Saturday, December 2, 2017


Description overdue on 03/10/2014

  • Latin name: Mildronate
  • ATC code: S01EV
  • Active substance: Meldonium (Meldonium)
  • Manufacturer: JSC "Grindeks", Latvia
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications Mildronate: what Mildronat tablets, from which the drug in the form of injections
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions for use Mildronate
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Cautions
  • Analogs
  • Babies
  • With alcohol
  • During pregnancy (and lactation)
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



The composition of one gelatin capsule Mildronate solid comprises 250 or 500 mg Meldonium   dihydrate as active ingredient and excipients: Amylum solani (potato starch), Silicii dioxydum colloidale (colloidal silicon dioxide), Calcium stearate (calcium stearate).

For the manufacture of gelatin shell used Gelatinum (gelatin) and Titanium dioxyde (titanium dioxide).

In one milliliter of solution for injection contains 100 mg Mildronat Meldonium   and water for injection as an auxiliary component.

One tablet contains 500 mg Mildronat Meldonium   in the form of phosphate and auxiliary components: Mannitum (E421, mannitol), Povidonum K-29/32 (Povidone K-29/32), Amylum solani (potato starch), Silicii dioxydum (silica), Cellulose microcristalline (microcrystalline cellulose) Magnesium stearate (magnesium stearate).

Product form

Mildronate issued by the manufacturer in the form of:

  • transparent colorless solution for injection;
  • hard gelatin capsules №1 and №2, filled with hygroscopic crystalline powder of white color. Contained in the capsule powder has a weakly pronounced characteristic smell and sweet taste (capsule itself has a neutral taste);
  • tablets Mildronat GX 500 mg (tablets taste slightly sour).

The solution is marketed in ampoules 5 ml (500 mg / 5 mL). In a cardboard package contains 2 blister with 5 ampoules each Mildronate and instructions for use of the drug.

Capsules are packed into blisters of 10 pieces each. One carton box contains 4 blisters and instructions for use of the drug.

Pharmacological action

Meldonium   - A synthetic drug having a similar effect with γ-butyrobetaine (GBB; a substance is a precursor oksitrimetilaminomaslyanoy acid - a natural vitamin-like substance, related B vitamins ).

According to Wikipedia, it is characterized by the ability to improve meldonium metabolism   and power supply cells and used as:

  • kardioprtektivnoe ;
  • antihypoxia ;
  • angioproteguoe ;
  • antianginalnoe means.

Mechanism of action Meldonium   defines a wide range of its pharmacological properties. Receiving this medication improves efficiency, reduces the severity of symptoms of mental, intellectual and physical stress, activates Tissue   and humoral immunity .

In patients suffering from Heart Failure It increases the force of contraction heart muscle Reduces the incidence heart attacks   (attacks angina ), And increases the body's tolerance to physical stress.

In acute injuries infarction   application Meldonium   slows down the formation of necrotic areas, reduces the duration of the rehabilitation period, normalizes blood circulation in the hearth of ischemic injury and distributes blood to the ischemic area.

Under the conditions of high stress Meldonium   It helps to restore the balance between transport oxygen to the cells and the cells need in it prevents the accumulation in the cells of the products of cellular metabolism and toxic substances, protects cells and cell structures from damage, provides fast compensation body of its energy reserves and maintain the highest rate of metabolic processes.

Toning CNS . Meldonium effectively eliminates the violation of the functional state somatic and vegetative (autonomous) of the nervous system Including violations that accompanied abstinence symptom   in patients suffering from chronic alcoholism.

In addition, the material has a positive impact on the dystrophic changes of retinal vessels , It can be used to treat vascular and degenerative pathologies of the ocular fundus .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of the active drug substance is directed to inhibition of the enzymatic activity of γ-butirobetaingidroksilazy, which is the last enzyme in the chain reaction of synthesis of L-carnitine.

Meldonium   reduces the concentration of free carnitine It prevents the transport through cell membrane   long chain fatty acids, prevents accumulation in cells activated forms of oxygenated fatty acids which are derived from acylcarnitine   and atsilkoenzima .

In ischemic tissues restores balance Mezhuyev transporting oxygen uptake and prevents disruption of transport adenosine triphosphate, at the same time activating glycolysis occurs without additional oxygen consumption.

The result of reducing the concentration of carnitine   It is enhanced synthesis of vasodilator γ-butyrobetaine.

After receiving tablets per os Mildronat contained therein M eldony   rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract. The product is characterized by rather high bioavailability. Last approximately 78%.

Concentration Meldonium   at plasma   reaches its maximum value within an hour or two after admission. In the body, Meldonium   metabolized to non-toxic products - glucose, succinate, 3-hydroxypropionic acid.

Excretion of the metabolites is performed kidney . The half-life (T?), Depending on the particular organism and the dose can range from three to six hours.

