Description overdue on 05/28/2014
- Latin name: Venarus
- ATC code: C05CA53
- Active substance: Diosmin and Hesperidin (Diosmin & Hesperidine)
- Manufacturer: Obolensky pharmaceutical company ZAO, Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Venarus (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One tablet contains the active ingredients: diosmina - 0 45 g, hesperidin - 50 mg + auxiliary substances (gelatin, cellulose, talc, srearat magnesium, glikonat starch sodium, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, polyethylene glycol 6000, lauryl sodium, red oxide titanium, yellow iron oxide).
Product form
The drug is produced in the form of pink and orange pills convex shape - oblong. If you break the tablet in half clearly shows 2 layers.
Packages with Valium means 10 and 15 tablets in a blister; 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 in the plates carton box.
Pharmacological action
Angioprotector, venotoniki.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Venotoniki Venarus exerts angioprotective action Thanks to the active flavonoids Included in the preparation. When violations microcirculation in the lower extremities functional or organic genesis, active substances increase the tone and decrease venous distensibility. Capillaries become less fragile, improving lymph flow .
Period elimination half-life makes 11 hours. Withdrawal of funds mainly kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
Venous insufficiency
The drug is prescribed for:
- acute or chronic hemorrhoids ;
- convulsions limbs, edema . trophic ulcers Induced venous insufficiency .
- drug allergy Substances that are part of the drug;
- lactating women.
Side effects
Pills Hemorrhoids Venarus have a number of potential adverse events:
- allergic reactions skin;
- dyspepsia ;
- headache and dizziness ;
- asthenia .
Instructions for use Venarus (method and dosage)
Tablets are taken during meal, do not breaking a and not liquid, squeezed a large amount of liquid.
The daily dose is two tablets, the first week they are divided into two steps. In the following days can be drink immediately on 2 pieces.
Treatment of an acute form Hemorrhoids It needs to increase the daily norm to six tablets of the first 4 days, up to 4 pieces - the next 3 days.
As a rule, if the doctor has not appointed another course of treatment is 3 months.
No cases of drug overdose. In case of the characteristic symptoms ( nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, general weakness ) Stomach wash, take chelators .
As a rule, it does not occur.
Do not allow the simultaneous reception of Venarusa and drugs that slow its absorption in the digestive tract.
Terms of sale
Necessary to have a prescription.
Storage conditions
In a dry place at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
Shelf life
2 years.
Analogues of Venarus
Flebodia 600
Ginkor Fort
Analogues of: Venolayf, Flebodia, Meksiprim, Girudoven, Ginkor gel Ginkoum, Detraleks .
Is it better or Venarus Detraleks?
Operating substances and their quantity in tablets equally, differ funds only manufacturer. Moreover, the price of analogue Detraleks much higher than the original. When compared at various forums, often choose Detraleks, wrote that he effectively.
Reviews physicians Detraleks or Venarus? Doctors are inclined to to give preference to detraleks, justifying its choice a purity of a medicament.
Is it better or Flebodia Venarus?
Flebodia and Venarus - analogues drugs contain the same active ingredients. At about the same performance and exhibit side effects. Flebodia much more expensively, due what is produced in France.
During pregnancy and lactation
Some specialists prescribe the drug for pregnancy .
Due to the absence of clinical trials, during breast-feeding the drug is not prescribed.
Reviews Venarus
Doctors about positive tablets. They are often prescribed for varices And circulatory disorders of the lower extremities. The drug is most effective in the early stages of the disease. Also, a drug often prescribed for prevention relapse in the postoperative period. Among the most common side effects heartburn and other violations by ZHTK .
Reviews on when Venarus hemorrhoids good. The drug quickly, within a couple of days eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Popular among pregnant women in the postpartum period.
Price Venarus (Where to buy)
Price Venarus pellets in Ukraine the order of 250 UAH for 30 tablets.
Buy a medicine in Moscow will manage in 400 rubles per 30 pieces and 700 rubles per 60 pieces. Price from hemorrhoids Venarus pills at the pharmacy Ponds - about 300 rubles per 30 pieces.
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