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February 11, 2012

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 Urethritis  Urethritis - A disease which is characterized by the manifestation of inflammation in the urethra. The most prominent symptoms of urethritis are expressed pain during urination, as well as the appearance of discharge from the urethra. This disease is diagnosed in patients of both sexes.

Types urethritis

Urethritis - infectious disease, thus its development is due to exposure to an infectious agent. These may be viruses . mushrooms . bacteria   et al. Also, especially in rare cases occur disease ray . toxic . allergic   urethritis and some of his other views.

Depending on a result of exposure to the pathogen evolves urethritis, there are two different types of diseases: urethritis specific   and nonspecific . In the first case, the occurrence of a specific urethritis provoke genital infections   ( Chlamydia . gonococcus . Trichomonas . ureaplasma   et al.) Such infections can be combined with exposure to other viruses, fungi, bacteria, and the body may be several infections. In this case, the disease is complicated by the fact that, as a rule, a person does not fix the acute stage of the disease becomes chronic.

Non-specific urethritis manifested as a result of exposure to pathogenic microflora. Its appearance provoked staphylococci . streptococci . E. coli . fungi   et al., in both cases the disease develops and shows almost the same. But it is important to consider that in the case of sexual infection to sexual partners over the patient should be examined and treated.

Features urethritis

 Urethritis  As a rule, a manifestation of a specific urethritis occurs after sexual intercourse. However, it happens that a person becomes infected, and at certain times becomes a carrier of infection. In this case, the disease can manifest itself at any time. As a result of sexual contact can occur, and non-specific urethritis.

The cause of the inflammatory process in the urethra becomes failure immunity channel wall. The urethra is constantly infected, getting the infection occurs through blood from the intestines to the skin of the other places. Particularly strong infection occurs during sexual intercourse. Consequently, while the wall of the urethra can cope with the infection, the disease does not develop. But at the slightest failure of defense mechanisms there is an inflammatory process that is accompanied by all the attendant symptoms.

There are a number of factors that are often predisposing to the disease process. First of all, urethritis in men and women may be due to a single or continuous exposure. On the occurrence of urethritis affected by the presence in humans urolithiasis . When the sand or stone moves through the urethra, then it may cause injury and the subsequent appearance of the walls of urethritis. Predispose to the disease of the penis injury too heavy exercise, irregular sexual life. However, too much sexual activity and frequent partner changes can also trigger the development of disease. Not recommended too frequent consumption of spicy foods, and salty, acidic foods, pickled vegetables, large quantities of alcohol. Once in the urine, the substance of such foods irritate the wall of the channel. As a result, it may be inflammation or progression of existing manifest disease.

Provoking factor symptoms of urethritis often becomes insufficient drinking: irregular urination trigger delay of bacteria in the body, because it is the urine washes them away from the wall of the bladder. When neskolkochasovom interval between voiding the risk of inflammation significantly increased. Urethritis may also occur with chronic inflammations occurring in the body.

Thus, there are many factors that may later become crucial in the development of urethritis. Therefore, this condition may occur in any person.

The symptoms of urethritis

 Urethritis  Early in the disease manifested pronounced symptoms of urethritis: severe pain and stinging, itching and burning sensation when urinating. It is also in the process of voiding a person can feel any other uncomfortable symptoms. Similar feelings arise and genitals, and perineum.

Another important symptom of urethritis - is the emergence of discharge from the urethra. They may be varied. So, depending on what provoked the pathogen urethritis, isolation can be very heavy or very scarce. During acute illness outer edge of the hole may become inflamed and stick together. However, in some cases, the development of urethritis generally not accompanied by a discharge.

Each subsequent exacerbation inflammation affects all Bole substantial part of the mucous membrane of the urethra. Therefore, symptoms of urethritis with every aggravation becoming more pronounced. Therefore, if the disease is not treated with appropriate methods that may cause complications of urethritis.

If we consider the symptoms of urethritis in terms of their display for each of the types of disease, some apparent clinical differences.

