Saturday, October 28, 2017

What to buy products: rules for filling the fridge

Every time you go shopping, we are faced with a problem: how to wisely to fill your fridge, what products to buy? Let competently plan the grocery shopping.

 What to buy products: rules for filling the fridge

The first - fruits and vegetables!

Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and vegetable dietary fibers, which are necessary for normal functioning of our digestive system .  But how much of these foods to buy and eat, to accurately cover the needs of your body and it does not "go too far"? Experts in the field of healthy food found the answer to this question: the average daily rate - 5 servings .  This is at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit .  One serving of fruit - is the amount of sliced ​​fruit that fits in the palm of one, one serving of vegetables and fruit - something that fits in two hands .  Of course, strictly adhere to these restrictions do not - in the end, all fruits and vegetables have different caloric, and thus, for example, zucchini can be eaten much more than sweet bananas .  By the way, keep in mind that among the vegetables, too, there are two "high-calorie champion" - is avocado and olives .  However, to abandon them in any case impossible - it is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for our health .  Just do not include the plants in your daily diet in large quantities .

What to buy products   on? We leave the meat, fish and dairy products ... Without protein our body can not be working well. Particularly - without animal protein. His best sources - milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, meat, poultry, fish, seafood and eggs. The main thing - to choose these products. Here are a few simple tips:

  1. If you choose to read the label of cheese: good, if it is the fat content of not more than 30% of dry matter.
  2. Of the variety of dairy products, give preference to products with the lowest fat content.
  3. Choose meat with minimal visible fat. The remaining areas on the piece just cut the fat before cooking. Keep in mind that the most dietary meat varieties include beef, turkey, chicken fillet and suckling pig flesh.
  4. Meats and meat specialties - food is not for every day. Sometimes, of course, you can afford a bit of boiled ham poultry or beef.
  5. Fish can be any fat: lean varieties such as cod, are rich in quality protein and fat - for example, salmon or herring - the valuable Omega 3 we need for a good working of the heart and blood vessels. Seafood contains easily digestible protein and almost no fat - so cook them as often as possible.

And finally - the drink!

  Of course, the best drink - water, simple or mineral. It contains no calories and is ideal thirst quencher. A worthy alternative to water - herbal or fruit teas, cooked without added sugar. With the help of this tea can not only diversify the menu, but also to achieve an additional effect - or vice versa invigorating, relaxing.

Sometimes the beverage may be a juice, a fruit or vegetable. However, due to the fact that, in addition to vitamins and minerals, fruit juices contain sugar, they must be diluted with water in a proportion - 2 parts water to 1 part of juice. This will reduce their caloric content. Incidentally, the calorific alcohol - eg wine - can also be reduced by diluting it.

But sodas with sugar not only quench your thirst, but also can cause excess weight. You should not abuse them.

If you're going shopping ...

Going to the grocery store, ask yourself the question - Are you hungry now? If yes, then eat something, for example, fruit, vegetables or low-fat yogurt. The fact that a hungry person often fills his cart in the supermarket is not the most useful products: he wants something calorie, tempting. After eating in front of shopping, you will be able to resist the urge to buy, such as cake or ice cream packaging fat. So, you take one more step to good health and graceful figure!

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