Friday, December 1, 2017

6 risk factors for diabetes

 6 risk factors for diabetes  Type 2 diabetes - is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. During his pancreas begins to produce less insulin, responsible for the blood sugar level.

There are many factors the risk of type 2 diabetes:

1. Enormous role played by genetics. If your immediate family - parents, brothers, sisters - have diabetes, it is an occasion to reflect. You should have regular checkups at the doctor.

2. If a woman has experience gestational diabetes (ie, diabetes during pregnancy), and had a child with more weight, both of them have a higher   the risk of type 2 diabetes in future.

3. The presence of other complications, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels in the body, may also contribute to increased risk of   Diabetes .

4. The situation is aggravated by passive lifestyle, immobility or low activity.

5. Another factor the risk of diabetes - Unique to women. If they suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, it also can increase the risk of developing the disease.

6. With age, people more likely to develop diabetes. If you are over 45 years old, you should measure the level of glucose in the body every three years.

To reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes you must take appropriate measures. It is maintaining a reasonable weight, healthy eating, physical activity, regular check-ups by a doctor.

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