Monday, December 5, 2016

Sgin, unclean!

 Sgin, unclean!

Summer people with skin problems waiting like manna from heaven. Here look out the sun and dry pimples, and they will, and if any remain, then the tan will be invisible

However, once the hot season ends and the skin turns white again, the problem of acne breaks out with a bang. No coincidence that at the end of summer and beginning of autumn is the peak work by dermatologists.

Our expert - dermatologist Tatyana Ovchinnikova .

Ultraviolet in small doses to the skin is useful, but if you overdo it with a tan, then it is likely to achieve the opposite effect. The excess sun can cause dryness of the middle layer of the skin, why she begins to produce more sebum. Therefore, despite the short-term improvement, then acne even more acute.

The problem of young ...

Pimples occur as a result of increased production of subcutaneous fat. Male hormones, androgens increase its isolation and women - estrogen, on the contrary, decreased. Maximum activity of the sebaceous glands occurs during puberty, because at this time, the content of androgens in the body of the young people of both sexes is significantly higher than the norm. Particularly active acne occupy the so-called T-zone (center of the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin), and the middle part of the chest and back. These areas are called seborrheic (Latin «sebum» - fat, fat and Greek. «Rhoea» - outflow).

There are four forms of acne. For most of them characterized by mild intermittent singular pimples that go through a day or two. In the second form on the skin appear even multiple ulcers. But large acne that affect the medium and deep layers of the dermis - is a sign that the disease is severe. These boils often have to surgically open, after which the skin appear ugly scars.

... And adults

Acne is not just teenagers but also adults. Acne in adulthood - often a sign of endocrine disruption or imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. So, before you assign a treatment is required to find out the root cause of the appearance of pimples. To do this, the dermatologist always assigns various studies (general clinical tests, ultrasound of internal organs, analyzes on hormones and so on. D.).

 Sgin, unclean!

Acne can also occur due to the friction of clothing for excessive sweating, using inappropriate cosmetics or frequent contact with substances that cause blockage of the sebaceous glands (oil, grease, tar preparations). Acne in men can also occur due to the use of anabolic steroids.

Quite a common cause of acne in adults - demodicosis. It is a skin disease caused by mites, demodex (or Zheleznitsa) - conditionally pathogenic microorganisms living on the skin of most of us, but up to a point not active. Driving and methods for treating acne and demodectic different. For example, if the acne patients helps cleaning the skin, then the demodex it will only increase the irritation. Therefore, apart from the usual tests doctors necessarily require patients older than 25 years to pass scraping for demodex.

Acne is easily confused with various dermatoses, rosacea tuberculosis of the skin, or even manifestations of secondary syphilis. Therefore, self-treat acne is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Only to establish the cause of their appearance, you can develop a strategy to combat this disease.

The offensive on all fronts

Mild acne can be treated with external therapy and moderate and severe forms of acne require more and medication: antibiotics (required in combination with a means of normalizing microflora), and drugs that regulate the secretion of sebum (in their composition is usually the presence of zinc, Sulfur, vitamins A and B). Women, in addition to topical treatment commonly prescribed combined oral contraceptives. The effect of them is observed after 3-6 months and can be extended. This treatment is carried out strictly, after consulting a gynecologist, an endocrinologist and a thorough study of hormonal background.

Additional treatments for acne include:
Cleaning the skin. Shown only if no inflammation on the face or of deep acne and blackheads. Compared to manual cleaning, mechanical hardware techniques more forgiving. Effects on the skin by ultrasonic cleaning is carried out using high-frequency sound vibrations, cleansing pores occurs simultaneously with the micro massage. Vacuum cleaning person is suitable for all skin types and is completely painless. It is carried out using a special pneumatic suction cups are removed from the skin has excess sebum, fatty traffic jams and pollution. Make cleaning is recommended not more than 1 time per month, but not in the period of exacerbation.

Also effective darsonvalization based on the impact of weak pulsed AC high voltage. The current pulses affect the skin through the vacuum glass electrode and stimulate microcirculation, expanding capillaries of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, eliminate vasospasm. Action currents reduces the threshold of sensitivity of nociceptors to external stimuli, which provides a pronounced analgesic and antipruritic effect. Improved biochemical metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous fat, enhanced nutrition of tissues and supply them with oxygen, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands.

Therapy (plucked) massage Jacquet is specifically designed for oily skin with acne. For its implementation is not used a cream, and talc. Beautician makes deep Pinch, squeezed out of the pores of sebum. This massage takes only 5-6 minutes. Course - 20 treatments, 2-3 times a week.

Ozone therapy relieves itching, irritation, suppuration, cleans and disinfects. Ozone is injected into the skin by injection, as well as therapeutic drugs for cocktails mesotherapy.

Cryomassage liquid nitrogen reduces inflammation, reduces sebum secretion. This does not cause gross keloids. Cryotherapy quickly and painlessly relieves acute inflammation and redness, removes puffiness, contributing to long-term improvement.

Let me make love

When predisposition to acne should be abandoned in favor of the alcohol lotion anti-tonics. Do not use oily cosmetics and creams. For use special washing gels, lotions and instead soaps, since these alkaline agents form a film which does not skin to breathe. Very useful mask with kaolin - they are dried, adsorb fat. It can also be used with anti-sera ampoule, but their composition should be only natural ingredients. Professional best used under the supervision of specialists.

It is recommended to limit the foods and drinks that increase the secretion of sebum. Acne sufferers need to stick to a low calorie diet, which must be present polyunsaturated fatty acids (found in fish and vegetable oils), and vegetables (especially the pumpkin). But carbohydrate (eg confectionery), spicy and salty foods, coffee, alcohol may provoke a rash, especially if demodicosis.

Unfortunately, acne can not be cured by any drugs once and for all. After all, acne refers to a special condition of the skin is not so much how the whole organism. However, due to the special treatment you can pay off the inflammatory process, and then keep the situation under close supervision.



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