Description overdue on 11/13/2014
- Latin name: Elcar
- ATC code: A16AA01
- Active substance: L-carnitine (Levocarnitinum)
- Manufacturer: LLC "Pik-PRO Pharma" Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Drops Elkar: instructions for use
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Elkar children
- Newborns
- Slimming
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
oral solution (vitamin BT).
As part of the ekstsepientov Elkar also includes:
- citric acid monohydrate (Citric acid monohydrate);
- methyl parahydroxybenzoate (Methyl parahydroxybenzoate);
- propyl parahydroxybenzoate (Propyl parahydroxybenzoate);
- Water (Aqua).
Product form
Means provided in the form of a solution for oral administration of various concentrations (Elkar 20% Elkar 30%) as a dark glass bottles (100, 50 and 25 ml) or plastic (25 mL) and in the form of a solution for / and / m introduction.
Elkar 20 percent solution and the solution Elkar 30 percent have the form of a transparent liquid, colorless or slightly colored. At the opening of the bottle it is allowed characteristic peculiar smell.
Pharmacological action
alimentary canal and for .
Elkar - a synthetic analogue is produced in the human body amino acid L-carnitine . As a universal corrector and energy metabolism stimulator, a drug greatly improves the activity of the National Assembly and the structure of the brain as a whole.
The drug speeds up the recovery of the body after suffering a serious human illnesses and surgical procedures; It improves the condition of the various organs and an organism as a whole; It provides the ability to carry high loads.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
L-carnitine - Is a natural substance that is similar in structure to the B vitamins . It is also called Vitamin BT or vitamin growth.
The amino acid L-carnitine is involved in the as a fatty acid transporter from the internal cell environment to mitochondria, where they are subjected to long-chain fatty acid beta-oxidation (reaction cycle degradation of fatty acids) with the formation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and acetyl-coenzyme A.
The action vitamin BT aims to:
- normalization protein and lipid metabolism ;
- increase ;
- improve digestion of food entering the body;
- reduction of excess body weight;
- reducing the amount contained in the muscle tissue of fat;
- oppression oxocarboxylic acid synthesis ;
- oppression anaerobic glycolysis (a complex sequence of enzymatic breakdown of glucose that occur without oxygen consumption);
- reduction in the degree giperlaktatsidemii (lactose acidosis);
Under influence L-carnitine more economically and more efficiently spent glycogen While increasing its holdings in liver and muscle tissue .
Also vitamin stimulates growth of proteins and provides the breakdown of fats, thus reducing the percentage of fat contained in the body.
Against the background of an increased use of the drug normalized . This effect is due to the fact that L-carnitine produced by an indirect antagonist thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland And it does not inhibit the secretion of hormones by direct method.
L-carnitine well absorbed in gastrointestinal tract . Cmax display peaks in three hours and maintained within therapeutic range for a further nine hours.
The substance easily penetrates liver and heart muscle , Somewhat slower - in . It is excreted from the body kidney .
According to the annotations to the drug, Elkar recommended:
- in conditions provoked increased psycho-emotional and physical activity;
- when fatigue and decreased performance (particularly in the elderly);
- for rehabilitation after surgery, injury or transferred somatic diseases;
- for the treatment of diseases pancreas and liver , Digestive disorders, dermatological diseases . hyperthyroidism (mild);
- for conditions involving carnitine deficiency
- patients suffering from syndrome of anorexia nervosa .
brain lesions Accompanied by neurological symptoms .
Elkar prescribed for Vitamin deficiency Growth Which is caused by diseases associated with the violation metabolism in muscle tissue . mitochondrial diseases or myocardial diseases Involving electric or mechanical cardiac dysfunction .
Patients with heart disease the drug can improve exercise tolerance. Elderly patients Elkar slows the aging process brain It improves concentration and Higher mental functions .
Also, the drug can be recommended for people who adhere to a vegetarian diet, patients with decreased appetite and physical exhaustion.
L-carnitine Athletes also shown to increase endurance and effectiveness during training, improve the performance of power and speed, improve coordination, for the reduction of adipose tissue and more rapid increase in muscle mass.
Furthermore, in sports medicine drug prescribed for the prevention and reduction of symptoms post-workout syndrome As well as to accelerate the regeneration of damaged due to muscle injury.
The drug can also be administered to children born prematurely and children in the period of active growth. The treatment improves the child's appetite, normal weight, normal development skeletal muscle .
