Description overdue on 09/15/2014
- Latin name: Infagel
- ATC code: L03AB04
- Active substance: Interferon alfa-2a (Interferon alfa-2a)
- Manufacturer: Vector-Medica JSC, Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Infagelya (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
1 g of gel contains 10,000 IU recombinant human interferon alpha-2b.
As additional ingredients include aluminum hydroxide gel, and polyvinyl alcohol.
Product form
Available in a gel in tubes of 2; 3; 5 and 10 grams and in bottles of 2 and 5 grams.
One package holds the tube 1 or 1 bottle.
Pharmacological action
Antiviral, immunomodulatory, antineoplastic.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Interferon By interacting with specific sites on the surface of infected cells triggers suppression Replication of viral proteins It contributes to generating a large amount protein kinases Thereby destroying the cell RNA and the host cell.
Together with indirect antiviral effect improves immunity , Enhancing the phagocytic action macrophages and activating natural killer cells .
It also has radioprotective and antitumor effect It affects many processes in the body, including the functionality of CNS.
The local external application of gel, interferon It exhibits low systemic absorption.
Infagel drug in gel form is indicated for therapy herpetic lesions mucous membranes (except the mucous eye) and skin:
- Herpes simplex;
- herpes zoster;
- genital herpes;
- recurrent herpes skin;
- herpetic stomatitis;
- gingivitis.
The drug is also applicable for the prevention of viral infections such as Flu and SARS.
Infagel not apply to:
- with individual hypersensitivity to interferon and substances within the framework of the gel;
- in the presence of allergic reactions Who are in the acute stage.
Side effects
The use of the gel may be accompanied by localized allergic reactions .
Most watched the contraction of the skin the site of application of the gel, which is not included in the number of side effects, and talks about the formation of a protective film on the affected area.
If you notice symptoms suggestive of hypersensitivity reactions related to treatment with Infagelya cancel and pick another drug with a similar action.
Instructions for use Infagelya (method and dosage)
Instructions on Infagel allows only topical application of the gel.
Recommendations for the use of the gel for the treatment of herpetic lesions It lies in its application to the affected areas of mucous membranes and skin thin layer, without any rubbing.
The drug is used 2 times a day, trying to adhere to the 12-hour interval between application. Within 10-15 minutes Infagel dries and forms a protective film, wherein the felt the contraction of the skin . For greater efficiency do not recommend touching affected areas and stretch the skin at the time of drying the gel.
Typically, the course of therapy using Infagelya lasts for 3 - 5 days, but if necessary, may be extended to full recovery before lesions.
In order to prevent SARS and influenza virus recommended 2 times a day to lubricate the gel nasal passages. Prevention can be carried out throughout the period of seasonal exacerbation Infectious Diseases But not more than 30 days.
Using Infagelya immediately after contact with the sick person does not provide absolute protection against the virus, but significantly increases the chances of avoiding infection.
Due to the fact that the drug Infagel assigned exclusively for topical use and has low systemic absorption the active ingredient, an overdose is practically impossible.
Infagel medicament for external application is fully compatible with other drugs used to prevent and treat SARS and influenza virus And with means applied for therapy herpetic lesions.
You can prevent a decrease in efficiency Infagelya when combined with NSAIDs and corticosteroids.
Terms of sale
Over the counter.
Storage conditions
At a temperature of 0 to 10 ° C (in a refrigerator).
Shelf life
12 months.
Avoid getting gel on the mucous membrane of eyes.
Genferon Light
- Gerpevir;
- Zovirax;
- Diaferon;
- HATSIKY etc.
Perhaps the use of Infagelya in childhood, after consulting a pediatrician.
Infagel during pregnancy and lactation
The drug Infagel intended only for local use, and therefore, when indicated, and after consulting a doctor may be appointed under pregnancy and breastfeeding .
Reviews Infagele
Considering the drug as a means to get rid of Herpes Reviews Infagel 99% of the positive. Note the rapid healing of the external manifestations of the disease, and full recovery of the skin.
Infagel also received a good evaluation when used with the aim of preventing SARS and influenza.
There is quite a controversial opinion of some doctors of the impossibility of prescribing for children up to 2 years. In any case, before using any drugs should consult with a physician since the self can lead to serious consequences.
Price Infagelya where to buy
Today Infagelya price, depending on the mass content of from 80 to 150 rubles.
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