Friday, December 2, 2016

Office printers harmful to health

 Office printers harmful to health  Such a statement was made by a group of researchers from the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Environment of the Riga Stradins University. The researchers decided to find out the composition of air in offices, which often pechatyvayut documents.
The study found that the lack of ventilation in the offices where the printers and copiers   work almost without stopping, contains an increased concentration flyuoropolimerov.

"If, relatively speaking, in clean rooms, where there is no art, the concentration of dust is harmful 1880 microparticles per cubic centimeter in the office, stuffed with this technique can be more than 14,500 microparticles. The difference is huge, "- the researchers summarize.

The main source of dust in workplaces - toners (ink). They include using different mixtures of graphite, resin, iron powder and so forth. This print is deposited in the air.
Work related to printing documents, can lead to headaches, irritation of the skin, mucous membranes, coughing, lethargy and sleepiness, as well as kidney failure, fever, and even poisoning (response to benzene). In some cases flyuoropolimery can promote the formation of cancer cells even

It is important to:
German scientists who conducted quality checks toners, found that in the production of some manufacturers maximum allowable rate of tin compounds was exceeded more than 20 times! These same colors have been found poisonous substances tributyl and dibutyl. These chemicals can disrupt the human hormonal system.

Dust from toner ten times much smaller than the consumer. That is why it penetrates deep into the lungs. But, unlike the dust of the road, which is its human lungs do not recognize and do not cough up, which means that toner dust continues to accumulate in the human body.

The consequences of working with printers and copiers are not immediate. They can give themselves felt, and after 10 and 20 years. asthma, silicosis and other respiratory diseases - all of which can be a consequence of incorrect paperwork organized.

The experiment, conducted by researchers at the laboratory mice confirmed their worst fears. Rodents that were near the office equipment after a short time began to choke, and their immune system has considerably decreased. On this basis, the researchers do not recommend working with documents in the cramped little ventilated rooms. Otherwise, employees may lose health forever.

Treatment and prevention

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