Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Smoking: The future in question

May 31, 2011

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 Smoking: The future in question  Today, May 31, World No Tobacco Day . On this day, our entire planet is becoming one large zone free from tobacco smoke. And as if the phrase had not been visiting the Ministry of Health warning about the dangers of smoking, the fact remains that - smoking is dangerous to health. And this is confirmed by numerous studies on the impact of smoking on the human body.

American scientists have found that maternal smoking changes genes child. Researchers at the University of Los Angeles (USA) have shown that maternal smoking during pregnancy is able to change the structure of its DNA. Until that day, it was thought that the DNA can not be changed, except that under the influence of radiation. But today, more and more studies show that the DNA structure undergoes a process methylation .

Data were subjected to analysis of 173 children who participated in the research. And the mother and grandmother of the subjects smoked during their pregnancy . DNA test results showed that the changes were the genes responsible for the development of the immune system.
 Smoking: The future in question  Also, in a study it was found that DNA methylation mostly expressed in girls. The participation of grandmothers in the experiments showed that the modified genes are not handed down grandchildren.

Scientists have once again warned of the dangers posed by smoking. Changes in genes on the background of smoking, especially fraught with consequences of asthma And deleteriously affects the immune system of the child, resulting in the development of cancer.

A British researchers found that only one pack of cigarettes per day leads to changes in the DNA in tissues of the smoker. The result of this process may be the lung cancer and melanoma . The authors investigated the discovery of healthy cells smoker diagnosed with lung cancer and similar cells in melanoma. The results shocked everyone: 23 thousand mutations were found in the first case and 30 thousand - in the second. Scientists believe that cancer can be prevented by giving up an addiction, as they found that the changes in the genes that lead to cancer, occur under the influence of cigarette smoke carcinogens.

Furthermore, cigarette smoke affects the process of cell division. Scientists from the University of Tasmania (Australia) argue cigarette smoke affects gene expression And this leads to the development of malignant tumors.

 Smoking: The future in question  From 1240 volunteers participated in the study, 297 people were heavy smokers. In the study of the blood of smokers for gene activity it was found that Expression 323 undergone gene. Studies have proven that smoking affects not only individual genes, but also on the whole chain of education genes.

And it is only a small part of the research in this field, which permeates one and one for all the importance of research - smoking is not only harmful to our health, but also puts an end to the health of future generations . Think, people!

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