Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Diseases of the spine

February 5, 2012

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 Diseases of the spine  Diseases of the spine   there are so many, and almost everyone at least once in their lives suffered from such ailments. For diseases of the spine is characterized, above all, back pain, limited mobility to the lumbar region, numbness in the extremities, recurrent headaches. These symptoms occur in the majority of diseases of the spine.

The most common disease of the spine begin to develop at a young age, and from the onset of the disease before the appearance of the first symptoms persist, sometimes it takes many years. During this time, the human spine irreversible pathological changes. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a disease of the spine should be addressed to the reception to the expert, because early diagnosis will stop the disease before it goes into a chronic form.

The most frequently encountered nowadays osteochondrosis . incorrect posture   and herniated disc . The main causes of these pathologies doctors call a sedentary lifestyle, spinal injury , Regular weight lifting, sit-down job, hormonal imbalance, the presence of hereditary predisposition to such diseases. For reasons of congenital diseases of the spine include the presence of a person dysplasia   connective tissue. In this state, ligaments, joints, tendons pathologically stretched and can not normally capture all parts of the human skeleton together. This phenomenon particularly affects the ligaments of the spine, which is why they become unstable. In this case, the person is disturbed posture, sink vertebrae and the spine becomes unstable.

Appointing treatment of diseases of the spine, an expert points out that, first of all, to eliminate the cause that triggered the disease.


In this disease destroyed intervertebral discs   until the formation of disc herniation . With such a phenomenon occurs as a pain in the spine, and in some cases - paralysis   extremities. As a rule, suffer from osteochondrosis of the elderly, but the disease can develop in adolescence. The main cause of the disease - poor nutrition of intervertebral disc degeneration as a result of the back muscles and other reasons. The main symptoms are pain and discomfort in the back, headaches, pain in the limbs, and others. Treatment of osteoarthritis is made by means of a number of conservative methods. In the treatment of essential correct diagnosis and follow a comprehensive approach.

Cancer of the spine

 Diseases of the spine  Cancer of the spine   diagnose a patient is rather difficult, because before the patient goes to a doctor, as a rule, it takes quite a long time. Caused symptoms - pain in the back - a person can be blamed on the manifestation of other diseases. Symptoms of cancer of the spine resemble symptoms of other diseases: for a given ailment people complain about the appearance of pain in the lower or middle back. Pain becomes more severe at night and during exercise. Gradually, the patient begins to feel muscle weakness, numbness of limbs, he can manifest paralysis and complete loss of sensation in the hands and feet. For the correct diagnosis is important to rule out other diseases. Therefore, in cases of suspected cancer of the spine is carried out a thorough examination of complex patient.

Education in the back are both primary   (in this case, they are derived from brain tissue), and metastatic   (secondary education, which appear as a result of cancer processes in other organs).

Patients with cancer of the spine appoint the combined therapy. The most radical method of treatment - removal of the spine, which has undergone a defeat. When such an operation there is risk of damage to the nerve fibers. Today, spinal surgery is also carried out with the use of cyber-knife (the flux having the aiming direction). Use it to destroy the pathological education, without damaging the surrounding tissue.

As a rule, if the patient has spinal cancer conservative treatment does not provide the desired effect. So, chemotherapy   It is effective only in rare cases. With conventional radiation therapy can be overcome in great pain, and at a certain time to ensure localization of the tumor.

When applied correctly selected treatment regimen, and the operation with the help of the cyber knife or gamma knife forecasts for the recovery of the patient positive. However, in the absence of a radical treatment of this disease after diagnosis a person can expect to live no longer than three years. The most favorable is the prognosis if the cancer is detected at an early stage.

Kyphosis of the spine

 Diseases of the spine  Kyphosis of the spine   - A curvature, wherein the convexity facing downwards. Kyphosis seen in the thoracic spine, it is also called syndrome of "round the back." In this position, the shoulders of a man leaning forward and down, chest constricted. At the same man as the diaphragm descends, abdominal weakened. If the kyphosis of the spine continues for a long time, the patient may appear wedge-shaped deformation of the vertebrae, intervertebral cartilage destroyed. If kyphosis back muscles are subjected to tension, as properly functioning muscles that form the abdominal wall. Because of changes in the structure of the chest cavity is reduced mobility of the ribs, broken intercostals muscle activity, breathing lung function are limited.

