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How to keep the liver healthy for years to come?

June 12, 2011

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 How to keep the liver healthy for years to come?  Liver It plays a special role in our body. It neutralizes toxic substances that enter the body, filters the blood, acts as a powerful treatment plant of our body. In all of this, it is very vulnerable. If you are constantly pursuing bitter taste in the mouth , Worried about the pain in the right upper quadrant, so there is a reason to see a doctor for examination of the liver.

A huge role in keeping the liver plays a healthy lifestyle and diet. Let's understand that the liver "likes", and that it kills and destroys.

What's good for the liver?

Liver "loves":

- Lean fish - cod, trout, pike-perch.
- Lean meat - veal, turkey, chicken.
- Vegetables - carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, squash, greens.
- Fruits and dried fruits - bananas, apricots, figs, raisins, prunes.
- Honey - honey sweets of all liver is most preferred.
- Soups - mostly vegetable, with no hot spices.
- Salads, vinaigrettes, seasoned with sunflower or olive oil.
- Cheese, cottage cheese and all dairy products.
- Natural, sezhevyzhatye juices.
- Mineral water, and not bottled, but directly from the source.
- Filtered water.
- A set of exercises helps cleanse the body. In general, liver loves an active lifestyle.
- Positive emotions and positive attitude.
- B vitamins
- Disposable syringes with injections and individual personal hygiene items.
- Vegetable-herbal infusion for the prevention, taken courses. For example; Helichrysum flowers, peppermint, marigold flowers, licorice root, rose hips in equal proportions. 4 tablespoons of collecting pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist 6-8 hours. Drink half an hour before meals for half a glass in small sips throughout the month.

What is harmful to the liver?

The liver "does not like":

- Butter, fatty meats, mostly pork. The more fat, the greater the load on the liver.
- Vegetables with a specific taste - radishes, radish, garlic, horseradish.
- Sour berries - cranberries, lingonberries.
- Pickles and pickled foods, salted, smoked, mustard, spicy ketchup.
- Strong coffee without milk.
- Spirits. Sometimes happy to skip through a bit of dark beer quality. The permissible to take holidays, dry red wine, within reason, do not forget about the dangers of the disease alcoholism .
- Overeating at night.
- Poorly washed vegetables and fruits.
- Any contact with someone else's blood.
- The uncontrolled use of drugs.
- A sedentary lifestyle and lying.
- Depression, despondency and discontent.

If you observe these simple recommendations, then the liver will serve faithfully to old age.

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