With acute hypoxic conditions (for example, in . acute cerebral hypoxia or transient ischemic attack ); circulatory disorders in the brain ; DEP, brain lesions various origins, after surgery; patients being in a hemodialysis levocarnitine ; at coronary artery disease . hypoperfusion Due cardiogenic shock And other pathological processes in the myocardium It can be assigned Elkar / O.
The drug is not prescribed when it is known that the patient has a history was marked hypersensitivity to any of its constituent components.
Children who are under 3 years old, drops Elkar administered with extreme caution. Treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a physician.
Side effects
Isolated cases have been recorded, when the background of the drug the patient has pain epigastric It has evolved dyspeptic symptoms and allergic reactions . Patients with uremic kidney may develop muscle weakness.
When the unwanted side effects are advised to contact your doctor.
Drops Elkar: instructions for use
Adult patients instructions for use Elkar recommends taking a drop in addition to the primary therapy.
They drink about half an hour before meals, pre-diluted with a small amount of fluid (eg, juice, compote or a five per cent solution of glucose).
For patients depleted prolonged physical and emotional load, the recommended daily dose is from 1 to 4, 5 scoops (1, 5 and 6, 75 g or 5 to 22, 5 ml). Share it should be 2 or 3 doses.
The rehabilitation period after undergoing somatic diseases . surgery and injuries, the presence of symptoms Admission is recommended to continue for 1-2 months.
Treatment Characterized by reduced secretion complement receiving 0, 75 g (half the measuring spoon or 2, 5 mL) a day for 1-1 months 5.
For treatment skin diseases patients administered for 2-4 weeks to take on 0, 75 g (half the measuring spoon or 2, 5 ml) of the drug.
Treatment of mild hyperthyroidism It involves taking for 20 days at 0, 5-0, 75 g (26 to 39 drops) per day. The dose is divided into 2 or 3 doses. A course of treatment is repeated after a month or two (in some situations, the drug is prescribed to take an uninterrupted period of 3 months).
With brain lesions Due vascular diseases , Exposure to toxic substances and injuries, the daily dose of 0, 75 g (half the measuring spoon or 2, 5 mL). The drug is taken from 3 to 5 days. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 12-14 days.
In conditions characterized by primary and secondary deficiency carnitine, patients should take from 0, 05 to 0, 1g / kg body weight (2 to 5 drops / kg). Recommended multiplicity of reception - 2-3 times a day. For the normalization of carnitine Elkar drops continue to take 3-4 months.
For athletes during periods of intense training is considered optimal daily dose is from 2, 5 to 7, 5 g of levocarnitine .
If the drug is prescribed for therapeutic purposes, Elkar take a dose of from 70 to 100 mg / kg / day (equivalent to 5-7, levocarnitine 5 g per day).
Before the competition is recommended to drink the drug for 3-4 weeks, during the course of the training process of reception is 6 to 8 weeks.
Instructions for use Elkar children
Babies drops administered as an additive to sweet dishes (the drug is allowed to be mixed with jelly, juice or juice). For children up to 3 years a daily dose determined by the attending physician.
For the treatment of children under one year Elkar use drops to 20%. The recommended daily dose - 30 drops with a multiplicity of receiving three times a day.
Children from 3 to 6 years, the drug is prescribed to take over a month for 10-16 drops per day (0, 2-0, 3 g levocarnitine). Share the daily dose should be on 2-3priema.
Children 6 to 12 years shown Elkar receiving a single dose of 0, 2 to 0, 3 g (i.e., 11 to 16 drops) was 2 or 3 times a day. To the effect of the drug was more pronounced, it is necessary to take at least one month.
Babies, stunted, administered for 20 days to accept from 0, 5 to 0, 75 g (26-39 drops) per day Elkar multiplicity receiving two or three times per day. A course of treatment is repeated after a month or two (or immediately administered to a patient receiving continuous solution for 3 months).
Followed by drug overdose dyspeptic symptoms : Pain, a feeling of early satiety, or fullness severity, localized in the epigastric region, bloating, nausea.
Patients with uremia may experience symptoms myasthenic disorders .
Activated Carbon adsorbents.
Elkar is well tolerated and does not cause any cross-reaction with the drugs, the effect of which is aimed at optimizing homeostasis and secondary prevention stroke .
Glucocorticosteroid drugs contribute levocarnitine accumulation in various tissues (except liver). Other anabolic agents potentiate the effect on the body.
Terms of sale
Drops Elkar dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.