For example, in acute urethritis in men and women is the main symptoms of severe burning and pain during urination, the presence of abundant discharge from the urethra, swelling and redness of the lips noticeable urethra. When torpid urethritis observed subjective disorders. They do not appear clearly in some cases completely absent.

In the case of sub-acute urethritis decreases pain and swelling in the urethra, also decreases the amount of bleeding. Only in the morning sometimes it appears a crust, gluing the external urethral opening. Urine has a transparent color tone, it may occur purulent thread.

In chronic urethritis, which manifests itself as a result of improper treatment approach or complete lack of it, may be neurotic phenomenon. Most often, this form of urethritis are present small urethrorrhea . They become more abundant when the availability of some of the factors that provoke the exacerbation of the disease. This may be excessive use of alcohol, excitement, hypothermia. The symptoms of urethritis in the chronic form often resemble signs torpid urethritis .

For total urethritis characterized by inflammation of the urethra in general. Symptoms of this form of the disease are similar to symptoms prostatitis . It is important to consider that in the absence of therapy, symptoms of urethritis may disappear on their own. However, with each subsequent exacerbation of the disease the symptoms are even more pronounced. As a result, the patient may experience severe complications of urethritis.

Complications urethritis

In the absence of appropriate treatment urethritis in men may be complicated by a number of phenomena. First of all, acute urethritis may acquire chronic. Perhaps the development of inflammation of the prostate gland ( prostatitis ), Inflammation of the testicles ( orchitis ), Inflammation of seminal vesicles ( vesiculitis ). Because of urethritis may also develop balanitis . balanoposthitis Possibly narrowing of the urethra.

If urethritis in women as possible complications violation of the microflora of the vagina . cystitis . at ospalitelnye phenomenon urinary tract .

Diagnosis of urethritis

 Urethritis  For proper treatment is necessary, first of all, to establish the correct diagnosis. First of all, the doctor tries to find out what causes provoked the appearance of the patient's urethritis. Thus, to establish the causative agent applied various laboratory tests (smear, DNA diagnostics, PCR). Often, a doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs to adequately assess their condition. Guided by these results, the patient is assigned to a specific therapy.

Treatment of urethritis

To urethritis treatment was as effective as possible, it is necessary first of all to determine what infection provoked inflammation of the urethra. In the treatment of urethritis using the same regimens as for the treatment of thrush . Chlamydia . gonorrhea   and a number of other diseases of the reproductive system. To combat pathogens using different drugs. First of all, it is antibiotics And the means with antifungal and antiviral effect.

It is important that the treatment of urethritis paralleled both sexual partners because of the high likelihood of transmission of infection during sexual intercourse.

And specific and non-specific urethritis treat, guided by the same principles. This classification is important from the point of view of a particular selection of products for the treatment of urethritis, and to understand whether there is a need in the treatment of the sexual partner of the patient.

If a patient is diagnosed combination of urethritis and cystitis, the important holistic approach to treatment. But the doctor is required to appoint the use of physical therapy and instillation of drugs into the bladder and urethra. The treatment process may last a few days or a few weeks: it depends on the severity of the disease.

What is important is the correct approach to treatment and to the patient. Effective not only medication, but also adherence to prescribed by a doctor diet , Abstinence from alcohol, drinking plenty of fluids.

After the therapy is finished, and all the symptoms have disappeared, should be mandatory to carry out the analysis again to monitor the patient's condition. This will help make sure that the infection succeeded in destroying.

Prevention urethritis

As the prevention of urethritis is important to follow a healthy diet, eliminate from the diet abundance of sharp, salty, acidic foods, alcoholic beverages. What is important and proper drinking regime: each day a person must drink plenty of fluids. The best option - the use of a simple non-carbonated water. If necessary, you can use diuretics - for this suit lime tea, cucumber, black currant and cranberry juice, parsley.

You should also avoid exposure to cold, wear warm clothes and comfortable in winter, to avoid problems with a chair, carefully monitor the hygiene of the genital organs. If symptoms of inflammation should immediately contact a specialist to cure the disease at an early stage.

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