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How to get rid of sweating?

July 22, 2011

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 How to get rid of sweating?  Wiser than the word " hyperhidrosis "Referred to medical dictionaries increased perspiration . And if for some it may not mean anything, for others it is - a problem №1. So much so that a person who suffers from excessive sweating even able to fall into depression . Do not think that the problem is inherent only in the hot time of the year, however, in the summer, as a rule, suffer from it more.

Speaking about sweating, should clarify: it can be shared - when the whole body is suffering, but can only affect some parts - arms, legs, back, and others. Of course, you first need to find out the cause sweating if it concerns the entire surface of the skin, because it can be a symptom of an illness.

The therapist will appoint the necessary tests, the results of which have narrow specialists will help to eradicate the cause, as a result of the identified disease Sweating   - Only a consequence. If your body is all right, then you can resort to folk remedies. However, for the appointment of a specialist treatment homegrown tools do not interfere. It is only necessary to consult with your doctor on the subject, for example, the occurrence of allergies to used herbal remedies.

We realize that the fight against this problem - not once, it requires regular enforcement procedures. In addition, traditional medicine provides both external and internal use. That is, it can be baths, rubbing, compresses, lotions   or teas, infusions, drops   for drinking.

Interestingly, no overseas plants is not necessary, all the leaves, herbs, flowers or bark - local ones, we passed every day. For example, if the person concerned about, it is best to use for rubbing his strong brewed ostuzhennoy tea And unboiled cool milk   - In the mornings and evenings. It should allow the skin to dry yourself, without the help of a towel.

Equally effective would cooling compress , Who also play the role of toning, it is a kind of cosmetic product due to the fact that the narrowed blood vessels, improves the complexion, the skin becomes more elastic. It also has beneficial effects and psychological - will calm the nervous system.

Sweating feet   - One of the most common problems. Folk medical recommended as dry and wet treatment with oak bark. Crushed mass sprinkled socks (stockings) and so are long (several days) until the problem is exhausted. Can 500 grams of the same mash of oak bark boil for half an hour in 4 liters of water, strain and take a bath for the feet. It is desirable to do this for several days.

Baths are also encouraged to adopt and vegetable raw materials with as white willow, sage . However, in this case, before applying the milled mass with cold water and insist 8 hours. Not to be less effective and trays of horsetail   or birch leaves : Take in equal proportions boiled vegetable raw materials and just a couple of minutes - up to a foot bath ready.

For wiping strongly sweating skin in different parts of the body make better use of infusion Prepared from mint leaves 1 Art. a spoonful of raw materials pour 1 cup boiling water, half an hour to filter. Compress, lotion, bath good to do from broth burnet   (a couple of tablespoons of vegetable raw pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for about an hour).

Almost on a par with their feet and have excessive sweating armpits . To combat hyperhidrosis in these places, you can use rubbing: Birch buds   insist on vodka at a ratio of one to five (or ten), wiping is best done twice a day - morning and evening, for example.

You can also use ordinary vinegar to rubbing: the third part of vinegar to dissolve the two third parts of water. For internal use recommended broth sage . rosehip . Of course, without sugar.

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