Description overdue on 10/10/2014
- Latin name: Myramistin-Darnitsa
- ATC code: D08AJ
- Active substance: Miramistin (Miramistin)
- Manufacturer: PJSC "Pharmaceutical firm" Darnitsa ", Ukraine
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The structure of funds Miramistin Darnitsya It contains an active ingredient miramistin (calculated as anhydrous substance), and additional components - Proxanol 268, macrogol 400, macrogol 1500, macrogol 6000, disodium edetate, propylene glycol, purified water.
Product form
Available in the form of an ointment, which is white in color. Miramistin ointment is packed in aluminum tubes, 15 and 30 In a pile of cardboard tube 1 is embedded.
Pharmacological action
As part of the ointment contains a cationic Miramistin Darnitsya miramistin, which is antiseptic. As a consequence, the drug provides an antimicrobial effect, acting on gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic microflora. Ointment acts as a monoculture and the microbial association, including in hospital strains, which are resistant to antibiotics.
The most pronounced effect ointment has on gram-positive bacteria, in particular streptococci, staphylococci, and others. Effective also ascomycetes genus Penicillium and genus Aspergillus, for yeast, fungi, yeast, and dermatophyte on a number of other pathogenic fungi. Miramistin Darnitsya affects fungi that show resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs.
In treating these means reduced rezistenstnost fungi and bacteria to Antibiotic . Since Miramistin has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial effects, opposed to infection of wounds, microbes, activates the process of cell regeneration.
The drug also has hyperosmolar activity that allows you to effectively arrest the wound and perifocal inflammation, reduce the amount of purulent exudate and necrotic tissue to dehydrate. Consequently, quickly formed a dry scab at the site of the lesion. When using the ointment is not viable skin cells are damaged, there is no suppression of the edge epithelialization.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Based on the physical and chemical properties Miramistin Darnitsya affects both the surface microflora on the wound, and those agents that are located in the tissues that surround the wound. It should therefore be taken into account that a small amount of active substance reaches the systemic circulation of human.
The ointment is applied in the following cases:
- In surgical practice - With a view to treatment of infected wounds during the first phase of wound healing. Used in the treatment of venous ulcers, purulent lesions, bedsores, postoperative wounds festering, Fistula and others. The second phase is used to prevent re-infection infection granulating wounds.
- It is used to treatment of deep and superficial burns . and frostbite . The practice of applying the means to autodermaplasty to prepare for the operation of burn wounds.
- Miramistin Darnitsya prescribed to patients with a view candidiasis treatment of skin and mucous membranes . streptococci and stafilodermy . fungal infections . pyoderma in a complicated form, onychomycosis , Keratomikozov, dermatomycoses smooth skin.
- In the preparation of household and industrial injuries neobshirnyh used to prevent complications due to infection.
Do not use the drug in case of hypersensitivity to its components.
Side effects
Sometimes in the course of treatment of burns and trophic ulcers, patients may experience a burning sensation not strong. At the point where the ointment has been applied, there is redness, felt itch .
These symptoms disappear after some time on their own, with no need to discontinue therapy and to apply any means to address them.
There may also be shown allergic reactions .
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
If the patient uses Ointment Miramistin, instructions for use provided it is applied directly to the place that was hit. Miramistin Darnitsya applied after standard treatment was carried wounds and burns. After the surface treatment on her prick gauze bandage. Instruction in the ointment Miramistin also allows for the application of the drug in the first material for bandaging, after which it has to prick wound. In the presence of sinus tracts they entered turundy gauze with ointment.
If we treat septic wounds or burns, in a first operating phase, the ointment is applied once a day. The second phase of wound healing it is applied once in 1-3 days, taking into account the intensity of symptoms.
The duration of treatment depends on how quickly heal the wound, how active it is cleared of festering. If the infection is localized deep in the soft tissues, the ointment can be administered simultaneously with antibiotics. The duration of treatment depends on the duration of the antibiotic therapy.
With the purpose of treatment of dermatological diseases thin layer of ointment is applied to affected areas of the skin. Apply it must be a very thin layer. Means may be impregnated gauze, then superimpose it on the affected area.
In the treatment of tinea ointment applied for simultaneously with antifungal agents for systemic effects or griseofulvin. In the treatment of fungal infections initially need to peel the nail plate.
The highest daily dose of ointment should not be higher than 100 g
No cases of overdose were observed. But if the tool with miramistinom used for treatment of large surfaces of the skin, the active substance can enter the systemic circulation. Then it is possible lengthening of the period of bleeding. In this case, you should reduce the dose or discontinue treatment completely. If necessary, appointed Vikasol, oral calcium supplementation.
Keep in mind that the funds that are composed of anionic surfactants (soaps), inactivated Miramistin.
If it is a combination treatment, in which the practice of systemic antibiotics and topical treatment of drug-Miramistin Darnitsa, a dose of antibiotics can be reduced.
Terms of sale
The pharmacy Miramistin Darnitsa can be purchased without a prescription.
Storage conditions
Ointment should be protected from access by children, kept at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.
Shelf life
Store the tool can be 2 years.
If you put ointment on the wound, which has been previously treated with an aseptic solution effectiveness Miramistin Darnitsya becomes more pronounced. If present in the wound necrotic mass means dosage must be increased.
On the ability to concentrate the drug has no effect.
Analogues of ointment preparations are Miramistin Darnitsya Decamethoxin . Miramistin solution Okomistin et al. Replace the drug analogue can be only after a doctor's appointment.
To date, no reliable information about the safety of this drug for the treatment of children, so pediatric therapy Miramistin Darnitsya not carried out.
During pregnancy and lactation
If you need to use the ointment in the period pregnancy or breast-feeding , You must first consult with a specialist, and use drugs strictly for its intended purpose.
Reviews ointment Miramistin Darnitsya
On the effectiveness of mostly positive. Leaving Testimonials note that Miramistin Darnitsya promotes rapid healing of wounds, get rid of the purulent mass. It is also noted the effectiveness of this medication for burns.
Price Miramistin Darnitsya where to buy
Price ointment Miramistin 15 ml on average 80 rubles.
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