Description overdue on 07/10/2014
- Latin name: Verrucacid
- ATC code: D11AF
- Active substance: Phenol cresol +
- Manufacturer: FNPP UAB Retinoids, Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions on Verrukatsid (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
As a part of 1 gram of funds: 588 mg phenol and 392 mg cresol + Excipients (95% ethanol and water).
Product form
The drug is released in the form of an oil. Color: pink or light yellow, has a peculiar odor of phenol.
The tool is sold in bottles of dark glass with an applicator with a capacity of 2 grams.
Pharmacological action
Cauterizing, mummified .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Included in the proteins coagulate means components of the skin. Unwanted growths mummified and disappear after a short period of time.
The medicine has a very local effect. Do not fall into the systemic circulation.
Assign Verrukatsid:
- from papillomas ;
- normal, plantar and threadlike Warts ;
- dry corns ;
- from keratitis ;
- genital Warts on the skin.
This tool does not use:
- in the presence of allergies into its components;
- aged up to 7 years;
- Removal pigmented nevi (moles);
- on surfaces with a total area greater than 20 cm2;
- to remove tumors in the mucosa and its borders.
Side effects
When applying the funds to the eyelid, redness and swelling, which takes place after some time on their own.
There are burning and itching during cauterization, reaction hypersensitivity .
Instructions on Verrukatsid (method and dosage)
The drug is used exclusively outwardly . Apply a special applicator or wooden tool strictly tumors, avoiding the solution to a healthy skin and mucous membranes.
To reduce the likelihood of damage to the surrounding tissue, they should be coated with zinc paste. After carrying out the necessary procedures, the paste gently remove dry swab.
According to the instructions on the use of small papillomas and warts threadlike enough to handle once.
Neoplasms large (3-4 mm) was treated 3-4 times with intervals, so that the liquid has had time to absorb.
Warts Located on the hands and soles may be processed from 7 to 10 times with the same interval.
Dry corn and keratomas should be treated with standard 4 times intermittently.
If the wart or corn are tight horny surface, they must first be softened. Can be applied keratolytic ointment ( salicylic ) And polyethylene cover portion and then apply a gauze bandage. After some time, the bandage is removed, the skin to steam in the water with baking soda for about 15 minutes, cut the dead skin areas with forceps. Apply the medication can dry the surface after a few times with a standard interval.
Pointed warts it is not recommended to remove yourself, this is best done in the treatment room under the supervision of a physician.
A week and a half after the crust is no longer possible to repeat the procedure (five times).
There were no cases of overdose.
If the drug was on the healthy skin, is formed corrosive burn .
To avoid unwanted effects as soon as possible without rubbing, remove the tool from the healthy skin.
Then handle portion and an alcohol rinse with running water with soap. If the burn is still formed, you can apply healing agent.
The treated areas are not recommended to lubricate the preparations on the basis of ointment.
Terms of sale
The recipe is not necessary.
Storage conditions
Store in a dark, reach of children, at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
Shelf life
5 years.
Particular care should be exercised in the treatment of children means.
Avoid contact with the drug in the eyes and mucous membranes.
The treated areas are not bandaged, not to seal and lubricate anything to wear clothes made of natural fabrics.
It is impossible to tear the crust, produce reprocessing tumors early. You can not wet the treated area for at least a day.
Not recommended processing groin folds of skin between the toes, in the anal area to prevent spreading of the preparation and burns.
The closest analogue of the drug: Ferezol, Isoprinosine, Viferon, Collomak .
During pregnancy and lactation
The drug can be used during pregnancy and during breast after consulting your doctor.
When lactation can not be removed from the area of breast tumors and hands.
Reviews Verrukatside
In the application of warts Verrukatside good reviews about. The drug is effective and usually does not cause discomfort and burns. However, some felt the pain and burning at the site of application, accidentally touched the skin healthy and it remained burns. Not many described cases of medication for warts. Reviews on Verrukatsid concern mainly small-sized warts.
Price Verrukatsida where to buy
Price Verrukatsida of papillomas is about 160 rubles per bottle.
Where to buy in Moscow? Buy drug in the capital of Russia is possible in any drugstore, on average, for 175 rubles.
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