The drug in the injectable form is characterized by a 100% bioavailability. Concentration Meldonium   at plasma   reaches its maximum value immediately after the injection. The half-life (T?), Depending on the particular organism and the dose can range from three to six hours.

The result of the metabolization Meldonium   is the formation of non-toxic metabolites (glucose, succinate, 3-hydroxypropionic acid), which is then excreted from the body kidney .

Indications Mildronate: what Mildronat tablets, from which the drug in the form of injections

All dosage forms of the drug intended for the treatment of adult patients.

Indications Mildronate (for all dosage forms of the drug)

  • CHD   (in combination with other drugs and therapies);
  • peripheral artery disease ;
  • reduced performance;
  • encephalopathy ;
  • physical stress (including sports);
  • postoperative period (for accelerating the recovery of the body);
  • heart failure   chronic form;
  • cardialgia   (pain in the left side of the chest), due to dyshormonal myocardiopathy ;
  • bronchial asthma ;
  • COPD ;
  • alcohol withdrawal   (in addition to specific therapies);
  • stroke .

Additional indications for the use of injections of the drug:

  • hemorrhage into vitreous cavity   (hemophthalmus);
  • bleeding in the retina ;
  • thrombosis and occlusion of the central retinal vein or its branches ;
  • retinopathy   origin of various nature (for example, haemorrhagic   or Diabetic ).

Application Mildronate sport

Mildronat is a tool that is characterized by the ability to extend the range of tolerance to physical (both dynamic and static) loads and intellectual function not only in ischemic injuries, but also in healthy individuals.

The drug is very useful for athletes due to their properties to improve nutrition heart muscle   and other muscles of the body and reduces fatigue, while simultaneously improving the efficiency of athletic training.

Contrary to popular belief Mildronat not used as a means for the growth of muscle mass. His task in the sport and bodybuilding in particular is somewhat different: Mildronat for sportsmen shown as a prophylactic, preventing fatigue (including heart muscle ) And overtraining.

In addition, promoting more rapid removal of the decay products of the cells and accelerating the restoration of cell energy resources, improve Mildronat metabolism   at the cellular level and accelerates muscle recovery of athletes after strenuous exercise. The latter applies to both power loads and physical exertion on the speed and / or endurance.

It is believed that by applying Mildronate sport can provoke hepatic steatosis . However, it is unreasonable.

Mildronat fatty acids does not penetrate into cells and thus prevents the accumulation of fat in liver . In addition, burning mostly sugar, the body consumes more of the feedstock, which are just the fats produced per molecule adenosine triphosphate ( that is, energy production).

Meldonium not classified as doping, it can be used completely legal in all sports.

Mildronat: contraindications

Contraindications to the appointment Mildronate (for all forms of drug release):

  • Increased individual sensitivity to Meldonium   or any of the supporting components of the drug;
  • intracranial hypertension Including due to intracranial tumors and impaired venous drainage.

Side effects

Side effects caused by taking Mildronate arise frequently. As a rule, they are expressed in the form:

  • allergic reactions   (redness, skin rash, itching and swelling);
  • dyspeptic symptoms Manifested belching, bouts of nausea, vomiting, heartburn, feeling of fullness even after a small portion of food;
  • tachycardia ;
  • increasing excitation;
  • declines Blood Pressure .

Instructions for use Mildronate

Often you can find questions "Can I introduce Mildronat IM? "Or" Can I chop intramuscular medication? ".

The package leaflet indicating that the drug is in injectable form for intravenous administration, tablets and capsules, designed for oral administration (per os).

Dosage forms for oral administration should be in general form, without chewing, no grinding and emptying the contents of the capsules.

Mildronat / in the introduction is made in finished form. Mildronat be intravenously administered separately from other medicaments, dilute aqueous sodium chloride solution is not required (however, in some cases it may be).

When injected into the muscle injection is irritating and can cause local pain and allergic reactions   local character. For this reason, the drug Mildronat usually injected into a vein.

Injections Mildronate: instructions for use, which is prescribed and how metered injection

Indications injections Mildronate: unstable (progressive) angina . myocardial infarction . vascular pathology of the fundus and circulatory disorders of the brain .

Patients with coronary syndrome   drug is introduced into the vein bolus dose of 500-1000 mg, once a day. After this treatment continued, taking tablets or capsules.

Patients with vascular pathologies of the ocular fundus   drug is administered retrobulbarno (behind the eyeball) or subkonyunktivalno (under the outer shell of the eyeball) at 0, 5 ml for 10 days.

Patients with circulatory disorders of the brain   in the acute phase solution is injected into the vein, once a day at a dose of 500 mg. The duration of the therapeutic course - 10 days. Further treatment is performed using dosage forms for oral administration.

Patients with circulatory disorders of the brain   chronic form shown intramuscular Mildronate one to three times a day at a dose of 500 mg (optimum - before dinner). The duration of the therapeutic course is 2 to 3 weeks.

