Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dangerous bacteria at home: where to wait for the infection

Game consoles, bicycles, children's toys - all these things far more bacteria than the toilet seat on the toilet. The researchers tested the purity of modern houses and made sure that we are surrounded by solid pathogens.

 Dangerous bacteria at home: where to wait for the infection  the number of bacteria

A study commissioned by the firm Domestos and UNICEF study "microbial contamination" human dwellings led to surprising results. Most microbes appeared not in the toilets as initially anticipated by experts. For example, in conventional joysticks of game consoles the number of bacteria   5 times greater than the toilet seat toilets.

 Dangerous bacteria at home: where to wait for the infection  the number of bacteria

Huge colonies of bacteria settled in children's toys (2549 microbes per 100 cm2), refrigerators (7474 per 100 cm2), bicycles and balls (14 000 100 cm2). But most were infected children trampolines - 640 000 100 cm2 against only 1 600 100 cm2 on the toilet seat toilets. The survey also showed that 60% of adults believe: children are faced with the biggest number of bacteria   in schools and kindergartens.

 Dangerous bacteria at home: where to wait for the infection  the number of bacteria

Meanwhile, parents should pay attention to their homes. For example, on the couch handles microbial content 12 times higher than toilet seat the toilet. Experts remind that the most effective method of dealing with "household bacteria" - a regular and thorough hand washing.

 Dangerous bacteria at home: where to wait for the infection  the number of bacteria

Human Health in a literal sense of the word in his hands - the cleaner they are, the less risk of infection and transmission of pathogens to other people. In addition, it is useful to and more often to clean the house, do not forget about things that seem so from harmless. (READ MORE)

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