Friday, March 10, 2017

Future obesity markedly since birth

 Future obesity markedly since birth  It's not just excess fat - the larger weight infants subsequently often become victims of obesity. This conclusion was American scientists.

Maybe parents should not rejoice too the birth of "heroes" weighing more than 4 kg. There is a considerable risk that the size of it will go into the years excess weight And then to obesity . Experts urge parents not to rely on the fact that the excess weight of their child over the years simply "disappear." This most likely will not happen.

Therefore, pediatricians need to take advantage of the scale of average growth and weight toddlers to pre-calculate their risk of becoming victims   obesity . Follow these indicators should physicians from birth to the age of three. Any deviation in a big way - a sure sign that the baby is moving towards obesity .

That is the conclusion drawn by researchers from Children's Hospital in Boston, working in the prevention program   overweight   led by Dr. Elsie Taveras. They observed a group of 44 thousand kids in 10 years. Studies have shown that if a child is growing faster than their peers, the risk of becoming a victim of obesity to five years it has doubled. In addition, these children are 75% more likely to suffer from obesity at age 10.

A similar relationship was observed between the weight of the baby and its later risk of obesity. And the most dangerous was the excess of average parameters of height and weight in the first six months of life. Experts from the Boston believe that these children should be automatically entered into a risk group. This means parents should take extra care in the formation of a child's diet. Forewarned is forearmed, and obesity is much easier just to prevent than to fight it with the help of tedious diets and physical activity.

Healthy Child

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