Tuesday, August 28, 2018


May 7, 2012

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 Podagra  Podagra   - A disease that affects the joints of man. This process takes place in connection with the deposition urate   - Salts of uric acid.

Gouty arthritis   It was first described in the seventeenth century English labor, which was called "A Treatise on Gout." It gout pain compared with pain "in the press clamp limbs."

Gout affects mainly males. This disease occurs in about three people per thousand population. Usually, gout manifests itself in people who are over forty years. Women suffer from gout since Menopause . If a person develops gout symptoms expressed defeat any of the joints in the human body: it can be the joints Brushes . fingers . knees . elbows . Foot . But most often the disease affects the finger joints of the foot.

Causes Gout

Factors that provoke gout is diabetes . hypertension . Gout often occurs in people with a genetic predisposition to the disease, as well as those who regularly eats properly. Basically gout manifests itself after the adoption of human spirits, strong overeating. Particularly bad effect on the condition of patients who are prone to gout, beer. Attacks of gout patients are concerned mainly at night. With such a fit man feels strong and sudden pain, fever   joints. His joints blush. When repeated attacks of gout initially in the affected joint is felt tingling. If untreated gout symptoms described above are being felt more and more. At the same time, sharpening become longer. Gradually, the disease affects the new joints, sometimes also suffer kidney and urinary tract.

Symptoms of gout

The beginning of intermittent gout is considered to be the first attack of arthritis. In this case, a person periodically alternating remissions and acute attacks of the disease. During remission the patient did not complain of health. Sometimes, after the first attack to the repeated manifestations of the disease takes years. However, most of these attacks are repeated once or twice a year. Gout progresses, and her attacks are repeated often.

In most cases, a human suffering from gout symptoms initially appear defeat I metatarsophalangeal joint . This develops sharp monoartrit . The reason for the defeat of these joints is that these degenerative joint cartilage degenerative changes occur in the first place. Therefore, they are deposited urate earlier than other joints. In more rare cases, the first to affect other joints of the feet, even less - joints of the hands. By the way, from the Greek word "gout" is translated as "a trap for the feet."

Joint pain in gout develops rapidly, an attack may begin the morning or at night, at least - at another time of day. The person suffers from a very intense and sharp pain. Sometimes the pain can be unbearable, and analgesics do not help get rid of it. Very quickly it comes and the development of signs of local inflammation, which is a few hours to exercise maximum. In some cases increases and the body temperature of the patient - it can rise even up to forty degrees. Often, swelling and redness of the skin over the joint are expressed so much that can remind phlegmon . Due to such unpleasant sensations markedly limited joint mobility. A few days later (3/7/10 days), all symptoms disappear completely.

 Podagra  If the disease is not treated, then after a while it can provoke destructurization bones. And with more than a four-year course of the disease on the patient's skin bumps appear rather dense to the touch. They build up of uric acid crystals. These bumps appear on the aching joints. They have a yellowish color. Sometimes the bumps burst, and out of them white crumbs. Some patients with gout also eventually formed   stones in the kidneys . This person concerned periodic bouts of high Blood Pressure , Renal colic. Sometimes, infrequently, gout can also affect the heart muscle.

Diagnosis of gout

Gout symptoms - swelling, swelling - the doctor finds already at the examination. During the interview, to see if a patient signs of disease.

The most accurate criteria for the diagnosis of gout is the identification by microscopic examination of sodium urate in synovial fluid and tophi. Tophi   - A deposition of crystals in the soft tissues of uric acid: they are deposited in the form of nodules. Elastic dough that fills the joint cavity, called synovial fluid .

There are other indications of gout, which are very important in the process of diagnosis. Primarily, hyperuricemia At which the blood contains too high levels of uric acid. However, the phenomenon of gout occurs not always, therefore, can not be considered a phenomenon the main criterion to establish the diagnosis. In the process of diagnosing gout is determined daily level of excretion of uric acid in the urine. During acute gout blood test results indicate the presence of ESR increase, the increased number of leukocytes . X-ray examination is also one of the most important moments in the diagnosis of gout. However, in this case, the symptoms of the disease can be detected if it is already in progress for several years.

It is important to distinguish gout from other diseases with similar symptoms. So, sometimes mistaken for gout rheumatoid   or traumatic arthritis .

Treatment of gout

Treatment of gout involves gradually embodied in the lives of several stages of therapy. First of all, it is important to remove the acute symptoms of the disease. A further aim is then to prevent worsening of the disease in the future. Also attending physician taking measures for the treatment of complications of the disease and preventing further unpleasant symptoms of gout - for example, deposits of urate in joints or other tissues of the body. In addition, the treatment of gout involves concurrent treatment of a number of related diseases - hanged Blood Pressure . obesity . Diabetes   and etc.

