Description overdue on 03/10/2014
- Latin name: Thymogen
- ATC code: L03AA
- Active substance: Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan (Alfa-glutamyl-triptophan)
- Manufacturer: Tsitomed biomedical NPK (Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use timogena (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
1 ml of solution is 100 g of active ingredient alpha-tryptophan glumatil . In one spray dose - 25 micrograms. 100 g of cream - 50 mg of active substance.
Product form
The drug is available in the form of a spray, cream, solution.
Solution for intramuscular injection glumatil alpha-tryptophan has almost no color. Available in ampoules of 1 ml. In a cardboard bundle is 5 vials.
Spray Timogen applied nasally, so metered bottle has a specific shape. Volumes 3, 5, 10 ml. The contents of the vial may have inherent odor.
Timogen sodium is alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan, sodium salt. Available in the form of a white cream to yellow, pearly shade. Cream It can be packed in glass jars or aluminum tubes (capacity 20 or 30 g).
Pharmacological action
The active ingredient is a synthetic dipeptide, which comprises amino acid residues tryptophan and glutamine . The drug has a marked immunostimulatory effect Which is achieved by activating the body's own tread. The drug is able to increase non-specific resistance of the organism, to activate the activity macrophages , Monocytes, increase the severity of the phagocytic activity neutrophil . Enroll antimediatornye properties . High efficacy seen with suppressor immunodeficiencies such as "T" .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Given the nature of the peptide timogena, study its pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics is not possible.
The drug is used in the complex therapy Infectious Pathology Which arises or is accompanied by low rates cellular immunity . The drug is prescribed for necrosis, while emerging necrotic processes after injuries and fractures in the oppression of recovery (reparation) processes. The drug may be administered after surgery to prevent complications of infectious and inflammatory nature.
From prevention to Timogen prescribed for:
- bacterial, viral, chlamydial infections ;
- oppression own hematopoiesis;
- regenerative braking processes;
- chemotherapy;
- treatment with high doses of antibiotics;
- in diseases of the respiratory system.
Timogen cream prescribed for:
- eczema (microbial, true, chronic);
- dermatitis (secondary, atopic);
- traumatic injuries (chemical, mechanical, thermal);
- pyoderma (chronic form, diffuse streptoderma) .
- Individual hypersensitivity to Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan;
- breast-feeding ;
- during pregnancy .
Side effects
Enroll allergic responses .
Instructions for use timogena (method and dosage)
Selection of the dosage form of the drug is dependent on many factors and is carried out by the attending doctor. Injections Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan do intramuscularly. One injection is provided by the daily activity of the active substance in the human body. Heading dose for adults is 300-1000 mg (single administration of 50-1000 mcg). For children The calculation is made on an individual basis, taking into account the severity of the underlying disease, comorbidities, response to initial therapy, the child's age. Depending on the severity of impaired immune function treatment may last from 3 to 10 days. Retreatment imunnosupressorami possible after 1-6 months, if necessary.
For the treatment of dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis used Cream Timogen . Instructions for use: twice a day for 1 g (band length of 40 mm and a diameter of 5 mm) is applied to the affected skin. It is unacceptable bandaging. Duration of therapy is no more than 20 days.
In the absence of treatment prescribed injectable form Spray Timogen . Instructions for use: twice a day for 1 dose in each nostril. Prophylactic medication is used 3-5 days, with the medical - 10. Perhaps the duplication rate after 1 month.
Symptomatology depends on the dosage form of the medicament.
A ten-fold excess of permissible single-dose nasal spray causes pollen disease , Mucous discharge from the nose, flu-like symptoms .
Intramuscular administration of high doses of the drug increases the severity of adverse reactions.
Cases of overdose cream are not described. Experimentally proved that toxic effect the medicament is not observed, even at therapeutic doses in excess of a thousand times.
The active ingredient capable of potentiating the effects and effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs.
Terms of sale
Sold strictly dispensaries, upon presentation of medical prescription form with a signed and stamped. Spray and cream can be purchased without a prescription.
Storage conditions
It refers to a medicament Schedule B . The vials and spray should be kept away from children, it is desirable to protect from light. Temperature for ampoules and creams - below 4 degrees, for spray - below 20 degrees.
Shelf life
Spray can store 2, 5 years, ampules - 3 years, cream - 2 years.
Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that the cream meets all the requirements that apply to external agents used in the treatment of dermatoses ( strofulyus , Atopic dermatitis, a form, pyoderma, eczema, microbial origin) in pediatric patients. The improvement of the barrier function of the skin is achieved by eliminating dryness and restore integrity epidermis . The drug has immunocorrective impact.
Medicines with a similar immunomodulatory effects:
- Immunoglobulin;
- TSikloferon;
- Tonsilgon® H;
- Broncho-moon.
Reviews Timogene
Analysis of the most relevant news medical forums shows that the drug has established itself as a highly effective means for the correction of the immune system. Reviews Timogene indicates good tolerability of injections and nasal form of the drug. Spray for children effectively used in pediatric practice, and become the drug of choice in the treatment of immune deficiencies in children of different age groups. Many users emit a spray, as the most convenient dosage form (vial equipped with a special dispenser).
Cream is considered an effective external agent in the treatment of skin diseases and does not cause strong negative reactions on the part of the body. Reviews injections timogena indicate intramuscular convenience and lack of side reactions such as soreness and redness after injection.
Price timogena where to buy
Cream in Russian pharmacies can be purchased for 200 rubles. Price spray Timogen It is about 185 rubles. The vials can be bought for 250 rubles. Price timogena may vary depending on the sales area and the pharmacy network.
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