Saturday, August 11, 2018


June 19, 2012

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 Childbirth  Childbirth   a woman - is a natural process, which is the completion of pregnancy . During childbirth occurs expulsion from the uterus of the fetus and placenta through the birth canal, which is the channel of the cervix and vagina. Deliveries begin with contractions.

Home delivery

Preparation of the woman's body for childbirth begins with 38 weeks of pregnancy, it is the period when the fetus is considered full-term. At this time there   hormonal changes : Reduces the number of progesterone At the same time increases the amount estrogen . Once a woman's body to accumulate enough estrogen, there is the beginning of labor. But before the beginning of the impact of estrogen contributes to raising the elasticity of the birth canal. Gradually softens the cervix and opens its channel. Leaves mucous plug - mass that previously filled the cervical canal. As a rule, plug extends over several days, gradually. But in some cases it can move sharply, then the woman says the appearance of a small gel-like lumps. When a discharge cork pregnant woman sometimes feels slightly pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Another important harbinger of sorts - a drooping uterus. Closer to leave the fruit is pressed his head to the bones of the pelvis, respectively, the uterus drops. This expectant mother says that she goes breathlessness   and heartburn Since the uterus no longer presses so hard on the diaphragm.

A few weeks before giving birth is somewhat reduced the weight of a pregnant woman: the body of excess fluid out, which is caused by hormonal changes.

Another important harbinger of sorts - the so-called false labor . Very often women, particularly those who are expecting their first child, take these fights for the truth.

Most of these training bout terminated independently, lasting about two hours. In the last week before the birth false contractions occur often enough. In more rare cases, the fight may become permanent labor.

When the manifestation of precursors childbirth itself is a generic process is swift. Therefore, when they occur, the woman should carefully monitor their own well-being and gradually prepare for future genera


 Childbirth  This work begins with the birth contractions. Initially, they are non-durable and do not cause extreme discomfort or severe pain. The woman for a few seconds hardens the stomach, and then he relaxes before the next battle begins. Check that the true battle, not false, will help define a space between them: the true battles intervals of equal duration. In addition, at the start of labor struggle are developing dynamically. That is gradually feeling worse intervals, each time becoming shorter, and she lengthened the duration of labor.

Different generations of women continued different amounts of time. In most cases, the second birth, and takzherody following them, lasts less time than the first birth. Thus, the process of labor in nulliparous mothers usually lasts about 9-11 hours, in some cases, delivery may take up to 18 hours. Women who give birth to re-birth of the duration of 6-8 hours, and the maximum permissible duration of, in this case - up to 14 hours. If the maximum time is called the birth figures protracted . At the same time labor, which last 4-6 hours in nulliparous mothers and 2-4 hours in mothers who give birth again called fast . If the whole process was completed in 4 hours in nulliparous women and multiparous 2:00, we are talking about rapid delivery . All options that deviate from the norm, considered pathology.

To distinguish three different stage of labor: during the opening of the uterus   - The first period; the child's period of exile   - The second period; postpartum   - Third period.

From the beginning of the first battles of a woman is in the process of cervical dilatation. Initially the cervix is ​​2-3 cm, and in the process of labor, she revealed to 10-12 cm. In most cases, the end of the first stage of labor occurs rupture of membranes, as revealed fetal bladder. Period cervical dilatation longest: it ranges from 5 to 12 hours.

Once the cervix is ​​fully opened, comes the second stage of labor. During the period of the expulsion of the fetus isolated attempts, when a woman reduces the diaphragm and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall under the guidance of an obstetrician.

In the postpartum period, which begins from the moment the child is born, is born the placenta, which consists of the placenta and fetal membranes.

Pain during childbirth

To learn how the birth, many women turn to different sources of learning delivery in the pictures and reading a variety of information. And the majority of pregnant women are primarily interested in the question of whether it is possible birth without pain.

Today offers a number of methods that can greatly ease the pain during labor. Yet every woman should know that medical methods of pain relief during labor have many negative side effects, so they are used exclusively for medical reasons.

