Saturday, October 28, 2017

Cheese as the best dessert

 Cheese as the best dessert  Sometimes you can hear that "saturates the cheese for a long time." Why is it saying and what else is remarkable that a popular product?

Why after cheese for a long time do not want to eat? To answer this question, we need to understand - how to do? In the process of maturing cheese from the milk fat part of the bunch is split into fatty acids. Once in the stomach, and then into the small intestine, the free fatty acids enter into contact with the mucosa of the intestinal tract, which causes the production of hormone-specific substances - enteroanthelone. Enteroanthelone stomach and slows down as it "closes" it for a while. Moving food from it slows down, and the brain receives a signal that we are full. That is why cheese - a better product to complete the meal.

  Since the cheese produced from the milk of different animals - cows, goats, sheep, buffalo and so on. D. - It is concentrated nutrients that product, moreover, in easily digestible form. Cheese is rich in protein, which is essential to us as the "building material" for organs and tissues. The amino acids phenylalanine and tryptophan, which are also rich in most cheeses, provide long-term feeling of satiety, and psychological comfort after meals. Calcium and phosphorus strengthens our bones and teeth, as well as regulate the heart and brain. The cheese has a lot of vitamins A and B2 - are responsible for the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, as well as for energy metabolism.

  By the way, do you know why the French cheese plate served it for dessert? Because cheese is really protects teeth from decay. Tooth decay occurs when bacteria living in the mouth begin to produce acids that leach out of the enamel minerals. In order to stop the process of washing and restore the balance of these minerals is to finish the meal with a piece of cheese: according to Professor L. Shtёsser given in the journal "Phoenix", a protective effect of cheese is based on strengthening the development of saliva, which reduces the demineralization phase. As a result of experiments, it was found that after the cheese mineral loss is reduced by 71%.

There are many ways of serving cheese - with fruits and nuts, or a cheese plate, where the different varieties are arranged in a clockwise direction - from the most delicate to the most seasoned. However, not a lesser role played by the flow temperature of cheese. Classic cheese tastes best at a temperature of +16 to +18 degrees (they reach it within an hour after having been taken out of the fridge), but fresh cheeses - for example, such as cheese, mozzarella or ricotta - should apply strong cooling .

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