Kyphosis is divided into several types. Physiological thoracic kyphosis   and sacral kyphosis   - Normal for adults. In newborn infants during the first months there is a total distortion throughout the spine backwards. Kyphosis of the spine pathological character goes beyond the physiological curves. It manifests itself in patients Tuberculosis Due to spinal injuries, rickets , Flaccid paralysis. In the long spinal kyphosis becomes fixed, can not resist the elimination. If a person develops angular kyphosis Then as a result of spinal deformity in a patient appears hump. At rachitic thoracolumbar   and verhnegrudnom kyphosis   sinks and flattens the chest, belly droops, shoulders move down and forward.

In the treatment of kyphosis of the spine must first fix rachiocampsis . To do this, it uses a special set of exercises that are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back, straightening the spine, stretching. It shows the use of braces with corrective action and unload, massage, physiotherapy. It is important to constantly adjust the posture of school children to prevent curvature of the spine. Good to go swimming, skiing. At the same time prohibited weightlifting, cycling, wrestling.

If the kyphosis of the spine triggered certain diseases ( tumors . Tuberculosis . osteomyelitis ), It is often decided to surgical correction of disease.

At scoliokyphosis   combined pathological kyphosis and scoliosis. This is a fairly rare disease, and to date there is no accurate data on the causes of its occurrence. In congenital kyphoscoliosis parallel observed dysfunction of other organs - in the chest and abdomen. Kyphoscoliosis purchased - the result of injury, disease and other disorders.

Spinal injuries

 Diseases of the spine  Spinal injuries can be divided into closed In which the integrity of the skin is not broken, and open , In which the integrity of the skin is broken. In open penetrating injuries of the spine is damaged dura. Closed spinal injuries usually divided into uncomplicated   (the spinal cord is not broken) and complicated   (the spinal cord and roots are broken).

According to the nature of the injuries spinal injuries are divided into injuries, damage to the intervertebral discs, fractures and sprains ligaments, sprains, fractures, fracture-dislocation, multiple injuries.

The most complex spinal injuries occur, usually with car crashes, falls, bruises the head.

Most spinal cord injuries resulting from the injuries of the spine, provoke temporary or permanent paralysis, loss of sensation. If the patient has been partial damage to the spinal cord, in this case, is partial sensitivity and some motor function below the lesion. When complete spinal cord injury, there is complete loss of sensation and motor function below the site of injury. But even with full spinal cord injury in most cases it is not completely transected.

When spinal cord injury arising as a result of spinal injuries, you experience the following symptoms: pain or a burning sensation due to severe destruction of nerve fibers, the inability to move the disappearance of sensitivity, inability to control bowel function and bladder, problems with sexual function and fertility.

The most common spinal injuries occur in the neck or lower back.

The spinal cord ends at the bottom of the first lumbar vertebra, so when his spinal cord injury is not injured.

Even before the diagnosis of patients who received spinal injury, first aid, aimed at the spine immobilization in order to prevent its further damage.

When the diagnosis is carried out thorough research using complex methods: radiography, myelography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography. Today, there are a number of techniques that allow nerve cells to stimulate regeneration and improve nerve function.

Mainly used conservative treatment, more rarely performed surgical operations. Surgical methods are used for reduction of dislocation, to decompress the brain and spine stabilization.

Scoliosis of the spine

 Diseases of the spine  Word scoliosis   in Greek means " crooked ". Scoliosis of the spine   considered one of the most severe orthopedic ailments. When this illness manifested a set of symptoms characteristic of diseases of the spine. The development of scoliosis begins in childhood. It then begins the process of deformation of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, their growth areas. When scoliosis violated function of the spine. Twisting of the spine occurs along the vertical axis. Curvature of the spine as seen in the transverse and longitudinal planes. In severe scoliosis of the spine can disturb the operation of the internal organs as a result of compression. Curvature of the spine occurs to such an extent that it resembles the letter S.

