Monday, December 5, 2016

Varicose veins of the legs

June 17, 2012

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 Varicose veins of the legs  Varicose veins Which is also known as varicose veins, it appears as an extension of the superficial veins of the legs, which accompanies the violation of blood flow and the failure of the valve.

When varicose veins of the legs are formed extensions of the vein walls of the bag type. In this state there is an increase in the length of the veins, their snake curl,
valve insufficiency. Currently, varicose veins is very common: it occurs in about 17-25% of people.

At a young age, before puberty, the disease develops in the representatives of both sexes with the same frequency. However, women in adulthood varicose veins occurs twice as often than men. A similar picture can be attributed to significant hormonal changes during menstruation appearance, while carrying a child. As a result, the tone of the veins is reduced, they expand, and is a violation of venous circulation.

Causes of varicose veins of the legs

Today, experts are inclined to support the many theories that suggest why developing varicose veins. But, nevertheless, talking about the main cause of this disease, it should be noted violation of the valve apparatus of veins . As a consequence, the valves impede movement of blood in the opposite direction. Consequently, only occurs fully bloodstream to the heart. Insufficient function of venous valves may occur as a result of thrombosis , Congenital valvular insufficiency, weak vein walls and other reasons.

At insufficiency of the valves of veins of a man who rose to his feet, there is aspiration of blood down under the influence of gravity. When walking, there is a reduction of leg muscles surrounding the deep veins. Accordingly, the veins are emptied, and there is increasing venous pressure . As a result, the blood enters the superficial veins, they are stretched, and manifests varicosity .

There are also a number of factors that directly affect the progression of varicose veins. Women often develop varicose veins as a consequence pregnancy . During this period, the female body is significantly increased blood volume. The growing uterus puts pressure on the veins of strongly coming from the legs. In addition, during pregnancy the state of the walls of veins affected by hormonal changes the body. In many cases, varicose veins during pregnancy is reversible, ie, after delivery it gradually disappears.

Very often varicose veins seen in people who are in the process forced to stand for a long time. Another factor is the risk of varicose veins obesity : Obese people there is increased intra-abdominal pressure and, as a consequence, varicose veins.

Most veins dilate and the people who are prone to regular straining. This happens when chronic constipation . cough . prostate adenoma   and other conditions. Varicose veins can sometimes be a consequence of surgery on his legs.

Another factor predisposing to varicose veins - a person's age. Typically, with time an aging valves and vein walls. As a result, it loses its elasticity, and the veins are stretched.

Varicose veins often occur in patients Deep vein thrombosis Having congenital malformations of blood vessels .

Given those factors, which directly influenced the development of the disease, to distinguish between primary   and secondary   phlebeurysm.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the legs

 Varicose veins of the legs  First of all visible signs of varicose veins is the appearance on the surface of the skin of feet the network of thin veins. These symptoms generally occur in the area of ​​the hips. Such varicose veins easier to see people who suffer cellulite . Sometimes it becomes a kind of harbinger of cellulite varicose veins. Often the fat deposits of cellulite compress venous vessels, and eventually the bloodstream is complicated and there is varicose veins.

Capillary grid on the legs, which are shown at the beginning of varicose veins, called Telangiectasia . However, please note that these symptoms may be signs of varicose veins, and the temporary manifestation of the inflammatory process.

In some cases, the beginning of varicose veins indicate swelling in the legs. However, this feature can be a symptom of other diseases, and ( Heart Failure . kidney stone disease ). Therefore, in this case we can not speak clearly about the development of varicose veins before the diagnosis.

A symptom of varicose veins are also often the manifestation of pain in his legs. Pain may be acute, and have nagging symptoms. Most often when varicose veins manifest pain in the calves. It mostly occurs in the afternoon, after a certain load on the legs.

Thus, a person who observes the appearance of the capillary network, recurrent symptoms of pain and swelling should seek medical advice and against the need for research.

Most varicose gives the patient some minor discomfort. But other than that, it can manifest a strong sense of heaviness in the legs at night can occur convulsions , Gradually appearing on the shins trophic changes .

Visually, varicose veins can be shown and not particularly visible "star" of small vessels, and very large nodes and plexus, which stand out when the patient is in an upright position.

If it is a vein palpation, define their elastic elastic consistency, they are easily compressed. Kazha of varicose nodes may have a higher temperature than the other areas. If a person takes a horizontal position, the tension veins decreases, and the nodes become less pronounced.

If the development of the disease people do not think about how to treat varicose veins, the disease progresses, and gradually to the described symptoms joins feeling fatigue, the constant feeling of heaviness of the legs and swelling in their tissues, sometimes cramping may occur. If there is swelling, they disappear after a long rest at night.

Complications of varicose veins of the legs

Very often, as a complication of varicose veins is shown acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins . Sometimes there is a break due to injury and bleeding varix. With the outpouring of blood from the site, which burst, blood loss can be very significant.

Moreover, a pressure increase in the venous blood flow is slowed down. Because this can occur hypoxia   and then anoxaemia . As a result of such a state may stand to perish tissue that is dangerous for the body process. Due to the pronounced stagnation of blood in the veins of the toxins accumulate in the tissues.

Complications of the disease also become thrombus occlusion of blood vessels, tissue malnutrition legs, appearance of pigmentation and skin darkening.

 Varicose veins of the legs  Gradually, it becomes more dense layer of subcutaneous fat, there Dermatitis . Venous trophic ulcers . In very rare cases there is a rebirth of ulcers in the malignancy.

If the disease continues for a long period, a person may develop later chronic venous insufficiency .

But the most dangerous complication of varicose veins is pulmonary embolism . This disease is fraught with fatal consequences.

