Description overdue on 06/08/2014
- Latin name: Cerepro
- ATC code: N07AX02
- Active substance: Alfostserat Choline (Choline alfoscerate)
- Manufacturer: Veropharm OJSC (Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- Indications Cerepro
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Cerepro (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Synonyms
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One capsule Cerepro contains 0, 4 g glycerylphosphorylcholine hydrate . In addition, in this product include additional components: methylparaben, gelatin, propylparaben, glycerol, water prepared, sorbitol, iron oxide red, titanium dioxide.
IN 1 ampoule Cerepro contains INN glycerylphosphorylcholine hydrate (1000 mg), and water as an additional component.
Product form
Cerepro available in capsules and ampoules. The capsules have an oblong shape, they are soft, made of gelatin. Color vials - a reddish-brown, inside is a transparent oily liquid that can be light colored or colorless. The capsules are packaged in blisters (10 or 14 pcs.) Or banks (10 or 14 pcs.).
The solution in the vials - a clear liquid without color. The ampoules are packaged in a packaging outline 3, 5 or 10 vials.
Pharmacological action
The active ingredient of the drug is glycerylphosphorylcholine hydrate. Due to enzymatic degradation of the substance into cells and delivered choline glycerophosphate. Choline is a substrate for the synthesis of acetylcholine, glycerophosphate provides a synthesis of phosphatidylcholine membranes of neurons. As a consequence, in the body under the influence of activated drug metabolism and blood flow in the central nervous system, improves synaptic transmission is decreased cholinergic activity. Cure improves ductility and restores the integrity of the previously damaged neuronal membranes at the cellular level.
As a result, use of the drug improved cognitive and behavioral responses to normal activity of the brain, there is involution psychoorganic syndrome in people experiencing post-traumatic period, as well as those who have pointed out the problems with the vessels of the brain. The drug normalizes the spatial and temporal characteristics of the spontaneous activity of the brain. Cerepro has no effect on reproduction or mutagenic effects and tetragennogo.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Absorption of the active substance of 88%. The substance easily penetrates through the BBB. Excretion of the drug in the form of carbon dioxide through the lungs, through the intestines and kidneys displayed not more than 15% of the active substance.
Indications Cerepro
Indications Cerepro following:
- the effects of traumatic brain injury (acute phase);
- recovery after head injury;
- Acute post-ischemic stroke ;
- post-stroke period after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke, in which there is focal symptoms, and there are signs of a lesion of the brain stem;
- involutional and degenerative changes in the brain, where the celebrated psychoorganic symptoms;
- deficiency of blood flow in the brain;
- Dementia ;
- psevdomelanholiya senile;
- encephalopathy ;
- cognitive disorders;
- manifestation of cerebrovascular disease;
- violation of orientation;
- state of demoralization, apathy;
- intracranial injury and its consequences.
The drug Cerepro can not be administered to patients with the following conditions:
- acute hemorrhagic form of brain damage;
- pregnancy, breast-feeding;
- High sensitivity to the integral means.
Side effects
When treating a patient data PM may exhibit some side reactions:
- allergic reactions;
- dyspepsia;
- symptoms of gastritis ;
- peptic ulcer disease;
- dryness of the mouth;
- pharyngitis ;
- state aggression, anxiety, sleep problems;
- dizziness , headache;
- hyperkinesia;
- convulsions;
- frequent urination.
With the introduction of the drug the patient may feel pain, it is also possible manifestations postinektsinonnoy local pain.
Instructions for use Cerepro (method and dosage)
If the patient is in acute conditions is assigned Cerepro, instructions for use provided that the injections are administered intramuscularly or intravenously, with the dose of 1 g per day.
The drug in the parenteral form is appointed for 10-15 days, after which the patient must still take the oral form of Cerepro for 6 months. This daily dose of 1200 mg.
Instructions for use Cerepro accommodate the remark that the capsules are not to be taken in the evening, as this may lead to the manifestation of sleep problems.
The capsules should preferably be taken in the morning (800 mg) and lunchtimes (400 mg). Accepted need to eat. If the agent is well tolerated by the patient, it may appoint three 400 mg. If the patient has a chronic condition, the treatment begins with taking the capsules, with the dosage of 1200 mg / day.
If the dosage is exceeded, the patient may experience indigestion, as well as enhanced expression of side effects. In this case, symptomatic treatment is practiced.
There was no significant interaction between the application and other drugs Cerepro.
Terms of sale
Sold by prescription.
Storage conditions
Keep Cerepro is necessary at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life
Capsules and Cerepro vial may be stored for 2 years.
If the treatment of drug a person is marked persistent nausea, reduce the dose.
The responsiveness of the medication does not have a pronounced effect.
Gliatser . Holitilin . Glycerylphosphorylcholine hydrate . Nooholin . Gliatilin . Vos GPC . Deletions . Cereton .
Analogs Cerepro
In pharmacies sold more expensive, and cheaper analogues Cerepro. It is the following drugs: Nooholin Rompharm . Gliatser . Glycerylphosphorylcholine hydrate . Gliatilin . Vos . Holitilin . Choline alfostserat hydrate . Cereton . Deletions .
Gliatilin or Cerepro: which is better?
Both of these funds are composed of similar active substance. They are distinguished only the price and quality level. Cerepro - a cheaper drug, but the level of purity of the active substance below it, consequently, the effect on the body may be less pronounced.
In pediatric practice Cerepro is not applicable. It can be used only on prescription.
During pregnancy and lactation
Not applicable at any stage of pregnancy, and not assigned to nursing mothers.
Reviews of Cerepro
Those patients who have used the treatment of Cerepro, feedback on the forums are left mostly positive. Reviews of doctors also suggest that this drug is highly effective in a variety of brain pathologies. Side effects in the treatment of this tool are rare, so Cerepro is well tolerated and is often used for long-term therapy. Children drug is used only in those cases when the doctor confirms the appropriateness of the appointment. The review noted a marked positive effect of drugs in the treatment of children.
Price Cerepro, where to buy
Price Cerepro 400 mg (capsule) is 400-470 rubles per pack of 14 pieces. Buy pills Cerepro, the price of which varies depending on the place of sale at any pharmacy. The vials can be purchased at an average of 400 rubles per 3 pieces.
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