Thursday, August 9, 2018

Rapid breathing (Tachypnea)

December 25th, 2013

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 Rapid breathing (Tachypnea)  Tachypnea   - A state in which the increase in breathing humans, but its depth is increasing.

How does tachypnea?

At rest, a person with tachypnea over one minute celebrated 60 or more breaths, while a healthy person breathes in about 16-18 times a minute. This view inspiratory dyspnea In which the patient is not observed other clinical signs, e.g., lips cyanosis, certain body positions. Rapid breathing - result hyperventilation Which occurs due to the reduction of carbon dioxide in the blood. Reduces the amplitude of the respiratory movements, and the human body suffers from hypoxia . There is a reduction in the arteries, decreased blood volume, which is distilled on the human body. As a result, the body is marked oxygen deficiency.

Tachypnea often observed in different diseases that are accompanied by other characteristic symptoms. However, the diagnosis of several pathological conditions tachypnea was considered the most characteristic feature. This applies, for example, to manifestations pulmonary thromboembolism . In hysteria the patient respiratory rate can reach up to 60-80 times per minute (the so-called "dog breath"). Tachypnea - it is a symptom that resembles the many manifestations shortness of breath . But tachypnea breathing is shallow, and changes its rhythm is not marked.

When manifestations tachypnea decreases blood levels of carbon dioxide due to hyperventilation. This phenomenon is called hypocapnia and manifests pronounced dizziness And sometimes fainting. Treatment tachypnea is always associated with the manifestations of the underlying disease.

Why tachypnea manifested?

 Rapid breathing (Tachypnea)  Rapid breathing due to the excitation of the respiratory center, which is due to the pathology of the central nervous system, or there is a reflex.

In the normal state in a human respiratory rate depends on several factors. Note innate characteristics of the organism, body weight, physical activity, his general state of health, age and others. Tachypnea may be associated with a different state of man. For example, often a shortness of breath during pregnancy, rapid breathing at.

Rapid shallow breathing - this is a very important criterion for the diagnosis of diseases of the child, which is itself still can not complain about a certain malaise. For example, rapid breathing during sleep the child can testify that his body temperature rose.

One reason for the existence of such a disorder - a stressful situation. Man breathes very often, it's hard to say, there may be heavy legs. After such an attack, similar to a panic attack, a person suffering from a headache. Later, you may receive rapid breathing during sleep.

Tachypnea develops in Hysteria . In these attacks the person breathes something like a hunting dog. Besides rapid breathing patient hysterical neurosis marked fits of rage, emotional instability, and others.

Very often, fast breathing in a child and an adult associated with colds. Sometimes tachypnea shows asthma And amplified before an asthma attack.

 Rapid breathing (Tachypnea)  Shortness of breath with episodes of wet cough in the morning can be a sign of chronic bronchitis . If a person who marked tachypnea, feels when trying to take a deep breath pain in the chest, then it may pneumonia . Also, rapid breathing observed in pleurisy . With tuberculosis rapid shallow breathing is combined with cough, poor appetite, weakness, fever. Sometimes tachypnea indicates the presence of human diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Parents often notice fast breathing in a child .  On this occasion particularly worried young parents who noticed tachypnea of ​​the newborn .  Thus the child can alternate deep and shallow breaths while breathing appear uncharacteristic sounds .  In most cases, these symptoms do not indicate pathologies .  A baby shortness of breath due to the fact that his airways are small and constantly passes through them a lot of air .  Besides airway and organs are not yet fully developed .  Therefore, rapid breathing in infants are often celebrated in the first month of his life, and as the child grows, breathing becomes deeper and less frequent .  Over a long period in order to breath tuned, we need children who were born preterm with very low birth weight .  Parents should understand that tachypnea in children is vitally important to saturate the body with oxygen .  Therefore, a newborn baby can be one minute to breathe 40-50 times .

In addition to these causes of tachypnea notes a number of natural causes that can cause shortness of breath. These are serious physical and emotional stress, stress. Shortness of breath can occur as a side effect after taking certain drugs, use of stimulants. Tachypnea in pregnant women is the result of hormonal changes and changes in the anatomical features of the body during the childbearing.

Getting rid of tachypnea?

 Rapid breathing (Tachypnea)  If a person has seen frequent attacks rapid breathing not related to natural causes, while there is a general weakness, pain and discomfort in the chest, dry mouth, a feeling of panic and other symptoms, you should always consult with a specialist. In this case, tachypnea, most likely related to the development of certain diseases, and the treatment is carried out under tachypnea therapy primary illness. Depending on the causes of tachypnea symptoms should be treated to the lung specialist, allergist, cardiologist, psychiatrist or other specialist.

To provide short-term elimination of rapid breathing, can use conventional paper bag, which is provided by optimizing the gas balance in the blood. The edges of the packet to be compressed in one hand and a finger of the other hand to do the hole in the package for breathing. Please attach to the mouth of the bag and breathe slowly and evenly into it, breathing in and out the air, which it is.

To breathe in this package for 4-5 minutes. If, after this session, there is no restoration of normal respiratory rhythm, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

To get rid of the attacks of tachypnea with stress, you need to practice a special breathing exercises, which allows you to relax.

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