Monday, December 5, 2016

Spicy problem: everything you wanted to know about cystitis

 Spicy problem: everything you wanted to know about cystitis  According to the international medical community, cystitis (bladder infection) - the leader of the women's diseases related to urology. From 30 to 50% of women suffered from cystitis in one form or another, and every third experienced at least one relapse of the disease.

Why cystitis often occurs because it is women?
The answer lies in the structural features of the female body: bacteria, the most common of which - E. coli, easily penetrate into short and wide urethra and under the influence of adverse factors (stress, fatigue, a sedentary lifestyle, "critical days") cause inflammation. The main causes of relapse is usually outdated preparations nedolechivanie, self, changing climatic conditions.

How to recognize cystitis?
The main symptoms of cystitis - This is often scarce urination, accompanied by severe pain and burning during and after urination, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, urine turbidity, temperature increase to 37 - 37, 5 degrees may urge incontinence acute. All these symptoms are very painful, and bring much suffering, also deprive you of the opportunity to actively live and work.

How dangerous cystitis?
Attempts to make and / or improper treatment can lead to extremely unpleasant and even dangerous health consequences. For example, if an infection of the bladder rises above it can "earn" a very serious disease pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

What to do if you find yourself above symptoms?
Urgent appeal to the urologist. Only a specialist can prescribe the correct antibiotic modern. Exclude from the diet of spicy seasonings and fat dishes, give up alcohol. You need to limit sex to comply with bed rest as much as possible and drink plenty of juice, stewed fruit, tea.

Can the prevention of cystitis?
Not only possible, but necessary. Try to avoid hypothermia, keep the overall state of health and hygiene, especially in "critical" days. Be sure to visit the toilet after each sexual intercourse. Avoid tight clothing. Include in your diet plenty of fluids - particularly useful for the prevention of cystitis cranberry and cranberry juice. Incidentally, the use of cranberry extract in the form of further increasing the effectiveness of therapy.

"Monurel" contains cranberry extract and vitamin C - the components that affect the causative agent of cystitis and do not give the possibility of the disease recur. The balanced formula "Monurelya" allows you to quickly and efficiently conduct prevention of cystitis . A release form as tablets and use only one time per day, not only make it useful and convenient preparation.
"Monurel" - protection against cystitis.

Treatment and prevention

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