Monday, December 5, 2016


Description overdue on 05/28/2014

  • Latin name: Kudesan
  • ATC code: C01EB09
  • Active substance: Ubidekarenon (Ubidecarenone)
  • Manufacturer: AKVION / Pharma Foreign Trade, Russia
Photos of the drug
  • Composition
  • Product form
  • Pharmacological action
  • Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Instructions for use Qudesan Q10 (method and dosage)
  • Overdose
  • Cooperation
  • Terms of sale
  • Storage conditions
  • Shelf life
  • Analogs
  • Babies
  • During pregnancy (and lactation)
  • Reviews
  • Price, where to buy



1 ml drops   contains ubidekarenona   30 mg; as well as additional components: ascorbyl palmitate . tocopherol acetate , Citric acid, Cremophor Sodium benzoate and water.

Children 1 drug tablet   7 comprises 5 mg ubidekarenona ; as additional substances: dextrose monohydrate, silica, povidone, magnesium stearate, talc, creamy flavor.

Tablets for adults Qudesan Forte consist of 30 mg ubiquinone   4 and 5 mg tocopherol acetate ; Additional ingredients: kolidon . aeroforces , Calcium stearate, primeloza , Microcrystallic cellulose.

Forte as Qudesan solution   1 ml contains 60 mg Coenzyme Q10   6 and 8 mg tocopherol .

Qudesan with magnesium and potassium   in 1 tablet   include: 7, 5 mg of ubiquinone . Potassium   - 97 mg (as asparaginate potassium 450 mg) Magnesium   - 16 mg (as asparaginate magnesium   250 mg).

What is the difference Qudesan and Qudesan Forte?

Qudesan Forte 1 ml contains twice ubidekarenona   and in addition it includes tocopherol acetate .

Product form

  • Drops Qudesan   and Qudesan Forte   for the reception inside in vials of 20 ml.
  • Chewable tablets for children   to outline a package of 30 pieces.
  • Qudesan Forte Tablets   20 pcs. packaged.
  • Qudesan with magnesium and in potassium   40 pcs. packaged.

Pharmacological action

Normalises metabolic processes in myocardium and decreases tissue hypoxia. By its nature it is a coenzyme similar to vitamins. Increases the synthesis of ATP, it has been actively involved in the reactions of cellular respiration.

Has antioxidative effect   - Protects cell membranes from damage by lipid peroxidation products.

Is able to reduce the area of ​​ischemia in the myocardium, increases tolerance fiznagruzki. Sufficient the formation of Coenzyme Q10   in an organism is carried out only y young people till 20 years. After this age level ubiquinone   begins to decline. Also, there may be a decrease in the content, even in children with diseases.

It has cardioprotective   and cardiotonic   effect has immunostimuliruschy   and adaptogenic   effect. Restores, enhances the adaptability of the organism at high loads and stress, increases the resistance to hypoxia.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

We have no data.


Use the medication as part of comprehensive treatment and prevention.

In adults:

  • cardiomyopathy ;
  • heart failure ;
  • Arrhythmia ;
  • myocardial infarction   in the recovery period;
  • coronary artery disease ;
  • hypertension ;
  • Preparation for surgery of aorto - coronary bypass surgery, and other surgical procedures on the heart.

Instructions for use for children Qudesan determines the possibility of receiving the following diseases:

  • heart disease ( cardiomyopathy . heart failure . Arrhythmia );
  • preparation for surgery for congenital and acquired;
  • kidney disease (nephropathy metabolic nature, chronic pyelonephritis );
  • diseases of the nervous system ( vegetatively-vascular dysfunction , Neurodegenerative disease hereditary nature, muscular dystrophy . Congenital myopathies );
  • chronic gastroduodenitis ;
  • the recovery period after surgery and serious illness;
  • asthenic syndrome .

In children and adults used the drug in order to improve adaptation at high physical activity and to make up for a lack of Coenzyme Q10   in the body.


  • idiosyncrasy;
  • children younger than 1 year.

Under reduced blood pressure   use caution.

Side effects

Rarely can be observed nausea   and diarrhea . There are allergic reactions .

Instructions for use Qudesan Q10 (method and dosage)

The drug is in the form of a solution dissolved in a small amount of liquid and taken with food in the morning one time a day.