Pain relief during childbirth contributes to an active secretion of hormones endorphins That occurs during childbirth. They help to relax, relieve pain and provide emotional states. But for that there is an active production of endorphins, a woman must stay calm and focused, try as little as possible to get nervous.

If the expectant mother is weak with fear, her muscles are in a constant state of stress. Accordingly, voltage significantly enhances pain. Therefore, experts recommend before giving birth to learn to relax the mind and muscles. So as not to be nervous during labor, you must resolve all issues related to the birth of a child, in advance and have confidence in the success of the forthcoming process. There are certain techniques of breathing, self-hypnosis, which help to control sensations during labor. They talk about them in special courses for pregnant women.

To remove the pain during the first battles recommended to dive into a warm bath. This can be done even at home, and in the nursing home, you can take a shower.

Modern doctors recommend for women to choose the position in which she would be most comfortable to endure labor and delivery. If the position is correct, then the pain will be much less noticeable. But every woman should choose a position individually: in the process of labor can walk, squat, bend over.

How to stimulate childbirth

 Childbirth  Experts identify a number of situations when you should think about how to induce labor. Artificial process of inducing childbirth at different stages of childbearing called labor induction . These actions are appropriate, if a woman is diagnosed prolonged pregnancy . Such a conclusion, the expert can do, not only in the event that the duration of the pregnancy exceeds 42 weeks, but guided by the child's condition.

If a woman was rupture of membranes before labor and labors will not start for three hours, in this case, the doctor decides to induce labor. The fact is that with prolonged dry period increases the risk of infection of the fetus and women.

To encourage childbirth it is advisable in the case if there is a mazolysis . If this is a strong bleeding, the doctor decides to hold an emergency caesarean section .

In addition, labor induction is sometimes performed when a woman has a late preeclampsia, as well as rhesus conflict.

The most common method of producing labor induction amniotomy That is carried out the autopsy membranes special tool. Then for several hours under observation of the state of a woman, after which she intravenous medicines that stimulate further labor. Further action depends on the doctor's developments. So, if a woman is not strong contractions occur, the generic activities stimulated by administering drugs Oxytocin   or enzaprost . The behavior of induction of labor provides a constant and very precise control over the condition of the fruit remains.

For information on how to speed up the delivery, may reflect women whose gestational age can be expected to have fights, and they believe that their body is fully prepared for the upcoming birth. They can try some natural methods that encourage childbirth. First of all, it is intercourse: in semen have substances which affect the cervix, stimulating it to the top of descent.

Accelerate childbirth can also active physical work or exercise. However, overwork pregnant woman, of course, impossible, but active walking, swimming, yoga, in this case is acceptable.

It is recommended to try a few times to make massage the nipples, as such actions stimulate the secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. But such massage should be done very carefully to avoid injury.

Genera with her husband

 Childbirth  In order to feel more confident, many women consciously decided on joint labor - in this case, labor will be present partner .  In our country, childbirth and her husband each year are becoming more common .  The presence of a loved one will not only allow more precise control of the whole process, but also will enable the partner experience unforgettable emotions .  However, in this case, there are different opinions, and the decision on the presence of her husband's birth a woman should be taken with a partner, approaching the subject most consciously .  For example, some women simply do not want to close people watched them in such an unfavorable light, the other pregnant fear that behave too stiffly .  In addition, quite often the man himself does not wish to be present during birth, guided by their own fears .  But if the man is still decides to support his wife, he should approach the issue consciously and be aware of what to expect .  After all, it is required not passive presence near the women, and active help to his wife during childbirth .  So, the husband can do analgesic massage, wipe the sweat, to maintain in the process of labor and attempts .  In some cases, even allow the father cut the umbilical cord after the baby is born .

Births in water

Some women deliberately choose to give birth in the water. From the normal process of childbirth deliveries in water characterized in that in the process of labor is periodically woman in a bath or basin with warm water. During the actual birth of the baby as a woman in labor is in the water, therefore, the baby goes into the aquatic environment.