Storage conditions
The drug is stored in protected from light and inaccessible to children at temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
After opening the bottle Elkar retains its pharmacological properties for 2 months. Use this product after this period can not be.
Opened vials must be stored in the refrigerator.
Shelf life
36 months. Do not use the medication after the expiration date.
The greatest increase in performance is noted in the range of 2-6 hours after ingestion. Therefore, it is recommended that athletes take at least 2 hours before your workout.
Drops should drink 30 minutes before a meal, as an active ingredient of the drug is poorly absorbed digestive tract while receiving a protein food
Analogs Elkar - a drug Adenokor . . ATP Long and ATP Forte . Berlition . Vazonat . Gepadif . Dibikor . Brewer's yeast (c mummy, calcium and magnesium, hips, etc.), Idrinol . Inotin . Metamax . Mildronat . Neyrolipon . Taufon . Cytochrome C . Ecdysten . Succinic acid .
Price analogues in Russian pharmacies varies from 7 ( Succinic acid, taurine ) To 1,800 rubles ( Metamax ).
Elkar children
The dose of drug Elkar children selected depending on the age of the patient, the disease and the overall clinical situation. Babies and children up to three years is recommended to take a drop of 20% Elkar.
Elkar children can be administered at any age. Indications are stunting, low body weight, the need to speed up the recovery of the body of the child after he underwent serious illnesses or surgery.
Upon receipt of children - reviews Elkar confirm this fact - normal appetite and weight. In children with mental and physical development of improved coordination and improving the acquired skills (children under one year, for example, are beginning to better keep your head up, crawl, sit on their own, etc.).
In school-age children increased activity, increased concentration and stamina, improves memory, and overall well-being, disappear headache .
In cases where a child has symptoms dysbiosis or Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Elkar used in combination with enzyme preparations (This may improve absorption in the gut).
Elkar for newborns
Drops Elkar newborns are allowed to use the first days of life.
Guide indicates that the drug is expedient to appoint RDS ( respiratory distress syndrome ), For the care of premature infants born with low birth weight and those on parenteral nutrition, as well as children who received birth trauma or undergone .
In-hospital drug injected into a vein or muscle, continue therapy at home using a solution for oral administration. It is important to remember that babies prescribe a solution with a concentration of 20%, 30% Elkar it is contraindicated.
Elkar reviews for newborns show a high efficiency of this tool: babies are underweight, and disorders of the digestive system in more than 65% of cases within two weeks of a marked increase in weight.
Elkar slimming
It is well known that the problem of excess weight is directly related to disturbances in metabolism. It is responsible for the regulation produced in the body kidneys and liver substance carnitine .
The shortage in the diet B vitamins Iron, ascorbic acid , Individual enzymes It provokes the reduction of its production, and this in turn leads to the fact that fats from food cumulated begin in tissues and are not converted into energy.
Elkar is an agent whose action is directed to the fulfillment of certain regenerative processes in the body. Its active ingredient promotes the conversion of fat and the formation of their energy.
As a result, the body fat splitting processes are activated tissue, reduced fat concentration in the muscles, improving digestion, normal weight. It is based on this application Elkar slimming.
How to take Elkar slimming?
Experts compiling the diet believe that the effectiveness of the diet can be significantly improved by taking from one to one and a half grams L-carnitine in a day.
It helps to reduce body weight due to the normalization of protein and fat metabolism.
However, almost everyone who has tried to lose weight with the help of this tool, note that the best effect can be achieved by adding drops of receiving regular workouts active and balanced nutrition.
Admission during pregnancy
Since the application Elkar studies for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted, the drug is not prescribed in the periods pregnancy and Lactation .
Reviews Elkar
metabolism Digestive System . The drug is often prescribed as a fortifying agent after a serious illness, during periods of melancholy and decreased performance, both mentally and physically overtired people.
A big plus of the drug - is that you can assign it from the very first days of life. Elkar reviews for babies confirm the high efficacy of the product in cases where the child has received birth trauma Or whether it has been locked asphyxia .
Not less effective it is for babies with a weak tone for infants born with a small body weight (including premature babies). Also appointed to his children refuse to eat and gain weight poorly.
Many mothers in a review of the preparation write that on the background of the child Elkar significantly improved appetite and increased activity (due to the fact that adipose tissue is becoming less and muscles more).
There are, however, negative reviews Elkar children. Most of them are associated with the appearance of the child's side allergic reactions .
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