To take preventive medicine:

  • adults and children after 12 years to 12 - 24 drops;
  • children 7-12 years 8 - 12 drops;
  • children 3 - 7 years appoint 4-8 drops;
  • children from 1 year to 3 - 2-4 drops.

As part of the treatment of diseases using the following dosages:

  • adults and children over 12 years take 60 drops per day;
  • age 7 - 12 - 20 drops;
  • aged 3-7 years to 16 drops per day;
  • children from 1 year to 3 years to designate up to 10 drops.

Duration of treatment is about 2-3 months. Repeated treatments are possible on the recommendation of a physician.

With coronary heart disease   drug administered three times a day for 30 - 45 mg.

To increase the tolerability elevated physical loads at sportsmen apply dose of 90-150 mg / per day in 2-3 reception.

Instructions on Forte drops Qudesan   children after 14 years and adults recommends that to appoint on the 5 kap 1 r / d during meal, at elevated fiznagruzki - on 10 kap. 1-2 p / d during the meal.

Forte Tablets   is dosed on 1 tab. 1 p / q.

Qudesan with magnesium and in potassium   Take 2 tablets. 2 p / q. 1 month course of treatment.


No cases were observed.


Reception in conjunction with statins   or fibrates (lipid-lowering drugs), beta-blockers ( metoprolol . atenolol . propranolol ), Tricyclic antidepressants leads to a decrease in the level of ubidekarenona   in blood.

Action of enalapril . metoprolol . Nitrate . diltiazem   It can be enhanced ubiquinone .

Coenzyme Q10 is able to attenuate the effect of warfarin .

Terms of sale

Qudesan solution . Qudesan children   - Prescription.

Qudesan Forte . Qudesan with magnesium and potassium   - over the counter.

Storage conditions

Compliance with the temperature ranging from 15 ° to 25 ° C, in a dark, dry and protected from children.

Shelf life

2 years.

Analogs Qudesan

Match code ATC 4th level:
  •  Qudesan  Metamax
  •  Qudesan  Tivortin Aspartate
  •  Qudesan  Deprenorm MB
  •  Qudesan  Dibikor
  •  Qudesan  Kardionat
  •  Qudesan  Mexicor
  •  Qudesan  Sulfokamfokain
  •  Qudesan  Vero Trimetazidine
  •  Qudesan  Preductal

Coenzyme Q10 Doppelgerts Active . Coenzyme Q10 Evalar .

Price analogues ranges from 210 rubles. up to 400 rubles. 30 tablets (capsules).


Is contraindicated in children under 1 year.

During pregnancy and lactation

Since there is no clinical experience, it is not recommended to assign.

Reviews Kudesane Q10

There are many reviews on the use of the drug for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. But it is difficult to assess the effectiveness in this case, because Cardiac patients often receive a complex treatment, and the effect may be due to the action of a number of drugs.

There is a positive experience of receiving Ku Qudesan 10 during the recovery period of myocardial infarction.

Patients leaving Reviews of Forte Qudesan   on medical the forums, celebrate good action at elevated fatigability - a medicine attaches of force and improves the tolerability of loads. Most of the recommended intake drops - the words of members of the forum, they are more effective than pills. The disadvantage of the majority referred to the high cost of treatment.

Testimonials about Kudesane with potassium and magnesium   few. Doctors prefer to prescribe the drug for neurocirculatory dystonia   - It noted that the drug effectively reduces the heart rate.

Those reviews of Kudesane children   who are talking about the benefits of receiving in asthenic syndrome (children become more active, fatigue passes), and congenital heart disease. Some mothers say the children after a course of medication improved immunity.

Price Qudesan Q10, where to buy

Cost drops Qudesan   for children and adults in Russia ranges from 337 to 401 rubles. for a 20 ml vial. Buy in Moscow this form can be an average of 364 rubles. Chewable tablets for children   30 pcs. It costs about 407 rubles. Cost Qudesan Forte as a solution   ranges from 468 to 479 rubles., and the price tablets   20 pieces - 522 rubles.

For form Qudesan with potassium and magnesium   in the amount of 40 pieces. you need to pay 358 rubles.

The drug is sold in Ukraine only in the form drops   20 ml. It costs from 107 USD. up to 127 UAH.

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