Thursday, December 1, 2016

Flowers in the country: caution, poison!

 Flowers in the country: caution, poison!  We love to decorate their garden plots bright, lush fragrant flowers! And we do not even suspect that some of them are very poisonous.

Especially dangerous such plants are for kids who are used to pull in my mouth all bright and unusual. To understand who is who among the inhabitants of the flower beds helps us the deputy director of the Institute of herbal medicine, doctor phytotherapeutist Elena Korsun


Black nightshade (or rather, dark blue) in its mature state is quite edible - of its berries in the villages, even baked cakes. But while he was immature, can cause poisoning. But the foliage of this plant is poisonous at all times.

Bittersweet nightshade (red berries) contains solanine, which is in green and ripe berries. It is deadly poisonous substance. Also poisonous nightshade and decorative appearance (large attractive bright red berries) - Cuban Cherry.


It is a favorite summer resort many undemanding plant. The most poisonous he considered not flowers and young shoots and seeds. As a general rule, a maximum of harmful alkaloids plant accumulates during the growth and flowering.

Burning sensation in the mouth, nausea and slowing heart rate is accidentally swallowed a piece or special plants. Even if you can smell the long experience symptoms similar to intoxication.


Bright showy plant like plant near residential buildings ZhEKov wipers. Avoiding it requires very little, and pleasing to the eye to the very cold weather.

Meanwhile, castor fruit - funny "hedgehogs", and even more so, their "filling" - can be deadly poisonous. Contain substance ricin and ricinine (cyanide). Literally 2-3 seeds can be fatal hit the liver and kidneys, destroy lung cells.

Lily of the valley

This humble plant can poison even the water into which you put a bunch. And all because the leaves contain a considerable dose of deadly konvallatoksina. There is a dangerous substance and colors, and lovely red berries, which are formed after flowering. Even a small portion of the plant eaten can cause irregular heart muscle, headaches and even hallucinations.

With the lily of the valley are advised to work only with gloves. because even a drop of juice that gets into the invisible wound, can cause poisoning.


Lush blossoms of white, pink or lilac flowers of this plant are poisonous, as all its other parts. If you chew a flower or leaf begins profuse salivation and lacrimation, growing into vomiting, drop in pressure, slow pulse, and as a result - a coma ...

Its pollen causes tears and runny nose, even for those who do not suffer from allergies. And the toxins contained in the leaves, stems and flowers, can cause convulsions, choking, and kidney failure. No less toxic and relative rhododendron - mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). Its pollen can cause tears even e people who have never suffered from allergies. And the toxins contained in the flowers and the leaves can cause choking and seizures.


Another great poisoners:

-   Hydrangea , Blooming from summer to autumn lush blue flowers. Do not try to chew on them! However, as the leaves. Toxic whole plant.

- Daffodils   (their season is already over, but forewarned is forearmed). Even the smell of daffodils has a toxic effect: if you are with a bouquet of delicate flowers indoors, away headache. "To the tooth" very toxic serdtsevinka flower. Therefore, do not try to chew it.

- Foxglove , Which is so colorful bells decorate flowerbeds. The upper leaves contain high concentrations of hazardous substances - digitonin. Toxic for humans and for animals.

- Oleander   - Beautiful lush shrub with fragrant small flowers. Toxic whole. Even one piece of paper can cause a young child serious poisoning, problems with the heart and nervous system.

- Elderberries   red and grass (not black) - their leaves and roots, and especially the berries very toxic. Amygdalin contain harmful substances.

- Woodbine   forest or plain. It is often planted as an ornamental plant. Another is called "Wolfberry". Her beautiful red berries ripen in July and August. Inedible, very poisonous.


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