Tablets Mildronate: instructions for use

Patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system   Tablets and capsules Mildronate shown in conjunction with a particular therapy. The drug is taken at 500-1000 mg per day. All dose can be taken at once, and is divided into two stages.

As a rule, the treatment lasts from 4 to 6 weeks.

With cardialgia Due dyshormonal myocardiopathy , Mildronat taken once a day, one 500 mg tablet or two tablets of 250 mg.

Patients with circulatory disorders of the brain   after elimination of acute disorders shows the use of the drug in a dose of 500-1000 mg per day. Take it all at once or divided into two reception.

Patients with disorders of cerebral circulation   in the chronic form it is recommended to take 500 mg a day Mildronate.

The duration of treatment varies from 4 to 6 weeks. According to the decision of the attending physician to the patient can be assigned to repeat courses of treatment (usually two or three times a year).

Patients with peripheral arterial abnormalities drug is prescribed to take twice daily, 500 mg. The recommended dose at elevated intellectual and physical stress on the body (including athletes) - 1000 mg which should be divided into two stages.

The duration of treatment is 10 to 14 days. If necessary, repeat the course, to bear two or three weeks interval.

In the period before the training of athletes Mildronat recommended for twice daily at a dose of 500-1000 mg. The duration of treatment in the preparatory period is usually two to three weeks, during the duration of the competition varies from 10 to 14 days.

With   alcohol withdrawal   patients suffering from chronic alcoholism, Mildronat be taken four times a day at 500 mg. Duration of the course - from 7 to 10 days.

The maximum allowable daily dose is considered to be a dose of 2000 mg.


Cases of overdose have not been fixed. Mildronate characterized as low-toxic and does not provoke side effects that could threaten the health of the patient.


Allowed to combine with Mildronate   antianginal . antiarrhythmic . anticoagulant . antiagregantnymii   and diuretic drugs cardiac glycosides . bronchodilators   and so forth. medications.

Mildronat has the ability to potentiate the action nitroglycerin , Β-adrenergic blockers; nifedepina and other means, have koronarolitichesky action ; antihypertensive   drugs, as well as funds that target expansion of peripheral vascular .

Because of the possibility of moderate tachycardia   and decrease Blood Pressure apply the above funds in combination with Mildronate with caution.

Terms of sale

Mildronat belongs to the category of prescription drugs.

Storage conditions

Mildronat should be stored in a dry place. Keep away from children. The optimal temperature - not above 25 ° C.

Shelf life

48 months.


Because the drug can cause a stimulating effect, its use is recommended in the first half of the day.

Information about the ability to change Mildronate reaction rate and influence the management of transport available.

The drug is prescribed with caution for people with liver disease and / or kidney problems.

Experience in patients with myocardial infarction   and unstable angina   It shows that the active substance is not Mildronate first-line drug in ACS.

Analogs Mildronate

Analogs Mildronate: Vazopro . Vazonat . Metamax . Metonat . Trizipin . Mildrakor . Mildrokard . Kardionat . Melfor . Idrinol . Riboksil.

Price analogues of the drug starts from 170 Russian rubles.

Riboxinum or Mildronat - which is better?

Riboxinum   It is a natural compound that is in including the human body.

As a precursor adenosine triphosphate He contributes to the energy balance heart muscle , Improving coronary circulation , Reduces the severity of the consequences intraoperative ischemic kidney damage , Stimulates nucleotides   and the activity of certain enzymes citrate cycle.

Means a positive effect on metabolic processes in heart muscle , Increases the strength of its contractions and stimulates more relaxed in her complete diastole , Which in turn leads to an increase of CRM parameters (stroke volume).

Mildronat has a similar effect, but he is not involved in the synthesis of other substances. Thus the preparation and controls activity biosynthesis enzymes And participating in the production of energy and thus normalizes metabolism.

The conclusion is that Mildronat - a drug whose action is directed to correction of metabolic processes, Riboxinum   also takes part in the biochemical reactions, and is a means of metabolic effects.

To obtain the expected effect of the Riboxinum   it must be administered in amounts that are comparable to consumption in the body. Since Riboxinum used by the body in a variety of reactions, it is required in very large quantities.

Mildronat opposite itself is not consumed in exchange reactions, its effect is maintained for a longer period of time, and it requires an organism is considerably less than Riboxinum .

Therefore, the use Mildronate improves and the use of the body Riboxinum . Thus, the combined use of these drugs will potentiate the effect of each other.

Kardionat or Mildronat - which is better?

Kardionat   and Mildronat are synonymous drugs. Their basis is the same active ingredient, so both tools have a similar mechanism of action.

Their only difference is that unlike Mildronate Kardionat   It produced only in the form of 250 mg capsules and injectable solution of 500 mg / 5 ml.

Appointment Mildronate children


  • tachycardia ;
  • allergic reactions ;
  • ;
  • .





  Cardiovascular .

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