Description overdue on 06/10/2014
- Latin name: Aseptolin
- ATC code: D08AX
- Active substance: Glitseritan (Glyceritan)
- Manufacturer: Pharmaceutical Plant (Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- What Aseptolin, indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions on Aseptolin (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
Aseptolina Composition (main components)
A solution comprising glycerol Extract, cranberries, and purified water glitseritan . The structure includes 90% Aseptolin 90 ml glitseritana.
Product form
The solution was dark red color discharged in special lighting glass vials, and cans made of polyethylene. The amount of bottles from 25 to 250 ml. Treatment solution and disinfecting medical equipment Improvement packaged in containers of 5 and 10 liters.
Pharmacological action
What Aseptolin and how it works? The solution has Antiseptic and acts against gram-positive in flora, most Gram-negative bacteria. The antimicrobial activity is dependent on the concentration glitseritana solution (alcohol content 70% and 90%).
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
When topically applied medication is practically not absorbed through the walls of the mucous membranes, skin.
What Aseptolin, indications
In gynecology and obstetrics medicament for use in treating:
- wounds vagina and perineum;
- suppurative processes after delivery ;
- the development of postpartum infections.
In traumatology and surgery:
- the prevention of inflammatory processes;
- prevention of septic complications;
- treatment of the surgical field;
- processing hands of medical staff.
What can be applied in Aseptolin Combustiology :
- Preparation for dermatoplastike when burn injuries;
- skin treatment before transplantation.
The Venereology and a dermatological practice, the solution is applied at:
- athlete's foot;
- candidiasis of the skin;
- ringworm;
- pyoderma.
The drug does not apply when the identified individual hypersensitivity to the components.
Side effects
Soreness, redness, allergic responses . Rarely observed inhibition of the nervous system due to systemic toxicity, resorptive effect solution. It is unacceptable to use the drug Aseptolin inside. Existing components are dangerous and if swallowed can cause:
- burns mucous walls;
- mental disorders;
- erectile dysfunction ;
- the death of brain cells;
- diseases of liver;
- ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract .
Taking into Aseptolin harmful because may develop psychological dependence .
Instructions on Aseptolin (method and dosage)
Processing injection field by double wiping with a gauze pad soaked in a solution.
Cases not described in the literature.
Important clinical interaction is not described.
Terms of sale
Over the counter.
Storage conditions
Keep away from the aggressive solution to exposure to sunlight. The preferred temperature for the solution of - 25 degrees.
Shelf life
2 years.
Can I drink Aseptolin?
The drug is not suitable for indoor use, and may cause burns the esophagus , Poisoning and life-threatening condition.
Vishnevsky ointment
Hydrogen peroxide
Permanganic acid
Similarly, on the pharmacological effect of the drug is Miramistin .
Application pediatric dangerous because of the risk of central nervous system depression, even when an appropriate external use.
Health professionals are actively using the solution in daily practice for processing instruments and hands before surgery.
Price Aseptolina where to buy
The low cost of the drug attracts buyers who suffer alcoholism . Price Aseptolina in Russia is only 15 rubles. The price of medication depends on the sales region.
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