Diagnosis of varicose veins of the legs

Diagnosing the disease is relatively easy. Specialist necessarily conducts inspection and survey of patient studies history. In the course of further research to determine the state of the main valve and communicating veins, as well as the estimated level of deep venous patency. There are a number of different samples, which allows to assess the condition of the veins and the extent of the disease.

If the patient has uncomplicated varicose veins, in most cases, instrumental diagnostic methods are not applicable.

Varicose veins of the legs

Conservative treatment of varicose veins are mainly appointed by the people who have clear contraindications for surgery.

Also, such treatment is indicated if the patient small veins that are solely cosmetic defect. The goal of conservative therapy is the prevention of further progression of this disease. For this purpose, patients are encouraged to apply bandaging the legs, varicose, with an elastic bandage. Also shown compression stockings for varicose. People who are prone to varicose veins or already suffer from this disease, should be regularly throughout the day to put your feet on the rise, thus relaxing a few minutes. There are also special exercises for the legs and feet, aimed at strengthening the musculo-venous pump. This periodic extension and flexion in the ankle and knee joints.

The patient should care to prevent contraction of the lower leg and thigh different toilet, as it can greatly complicate current venous blood.

With the help of elastic compression can activate the flow of blood in the deep veins, prevent swelling, reduce the amount of blood in the saphenous veins, promote metabolic processes and microcirculation.

But in order to achieve positive results, it is important to properly bandage leg. This process should be performed in the morning, has not yet got out of bed. Bandaging begins from the toes to the thigh, when it should feel a slight tension of the bandage. During bandaging sure to grab the heel and ankle. Bint at each turn around the limb should cover half of the previous round. Buy only certified to be elastic bandage and compression hosiery.

Treatment of varicose veins also means wearing comfortable footwear, which should be a low heel and a rigid sole. Do not stand for long, avoid physical exertion for a long time to stay in rooms with high temperature and humidity. In the dream, it is desirable to keep the legs in an elevated position.

 Varicose veins of the legs  Patients should limit the use of fluid and salt, try to get rid of overweight . For the treatment of varicose veins should be taken periodically products- diuretics, agents that improve the tone of veins. Also, when indicated, the patient may have to take medicines which stimulate the microcirculation in tissues. Treatment of varicose veins can also include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

If the patient holds neoslozhennnaya form of the disease, it shows the physical therapy sessions. Very useful for swimming and other water treatments, foot bath with warm water, to which is added 5-10% sodium chloride solution.

It is often used in the treatment of varicose veins, local therapies. But this treatment should be used in conjunction with other medical methods. Local media from varicose veins produced in the form of gels, ointments, creams. As a part of most of these drugs present heparin   venoaktivnye or components. Ointments of varicose veins contribute to the normalization of the tone of the walls of the veins may correct violations and lymph microcirculation. In certain topical formulations present in the composition of a number of different active ingredients. In some of them in addition to heparin include rutin . D-panthenol .

If in the process of varicose veins joining a secondary infection occurs, it is advisable to use external means to antibiotics   or antiseptics .

Since ancient times, used to treat girudoterapiya   when varicose veins. The use of leeches secrete hirudin makes thin the blood, promotes the resorption blood clots , Get rid of spider veins and varicose veins. In addition, hirudotherapy for varicose reduces leg pain, swelling overcome. However, it hirudotherapy important to apply at the earliest stages of varicose veins. This treatment should not be administered to people Hemophilia . anemia . hypotension .   pregnant women .

However, the radical method of treatment of varicose veins is surgery. It is performed to eliminate dowry-venous reflux. Such an operation is not performed if the patient related lung disease, cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver. It is impossible to carry out such an operation to pregnant women and people suffering from purulent diseases. Modern technologies allow to apply for such an operation, the endoscopic technique.

If a person is extended only small branches, it allowed the use of sclerotherapy. This operation involves the introduction of a vein sclerosing solution for sticking the wall of the vein. After that, the other segments of the vein to repeat injections while achieving complete obliteration of the vein.

When varicose veins is also used operative combination therapy, in which the removal of large stems produced altered veins and sclerotherapy of small branches. After the surgery patients are advised to continue wearing the elastic bandage for 8-12 weeks.

Varicose veins of the legs traditional methods

 Varicose veins of the legs  In addition to standard methods of treatment good effect bring recipes of traditional medicine, has long been used to treat varicose veins. Varicose veins of folk remedies can be practiced in parallel with conventional therapy.

When varicose good effect brings the use of massage showers. This massage can be performed during the daily shower. Water jets should simply be directed to those areas where the visible manifestations of varicose veins. Massage begins with warm jets, but over time the water should become more and more cold. You can also use a contrasting massage, alternating warm and cold water. It is important that this massage ended with cold streams. If the massage is made correctly, the skin that are exposed to massage, blush. After this massage should rub his feet and put on their medical ointment or gel.

If varicose veins are also encouraged to conduct therapeutic baths for the feet of the concoctions of herbs. These baths are not to be warm. Good effect gives use of the morning bath infusion of burdock, birch leaves, nettles. To prepare this infusion, you should take a teaspoon of chopped herbs and pour a liter of boiling water. The infusion should be to stand for several hours. Tray lasts about 290 minutes. To improve vascular tone effectively use the same bath of infusion of collecting herbs nettle, chamomile, lemon balm and oregano.

Prevention of varicose veins of the legs

Prevention of varicose veins include a range of measures aimed at preventing the signs of the disease. Each person is useful to periodically keep the legs elevated, take breaks during sedentary work, do not wear underwear survives the body. A good way to prevent varicose veins is a douche, the inclusion in the diet of foods that are useful for the blood to perform some exercise. At the first sign of varicose veins should seek medical attention to prevent progression of the disease.

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