Experts identify several important points that demonstrate how to use such labor, and against them. It is proved that the water positively affects the general condition of mothers, also staying in the water relaxing effect on the muscles, thereby relieving the intense pain. The water reduces the likelihood of discontinuities vagina, as it is under the influence of water becomes more elastic.

But this doctor is much more difficult to control a water birth. What is important is the time and possible infection: a woman is in the water for a long time, and E. coli in water multiplies within a few hours. Consequently, the water should be changed frequently. And if there bleeding   after birth, the assistance of women giving birth in the water, have to be much more difficult.

There is also no definite opinion on how special such a positive impact on the child labor: there is a certain risk that the baby may swallow the water, since its first breath and the disclosure of the lungs may occur in the aquatic environment.

Birth in water may in the normal course of pregnancy, in the absence of chronic diseases, and a decision to this woman should be taken only after careful weighing of all the facts.

Second birth

The second and subsequent generations may differ significantly from the birth of the first child. As a rule, women giving birth for the second time last births less time, also reduced the duration of the most painful struggles. Such a feature is explained by the fact that the elasticity of the cervix and vaginal muscles is increased due to the previous delivery. In addition, women with similar experiences, already knows how to behave in labor and enters a right. The second woman suffers childbirth much easier and from a psychological point of view, since it is well aware that it is waiting for. After all, a lot more surprises and new experiences can show the birth of the first child. Accordingly, the expectant mother with the second delivery always feels less fear, feelings and more confident.

Late deliveries

 Childbirth  Pregnancy and childbirth - it's quite heavy and exhausting period for women. So her body must be prepared for this difficult test. The most strong and healthy woman feels up to 35 years. Therefore genera that occur in women after that age, usually distinguished and call later.

Today, a woman who decided on the birth of their first baby after the age of 35 years, physicians have been defined as "the age of nulliparous." Currently, the number of mothers is increasing rapidly. According to statistics, the number of women who became mothers for the first time between the ages of 30 and 40 years has increased three-fold when compared with the figures of two decades ago.

Later generations have long been commonplace in Europe and America. However, each woman reshivshayasya on late delivery, must necessarily be aware of all the risk.

Therefore, in this case, especially, it is important to fully and constant supervision of specialists. Women should understand that as an adult she has usually already have some chronic diseases, infectious diseases in history. Unhealthy lifestyle and the aging process may also adversely affect the development of the baby. In addition, the process of carrying a child can badly affect the status of women, causing considerable lack of calcium and other important elements in the body.

However, a conscious attitude to their own health and lifestyle pregnancy and late childbirth can go quite well. It is important to promptly take all the necessary studies, to conduct a survey for the presence of genetic abnormalities of the fetus before 16 weeks of pregnancy, to be mentally prepared for the birth and upbringing of the baby.


Prematurity - These are the families that occur in women before 37 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the unborn child is called premature. Start of premature births is similar to the timely development of labor. We women are a pain in the lower abdomen, gradually acquiring cramping in nature. Often premature labor begins rupture of membranes, and sometimes moves mucus plug. In any of the scenarios described a woman, it is important to seek immediate medical help.

To provoke such a process can be a variety of infections, a history of diseases of the uterus, intrauterine interventions. Pay particular attention to their own state must treat women already had previous preterm delivery. Another cause of premature birth is the presence of a woman cervical incompetence   - A disease in which there is a deficiency of muscle layer of the cervix.

Sometimes Preterm labor is due to the strong stretching of the uterus, which causes polycyesis , Too much fruit, polyhydramnios . Provoke preterm birth can be very physical stress, emotional stress Acute infectious disease.

When referring to a woman doctor with complaints of premature onset of labor trying to continue her pregnancy and to save. For this prescribers that reduce the tone of the uterus other means, as well as the therapy to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon. This pregnant woman must always adhere to bed rest and follow all recommendations of your doctor.

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