tubs, weight lifting, hormonal drugs.

Be particularly careful to monitor compliance with these rules for people who have a tendency to diseases of veins, as well as pregnant women.

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