Very often it provokes complications of scoliosis of the spine, and very often in this case suffers oprono-motor apparatus. When scoliosis of the spine is often manifested as flatfoot   and the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

90% of people who as a child had developed scoliosis of the spine, in adulthood suffer radiculitis   or osteochondrosis . Sometimes having a curvature of the spine do not recognize right away, and later, when the man is at a mature age, he developed against the background of other diseases scoliosis back.

Therefore, timely and correct treatment of scoliosis in children may prevent serious back problems in the future.

Therefore, any manifestation of changes in posture, a child's complaints of pain in the spine cause for concern parents. Other symptoms of scoliosis in a child may be the constant fatigue, clubfoot , Bending the neck, are very prominent shoulder blades, pain in the joints, joint mobility is too strong. The child may behave nervously too often fall. In this case it is necessary to see a specialist, and an inspection of the child.

Treatment of scoliosis of the spine is carried out using manual therapy   and further rigid fixation of the spine. Good results are obtained regularly perform a complex of therapeutic exercises, massage courses. There must be adjusted child's diet: you have to eat foods that contain a large number of   B vitamins . It is vegetables, grains, liver, black bread and bran.

To prevent symptoms of scoliosis, you must provide the child the opportunity to sleep on a hard and flat surface, encourage him to physical activity. It is important to develop the child's habit of sitting correctly. Should undergo regular check-ups by a doctor.

Spine fracture

 Diseases of the spine  The term " spine fracture as "a medical point of view is considered to be incorrect, because the spine does not break. In fact, spine fracture - a fracture of a single vertebra. Because of injuries there is a fracture or a vertebral arches of the vertebral body. The most frequent fracture of the vertebrae - a compression fracture of the spine. In this case, the vertebra is divided into fragments, which differ in different directions. Fracture of this type often occurs in patients osteoporosis . More fragile bones are the people who have been treated for a long time, hormonal agents. After a compression fracture of the spine in humans there are sharp pains that are equally intense at any position of the body. However, it happens that such a fracture of the spine goes almost without symptoms.

When vertebral fractures in the bow near the intervertebral joint in humans other than severe pain there is loss of sensitivity of the upper extremities.

Since the height of vertebral fractures due to decreases after fracture in a patient can manifest instability of the spine. Also, as a complication of a fracture is often manifested kyphosis of the spine. In normal kyphotic bending is not more than forty-five degrees. If the angle increases, the person has a hump.

If you suspect a fracture of the spine is necessary to ensure the provision of first aid to the patient. Diagnosis, guided by the results of X-ray examination, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of vertebral fracture primarily involves reduction of pain in the spine, as well as the stabilization of the patient to prevent further damage.

Later, the doctor decides on the application of conservative or surgical treatment.

As a conservative treatment using orthopedic corsets that are sick for several months. If there is a displaced fracture, surgery is performed. The recovery period after that last up to several months. The effectiveness of treatment depends on how badly damaged spine.

Hemangioma spine

 Diseases of the spine  Hemangioma spine   It occurs because of pathology in angiogenesis and is a benign tumor. Hemangioma   Spine - a very common phenomenon. This education can provoke pain in the spine because of tumor compression of spinal roots. However, spinal hemangioma may not manifest symptoms and is found by chance during a general survey. Sometimes hemangioma captures all the vertebrae, in other cases, education extends to several vertebrae, or a certain part of the vertebra. Most often diagnosed in patients with hemangioma of the thoracic spine, the cervical hemangioma occurs much less frequently. More vulnerable to the disease are women.

Today used both conservative and surgical methods for the treatment of disease.

Hemangioma spine, developing, can damage the vertebrae. That is why it is very important time to diagnose and cure the disease.

Prevention of diseases of the spine

With modern realities of life the human spine is subjected to every day too much stress.

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