Even sex is necessary to put them in a tough schedule, which is made a few days ahead. This is the harsh reality of life of today's young parents as researchers found in the UK.
Sex on schedule
Commissioned by the country's largest site for parents Netmums opinion poll showed that a third of young dads and moms
make love only once a week, and a quarter do it once a month. At the same time, 60% of sex does not occur spontaneously, as is usually the case with young people, and on schedule - parents of pre-planning on what day of the week and what time of day they can find 10-15 minutes to perform marital duties.
Sex on schedule It will be one of the trends of 2014, as predicted by the site.
Today's parents have no time to deal with them, because they need to find the time to clean the house, feeding the children, checking homework, trips to the laundry and grocery stores, as well as dozens of other cases. That's why the majority of mothers and fathers of young children, lovemaking planned in advance. Meanwhile, as many experts in the field of sexual relations, Sex on schedule pretty quickly it kills the passion of both men and women, because love should try to engage spontaneously when both partners covers the desire, and not when they have time.
"Spontaneity is wonderful when you can afford it, but the young parents understand that if they wait until their desire to coincide with the availability of free time, such a moment may never come - says co-founder of Netmums Siobhan Freegard. - So the Pope and mothers come to a consensus is not too pleasant - to make love, even if you do not really feel like this. Sex on schedule will be one of the most important "parenting trends" 2014 ". (READ MORE)
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