Friday, December 2, 2016

It's time to the hospital: main features

When to go to the hospital - the issue date for pregnant women and their relatives. Helicopter over the little town, and a lot of cars on the road - especially in Moscow, especially when small maternity wards are closed at CRH (not profitable), while the perinatal center yet to be reached.

 It's time to the hospital: main features  when to go to the hospital

I tell this story for 4 years in the classroom to prepare for childbirth.

Elena 34 years. The second pregnancy, the second coming generations. Once graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, majoring but never worked with her first husband did not work, his son Mishka 5 years - a great healthy boy. This sudden pregnancy, but desirable, from a loved one, which promises to "help", but does not promise to marry. Counted term births - fell on the 10th September.

- But remember that a woman is at term with 38 minutes on the 42 th week.
- Yeah. The last time I gave birth a week earlier, and then in the September 3rd face. I need to know exactly how to catch Bear parents drive, and then he got scared when labor will begin.
- Lena, what nonsense? Bear in 38-39 weeks, let grandparents take. But even if the birth will begin what he scared? Start fights, you quietly invoke emergency and calmly go to the hospital.

On the morning of September 3, Lena began pohvatyvat stomach.

- Began. I said - a week earlier - said Lena while cleaning the apartment and collecting Bear to her grandmother.

The contractions were quite tolerant, Lena felt fine, but just in case, called her parents:

- Well, Mom, you come?

- Yes, of course, darling, we're going.

"That is great! "- Thought Lena, patting his stomach. It disturbs it not in vain, because she lives in Khimki, and parents in Vykhino. For those who are not in the material: Khimki and Vyhino are in opposite ends of the Moscow and Moscow - the city is not small.

The contractions gradually become tangible, Lena started to glance at the clock, wondering duration of contractions and interval.

- Mom, what are you going?

- Yes, darling, we have come out with my dad.

"From the planar Vyhino to the subway 47 minutes - Lena thought, rubbing his lower back. - Without a direct, straight branch. And even from the subway about 15-20 minutes. Childbirth - business not fast, all have time. "

Some time later, Lena decided to go to the toilet: "Can not enema at the hospital will cost." It was in the toilet Lena was very clear that she wants to "at-large" is not without reason - it clearly has tuzhit!

Here Lena mobilized and developed a storm of activity. First things first, she ran to a neighbor:

- Urgent Call an ambulance! I give birth!

Then I took a bath of warm water and two attempts to successfully gave birth to a girl.

- Oxana, you do not think I have it right away mucus from the nose sucked, and she screamed. I bathed and put it to his chest. And then the ambulance arrived. That is well done all the same, so soon arrived! I pinch the cord doctor, and right on the stretcher I was in the car suffered. I say, "Doctor, I feel myself very well, I'll make it myself. Why did stretcher? "But the doctor does not allow, he said that I had the last in the womb, so only on a stretcher. I honestly prichestno not want to give birth at home, it happened by accident.

Bear did not have time even frightened.

We recommend immediately go to the hospital Where:
  • There has been a rupture of membranes and / or suspected of leakage in any stage of pregnancy.
  • When regular contractions more often than 10 minutes.
  • If there is a sharp pain in the abdomen.
  • When the bleeding.

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