Description overdue on 05/14/2014
- Latin name: Pentovitum
- ATC code: A11BA
- Active substance: Multivitamins (Multivitamins)
- Manufacturer: JSC "Altayvitaminy"
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Pentovita (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- With alcohol
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The structure includes vitamins Pentovita Group B . vitamin PP . The composition of vitamins as follows: in each tablet 0, 0129 g of thiamine bromide . 0, 003 g of folic acid . 0, 02 g of nicotinamide . 0, 005 g of pyridoxine hydrochloride, 0 00005 g of cyanocobalamin .
Product form
Vitamins Pentovit issued in the form of film-coated tablets are sold in packs of 50 and 100 pieces.
Pharmacological action
The drug has a complex effect, which is due to its constituent components.
Vitamin B1 has an active influence on the process of neuromuscular regulation, is actively involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Vitamin B6 It contributes to the normalization of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. He also takes an active part in the metabolic processes of the body. It participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
Cyanocobalamin contributes to the normalization of the liver, nervous system, stimulates the process of blood clotting and metabolism, is involved in the synthesis of amino acids.
Folic acid involved in the synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids.
Nicotinamide It is involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, in the processes of tissue respiration.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) mainly absorbed in the duodenum and small intestine. Distribution of thiamine occurs in all tissues. Roughly about 1 mg thiamine metabolized daily. Thiamine metabolites excreted by the kidneys.
Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is distributed to all tissues and organs equally.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, then it is converted by the liver into pyridoxal, that is the active form of the vitamin. The end product of metabolism - 4 piridoksilovaya acid, it is excreted through the kidneys.
Folic acid Small doses absorbed through absorption and large doses - through diffusion. Absorbed in the form of simple hydrolysates. Distributed in all tissues. Biotransformation and metabolism of folic acid have not been studied.
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) transferred to the ileum via glycoprotein. If the vitamin ingested in high doses, it is absorbed by simple diffusion. The metabolism of vitamin very slow. Return with bile .
Indications Pentovita following:
- Treatment and Prevention gipovitaminozov ;
- high demand of the human body in B vitamins;
- the recovery period after infectious diseases;
- prevention stresses . asthenic conditions ;
- neuralgia . polyneuritis ;
- Medicine . Dermatitis .
Indications vitamins determined by your doctor depending on the characteristics of the disease.
Pentovit tablets should not be taken in the following cases:
- High sensitivity to the constituents of the drug;
- age up to 12 years.
Side effects
In the process of applying the drug may experience the following side effects:
- itchy skin, rash;
- pain in the heart, increasing the excitability of the central nervous system, tachycardia ;
- insomnia ;
- in rare cases appear convulsions .
Instructions for use Pentovita (method and dosage)
Strictly according to instructions if indicated should be used Pentovit vitamins. Instructions for children 12 years old and adults is as follows: every day should be used 2-4 tablets three times a day. The drug should be consumed along with the meal.
How to take Pentovit a specific disease, will tell the attending physician. But you need to take vitamins at least 3-4 weeks. How to take adult patients Pentovit the presence of a specific diagnosis depends on complex treatment.
Overdose agents can lead to the manifestation gipervitaminoza , Excessive concentration of vitamin B. In this case, a person may occasionally occur dizziness, dyspepsia , Rush of blood to the face and neck, migraine . insomnia . It is also possible numbness and heart rhythm failure. However, these symptoms are very rare.
The simultaneous use in the treatment and Pentovita colchicine or biguanide It leads to a decrease in absorption cyanocobalamin . Do not combine drugs that increase blood clotting, and cyanocobalamin. Long period of treatment anticonvulsant and simultaneous use Pentovita leads to shortages thiamine .
Terms of sale
Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
Storage conditions
It should be stored in a dark, cool, dry place in a sealed container glass orange.
Shelf life
The drug is stored for 3 years.
During treatment Pentovitom should not take other vitamin complexes, as there may be an overdose.
It is impossible in the course of treatment to take a higher dose of a multivitamin than that indicated in the instructions.
As part of the shell tablets have sugar, so diabetics should always take this into account when treating.
Taking the drug does not affect the concentration driving transport and handling mechanisms as possible.
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Vitrum Performance
Analogs Pentovit tablets - are other vitamin complexes, of which today there are so many. Analogues of funds may be considered Benfolipen . Neyromultivit . Pikovit and others. All these funds have similar indications, are useful for hair, improve skin condition and others.
Is it better or Pentovit Neyromultivit?
Both formulations are useful for the prevention of stress, improvement of the nervous system, to improve the skin and hair. Neyromultivit unlike Pentovita has no consisting of vitamin B3 and vitamin B9.
Price tablets Neyromultivit higher - 110-140 rubles per 20 tablets.
Children drug is allowed from 12 years of age. Can the children of the younger age groups to include this facility in the complex treatment of a number of diseases, defines only the attending physician. With this appointment should clearly take into account the instruction that was given to the doctor.
With alcohol
Do not combine this vitamin complex with taking alcohol. When combined with alcohol Pentovita dramatically decreases the absorption of thiamine in the body.
When pregnancy
If there is such a need, you can use the drug for the treatment of pregnant Pentovit on prescription.
Reviews Pentovite
Doctors about Petnovite mostly positive, it is prescribed for many diseases and for the prevention of disease. However, it should be noted that vitamin complexes - is only an aid in the treatment of several diseases. Therefore, reviews of vitamins and patients are left depending on how effective was the main treatment. The positive feedback we are talking about the fact that vitamin complex to help cope with the peeling of the skin, get rid of acne, to normalize the overall state of the nervous system. Often there are positive opinions on the use of the drug after the appointment of his children. On the manifestation of the side effects are extremely rare reviews.
Price Pentovita where to buy
Price Pentovit vitamins in pharmacies on average 65 - 70 rubles for 50 tablets. Ukraine Pentovit can be purchased at the price of 45 USD.
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