Thursday, December 1, 2016

Clean the house the woman more sex

It turns out most women cleanliness in the house much more fun than sex with a beloved man. This unexpected result showed a sociological study.

 Clean the house the woman more sex  cleaning the house

British sociologists decided to interview residents of Albion, in order to find out what things in life gives them the most pleasure. To the surprise of the organizers of the survey, on unconditional first place (36%) turned out to be the cleanliness of the house. For women cleaning the house   pleasant trips on vacation (34%), making love (18%) and a nice party with friends (11%).

And among the most frustrating things for women leading a mess in the house, who walked stay in traffic, listening to music on the phone in standby mode, and even car parking. And this despite the fact that the average woman spends 6 hours a week house cleaning Than a man. Total spending of the fair sex in the house cleaning for 17 hours a week.

It turned out that men underestimate these efforts (considered the stronger sex, the woman removed 12 hours per week). At the same time 26% of women who participated in the survey said that their husbands never engaged in restoring order in the house, apparently thinking it's not a male occupation. This is not surprising, because 40% of women believe that their halves do not have to vacuum, wash dishes or wash clothes - a woman's business. However, with regard to the repair device bookshelves or carrying heavy loads, the views of men and women came together - it's only men's work.

What is really surprising that a woman is only 23 hours of free time a week, which is as much as 8 hours ahead of the man. (READ MORE)

Clean house

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