Doctors are sounding the alarm because of the dangerous fashion, spreading among men. They mix Viagra with Ecstasy pills to sex brought them a sense of euphoria, without thinking of the consequences for health.
serotonin syndrome
serotonin syndrome
They do not know that the combination of these drugs in the body produces an excess amount of serotonin. It is called the hormone of pleasure, and it really enhances the mood. However, an excess of this hormone begin serotonin syndrome Causing disorientation, hallucinations, tremor of limbs, seizures. In severe cases, it ends arrhythmia, coma and death.
It is especially dangerous that the "euphoric sex" dream to achieve non-traditional buyers of Viagra, that is, men over 50, and young people, which has no problems with erection. She is looking for thrills, often combining this drug not only ecstasy, but also with other drugs. Under the action of Viagra young people are willing to have sex for hours, and the drugs they need to replenish forces and extra fun. Any combination of Viagra with narcotic drugs pose risks to health and life. This applies even less popular among young people, and amyl nitrite poppers. (READ MORE)
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