Thursday, December 21, 2017

Pediatric urology

May 18, 2013

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 Pediatric urology  Urology is a very large section of modern medicine, which deals with the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system. It consists of the bladder, kidney, urethra, prostate, external genitalia.

Previously, both adult and pediatric urology were part of the surgical branch of medicine. In the first decades of the twentieth century, urology and surgery were divided.

What do pediatric urology

Pediatric urology   in modern medicine - this is the section that is responsible for the treatment of diseases of urinary organs in children. All processes that are characteristic of the child's body, characterized by specific anatomical and physiological characteristics and flow patterns. In addition, we have already proved that many surgical interventions, in which the corrected birth defects and developmental anomalies, to carry out a better childhood. That is why any department of pediatric urology practice treatment of a large variety of diseases. After all, most of the diseases of urogenital organs that occur in adult patients, observed in children. However, there are diseases that occur exclusively in children. For example, bed-wetting   - A disease that is specific to children.

Any pediatric urology center also offers diagnostic services to which urologists are especially careful. The fact that young children are not able to thoroughly and completely describe the symptoms of the disease, which worries him. That is why children's andrology also based on extensive experience of doctors who must always know how to make a diagnosis based on quite poor data.

The main symptoms of urological diseases

Parents should pay attention to a number of signs that indicate irregularities in the functioning of the urogenital system. First of all, it is the presence of changes in the results urine . However, even without laboratory tests, parents can observe the baby urine became turbid, discolored, she has a bad odor. Urine children conducted periodically - in the first months of life, and then at intervals of two years for preventive research.

Another common symptom that causes concern for the child's parents - a violation of urination. The child may complain of pain during urination, besides, he could urinate too often. But the most dangerous symptom - the complete absence of urination. It is also a sign of the disease is urinary incontinence. Sometimes, in this case we are talking about enuresis   - Pathology requiring treatment.

Pain in the kidneys, which complains of a child is also a supply to the doctor for treatment. However, children often can not determine exactly where the pain appears, showing a belly. Sometimes kidney pain accompanies the child abdominal distention   and vomiting. If such symptoms to the doctor should be contacted immediately.

Sometimes parents can detect a tumor at the child in the lower back or abdomen. If groped tumor formation, it may be the kidney, which is wrong, or full bladder. But consult a pediatric urologist is required to pass.

The main urological diseases

 Pediatric urology  Human urinary system comprises two kidneys, which are located in the lumbar region of the spine from the two sides under the edge of the costal arch. The kidney tubules penetrate, which open into the renal pelvis and calyx, which passes into the ureter, into the bladder empties.

Urologist in the diagnostic process defines various children's urological diseases. It should be noted that infants urination disorders are usually not determine how serious pathologies. Daytime or nighttime incontinence in under two years is a natural process in a child. Urinary incontinence   the disease is considered to be the girls who passed 4 years and boys after the age of five.

Also involved in the definition of pediatric urology and subsequent treatment of a number of diseases. These are different forms of dysfunction of the bladder, urinary tract infections, both acute and chronic, congenital malformations of the urinary system, and the external genitalia.

As the medical statistics, certain problems in the functioning or structure of the urogenital system are observed almost every third child. Quite often, the doctor says that the worsening of urinary tract problems in children - is the result of late referral to a specialist. At the same time, if the children's urological diseases are detected immediately after the onset of symptoms or suspicion, the doctor can help correct as anomalies of the urinary system, and promote the adaptation of normal psycho-sexual nature. Therefore, doctors strongly advise parents to be attentive to health and to the complaints of the child.

When to call a urologist?

 Pediatric urology  As a rule, the majority of urologic diseases in children are congenital. Acquired disease usually diagnosed in adults. Most pathology of the system may be determined by the child before birth or directly at the maternity hospital. If a child has abnormal development of the external genitalia, the pediatrician is easy to detect them immediately after the child's birth and send the kid to be examined by a urologist. By the way, pediatric urologist in the research process and inform parents on how to care for the child's genitals as proper hygiene significantly reduces the risk of disease. For example, if the wrong result of accumulation of retirement under the foreskin, the boy remains of urine and smegma may be sharp balanoposthitis .

In addition, doctors are isolated and other diseases, because of which parents are often forced to turn to a pediatric urologist. Hydrocele the boy often detected immediately after birth. However, doctors determine the natural state - dropsy newborns, which provokes strong squeezing the testicles during childbirth. During the month, this phenomenon takes place. If after a month there is a periodic increase in the scrotum, then in that case you need to have surgery, which takes place between the ages of 10 to 12 months.

Cryptorchism   undescended testicle diagnosed from the abdomen into the scrotum. Initially, the child is held ultrasound or MRI to determine exactly where an egg. Treatment is carried out surgically, or the child is appointed by the administration of hormones.

Varicocele   - Is a pathology in which there is varicose veins of the spermatic cord and the testicle. This disease is typical even for teenagers. The boys at 12-14 years is significantly increased hormonal activity, which leads to the development of varicocele. Treatment in modern hospitals performed using laparoscopy.

Hypospadias   and epispadias   - Abnormalities anatomy of the penis innate character when there is a shift meatus I on the lower surface of the penis (defined hypospadias ) Or upper (Definition epispadias ). In this pathology occurs severe curvature of the penis, and a person can suffer from urinary incontinence. The solution can be plastic surgery, but to spend it urologists advise as soon as possible - about one year old.

Besides these common diseases of pediatric urology and faced with more serious pathologies. This is primarily anomalies having obstructive   character (in this case the flow of urine is disturbed due to the presence of additional vessel) and reflyuksiruyuschy   character (there is a casting in the renal pelvis the contents of the bladder). Schistocystis - Very serious anomaly in which there is no front wall of the bladder. Treatment is also done by surgery, but such intervention is required to take place in several stages.


 Pediatric urology  In modern medicine, urological diseases in children diagnosed with advanced techniques. For example, in recent years in urology define a separate section - endoscopic urology . With the help of cutting-edge devices and instruments held as diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic procedures.

Referral to a specialist is indicated if the parents suspect that develop diseases of the genitourinary system in children. It may be suspected if the baby has been a violation in the process of urination, enuresis, occur regularly or pain in the abdomen, frequent rises in body temperature, which is difficult to explain. It is also important to consider discoloration of urine child   or the presence of certain changes in the analysis. In the presence of one or more of the problems induced the list, be sure to take the child to the doctor. It is desirable that the child has consulted pediatric urologist. It urologist diagnoses, prescribes treatment and recommends preventive measures in diseases of the urinary system in children. As a rule, pediatric urology consultation suggests additional research. Sometimes it is necessary to additionally examined the baby surgeon or other specialists.

In modern medicine, diagnosis involves not only the confirmation of the disease, but also their prevention and early detection of urinary tract malformations congenital nature.

Prevention of urologic diseases in children

Children urologists are urged to respect a number of preventive measures that significantly reduce the risk of urological diseases. First of all, parents need to pay special attention to the anatomy of the external genitalia of the child as a pediatrician examines them only when preventive checks, and parents can do it regularly. If your doctor recommends that ultrasound is needed to make sure. When the first symptoms or signs that are alarming parents, you should immediately seek help from the Department of Pediatric Urology.

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