Sunday, September 10, 2017


February 10, 2012

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 Seborrhea  Seborrhea   - A disease of human skin, which provokes dysfunction sebaceous glands . Striking seborrhea those parts of the body, which is the most sebaceous glands. Manifestations of the disease affect the face, chest, skin folds under the hair of the head. Patients with seborrhea is allocated excess sebum, besides his usual composition suffers changes.

Symptoms of seborrhea

The disease occurs mainly in adolescents, but sometimes there are symptoms of seborrhea and mature people. As a rule, people over the age of forty years, seborrhea appears periodically. To distinguish two types of seborrhea - there oily seborrhea   and dry seborrhea . More often, people diagnosed with oily seborrhea. This disease has the following characteristic features: gland produce much liquid sebum, the skin becomes slippery to the touch and shiny in appearance. Later, there is a gray tinge to the skin, it is covered with acne. Oily seborrhea appears enhanced secretion of sebum, which included too much oleic acid . Skin due to the large number of enlarged pores becomes similar to an orange peel. It is believed that oily seborrhea prevalent in people who have dark skin.

If the seborrhea is shown on the head, then human hair very quickly become dirty and greasy, begin to stick together in untidy strands. Under the scales color of the skin is preserved in good condition. However, the structure of the hair is changing: they are thin, very brittle and can split at the ends.

Skin patients seborrhea, usually has alkaline And it is - a prerequisite to the appearance of secondary infection. So, for seborrhea can join pyogenic infection .

The symptoms of seborrhea can manifest itself in different ways for people of all ages. Typically, adolescents, primarily a change occurs in the state of the skin: expanding the pores, thereby pimples and black dots. In patients with seborrhea, staying in adulthood, often seborrheic eczema , Baldness, acne and pimples purulent. People in the elderly may occur as a result of seborrhea Warts .

When a person has oily local lesions observed enlarged pores, in which there is traffic jams. As part of these tubes - grease, dust and horny scales. Such an open comedones is called "black spots". However, in patients with oily seborrhea meet and closed comedones ( whiteheads ). It appears on the skin nodules that have a diameter of 1-2 mm. On the head, the skin under the hair appear scales grayish-yellow and oily consistency. With further development of disease in a human hair can fall out.

If you have dry skin produces a viscous oily sebum. At the same time on the skin under the hair forms a strong dandruff She constantly showered on his shoulders and the back of the person. When dry seborrhea possible manifestation of itching. On the face of the skin is very dry, vulnerable, her constant irritation occurs. Might appear Mixed seborrhea : In this case, the individual areas of the skin affects dry seborrhea, others suffer from manifestations of oily seborrhea.

Reasons for seborrhea

 Seborrhea  The tendency to this ailment can be hereditary. Progression of seborrhea provoke disruptions of hormonal nature (too many androgens   or too low in estrogen ). The cause of acute illness may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, constant stress, vitamin deficiencies. The general state of the autonomic and the central nervous system, the presence of chronic infections, immunodeficiency state also directly affects the development of the disease. To date, experts have determined that there is a direct link between the sebaceous glands and sexual hormones. Seborrhea and provoke some foods: spicy and too fatty foods, meats and sweets, coffee, chocolate.

The main reason a person has symptoms of seborrhea - too intense multiplication of the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. This fungus resides on human skin, and if the amount thereof is in the normal state on the skin are not affected. However, in the case of a very high level of oil production, as well as violations in its normal, normal composition skin loses the required level of antimicrobial properties, and the number of fungi increases dramatically. Gradually, there is penetration of the fungus into the upper layers of skin, resulting in skin begins to peel off, and it takes actinic.

The disease does not cause inflammation, but later developed as a result of seborrhea seborrheal dermatitis . This disease is most often seen in people with skin sensitive to sebum, as well as to the breakdown products of this secret.

Diagnosis seborrhea

Diagnosis seborrhea produces specialist dermatologist. First of all, the doctor conducts a thorough external examination, which is sometimes enough to make a correct diagnosis. The characteristic symptoms of seborrhea experienced specialist can determine very easily. However, the reasons that provoked the appearance of seborrhea, is much harder to identify. In view of the dermatologist is almost always recommended to take advice from other professionals. So, a woman must necessarily be examined by a gynecologist-endocrinologist in view of the possible presence of high levels of androgens. In addition, patients of both sexes should visit a specialist gastroenterologist.

Treatment of seborrhea

 Seborrhea  In order to get rid of seborrhea completely, you need to eliminate the primary cause of its occurrence. Seborrhea Treatment should be aimed primarily at finding and eliminating the causes of this. Often, while ignoring the causes of seborrhea treatment it becomes very long and practically ineffective.

Treatment of seborrhea must be conducted with an individual approach, comprehensively. If you find the cause of abnormalities in the sebaceous glands, it should be eliminated. So, for example, the detection of elevated levels of androgens in the female body are sometimes appointed reception oral contraceptives That lead to normal hormonal background.

For the treatment of seborrhea used drugs local effects, as well as oral agents. Generally, for the treatment of seborrhea head uses special shampoos which contain salicylic acid . ketoconazole . Zinc pyrithione . selenium sulfide , and tar . These tools help to get rid of dandruff, eliminate itching and irritation on the scalp.

For the treatment of seborrhea patients also prescribe reception vitamins . The most important vitamins for the treatment of skin diseases, are vitamins A   and E . Lack of vitamins these groups may be one of the factors that provoke skin diseases. Patients who go to the doctor with complaints of seborrhea must comply with the special diet . In this case, it is important to limit the use of sweet, too spicy and oily food. Such food activates the sebaceous glands, and aggravates the condition.

In the treatment of seborrhea on the exposed skin using special medicated creams containing Zinc pyrithione   and other substances. If the disease has moved in very advanced form for the treatment of seborrhea head and exposed skin ointments, which is composed of corticosteroids   or retinoids . Sometimes, in the absence of inflammation in the skin doctor may recommend the use of certain cosmetic procedures. It may be a special cleansing facial masks based on some of effective tools.

 Seborrhea  Sometimes used in the treatment of seborrhea retinoids   in order to reduce the production of sebum. As a result, the skin condition after treatment normalizes. However, it is important to consider that the use of drugs of this group require a clear and regular medical supervision. Given the need for long-term treatment and the possibility of a number of side effects should be kept for tests and undergo examination by a doctor. There are also many folk remedies used to treat seborrhea.

Prevention seborrhea

In order to prevent the manifestation of seborrhea and to ensure the regulation of fatty skin functions, it is important to follow some preventive measures. What is important is the correct mode of the day, good sleep, healthy eating and regular physical activity. It is also necessary to periodically use polyvitamins . Experts advise not to abuse a variety of cosmetic products, often used hair dye.

Patients with seborrhea, as well as those who are prone to it to occur, it should be very careful to comply with all rules of hygiene, to show people with oily skin. It is important to ensure that the skin does not pollute at home or in hazardous work. People suffering from seborrhea, should as much as possible to spend more time outdoors, it is useful moderate exposure to the sun. A good preventive effect is taking baths with sulfuric mineral water. Meals should include more fruits and vegetables, milk products and vitamin-containing foods. Also, patients with seborrhea are advised to regularly use brewer's yeast, which contain a lot of vitamin B. Experts also recommend to wipe the skin on the face of disinfectants.

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