If the patient manifests an acute attack of gout, primarily for the treatment of diseases using anti-inflammatory drugs. Often used drug Colchicine Also assigns physician and other anti-inflammatory agents, for example, Indomethacin . diclofenac sodium . If treatment with drugs such person does not bring relief, applied systemic or intra-articular use glucocorticoids . It is important that people strictly comply with bed rest and the affected limb was in a high state. It should adhere to certain rules of food for gout.

Treatment of gout involves the use urikodepressanty. These medications help suppress the production of uric acid. The most commonly used drug with such exposure is considered to be allopurinol . The funds are used for the treatment of gout, patients must take a long time - throughout the year. Then the doctor adjusts the way to further drug use. It is also often prescribed in addition alopurinola uricosuric drugs Stimulating the excretion of uric acid.

In the course of treatment with these drugs should be aware that under intensive excretion of uric acid after the start of the use of such drugs greatly increases the risk of kidney stones. Therefore, very important measures aimed at preventing urolithiasis . In addition, when receiving protivopodagricakih funds during the year may increase the risk of gout attacks. Therefore, in parallel with such funds should take the drug colchicine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

 Podagra  Treatment of gout also provides for physiotherapy, paraffin and mud applications, baths with radon and hydrogen sulfide. Such procedures should be carried out at the stage of remission. At the same time, UV irradiation is carried out on the affected area of ​​the joint and in some cases even helps to prevent seizure. Pain facilitates potassium lithium electrophoresis. Between exacerbations for the effective treatment of gout need to do exercises therapeutic exercises.

There are also some recipes of traditional medicine, used to treat gout. For everyday drinking can be prepared collection of calamus root, sage leaves and bearberry, herb St. John's wort. Another gathering to drink as tea comprises a mixture of burdock root and wheatgrass, herbs, violets and veronica. In addition, it is useful occasionally to drink infusions of mint, nettle, chamomile, devyatisila, cranberry leaves, corn stigmas, flax seed. As an agent that reduces pain in the joints, it is advisable broth oats.

For the treatment of gout traditional methods also prepared the ointment for topical application. To do this, use a dry hop cones from which the powder should be in equal proportions rub with unsalted lard.

Also on the affected joints is fashionable to put compresses of decoctions of herbs (use hops, elder, chamomile). You can also apply to the sore spot burdock, cabbage leaves

Taking baths with the addition of herbal infusions can also be one of the treatments for gout. In this case, a warm bath can add decoctions of horsetail, elderberry, oregano, burdock, nettle, juniper, and others.

Diet for gout

Patients must be observed special diet Which will help to significantly improve their condition. Diet for gout is designed so that all enabled products contain a low amount of purines. In addition, gout diet is low in calories, so helping to normalize a person's weight. In some cases, proper diet for gout helps to normalize the production of uric acid. So, there are even information that during the famine, wars, the number of patients with gout decreases sharply due to the limited supply.

Meals for gout involves the use of plant foods and dairy products. Protein should be sharply limited. The patient's diet should not include the kidneys, brain, liver, chocolate, cocoa, coffee. Also, a diet for gout does not provide for the use of the richness of the meat and fish broth. Indeed, during the cooking purines out into the liquid. It is advisable to about once a week and a half to conduct discharge day. In those days, you can have one of the following types of products: cottage cheese, yogurt, vegetables, fruit. Also, patients with gout should not drink alcohol, because alcohol acts overwhelmingly on renal function regarding elimination of uric acid. Meals for gout involves minimizing the consumption of salt, so the food should be at least nedosalivat.

 Podagra  Diet for gout should include plenty of fruits, different cereals, dairy products, cheese. Strengthen urate excretion from the body will use citrus. It is desirable to include in the diet of more raw fruits and vegetables. It is important every day to drink at least two liters of water, as this contributes to a large volume of urine. And to prevent the occurrence of kidney stones should be in every day to drink about half a liter of mineral alkaline water. Eat liquid can be in the form of stewed fruit, fruit drinks, weak tea.

Patients with gout should not starve, because starvation increases the amount of uric acid in the blood. Nutrition should be a fraction: there should be up to six times each day, while the portion should not be large.

Prevention of gout

To avoid this unpleasant manifestations of the disease, should be avoided injuries of the joints, do not wear too narrow and uncomfortable shoes. An effective method of preventing gout is to maintain an active lifestyle, drinking plenty of fluids. Do not abuse the foods that are rich in protein. It is important to control body weight, as obesity can be one of the triggering factors for the occurrence of gout. However, in this case, it is important to proceed slowly, as sudden weight loss can cause increases in blood levels of uric acid.

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