Description overdue on 10/20/2014
- Latin name: Hyoxysonum
- ATC code: D07CA01
- Active substance: Hydrocortisone (Hydrocortisone) + Oxytetracycline (Oxytetracycline)
- Manufacturer: Valium, Akrikhin, Pharmaceutical factory of St. Petersburg, Murom Instrument Plant (Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Indications
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Ointment gioksizon, instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
As part of the ointment contains 3g oxytetracycline hydrochloride (activity 860 U / mg) 1 g hydrocortisone acetate .
Also ointment contains auxiliary substances: liquid paraffin, nipagin to 100g Medical Vaseline.
Product form
Ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 25 or 10 grams. Tubes with the instructions for use of the drug packed in a cardboard box.
Pharmacological action
The drug has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory actions of the local.
The drug is indicated for:
- abrasions ;
- infected diaper rash;
- carbuncles ;
- dermatitis of the newborn (exfoliative and bullous);
- folliculitis ;
- impetigo ;
- infected wounds and eczema;
- hives newborn ;
- erysipelas ;
- erosion;
- seborrhea ;
- erythema multiforme exudative ;
- allergic and simple dermatitis ;
- insect bites;
- burns;
- purulent and allergic diseases of the external ear canal;
- "Solar" erythematous rash;
- varicose ulcers of the lower leg ;
- frostbite .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Gioksizon is a combination drug that inhibits the development of inflammatory reactions in the skin, and especially those with allergic origin, which are complicated by a bacterial infection. The effect is achieved through the cumulative effect of a part of gioksizon components.
Substance oxytetracycline It is an antibiotic tetracycline group with bacteriostatic action. It shows very active against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, Mycoplasma spp. . Rickettsia spp. . Chlamydia spp. . Treponema spp.
Glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone It has anti-allergic, antipruritic, anti-exudative and anti-inflammatory effects. Inhibiting the activity of phospholipase A2, the agent decreases the formation of phospholipid cell membrane arachidonic acid. Inhibits the release of interleukins and other cytokines which have anti-inflammatory effects and local allergic reaction braked and release histamine . Reduced collagen deposition and synthesis in the skin proteins and hydrocortisone attenuates proliferative processes and an obstacle to the development of connective tissue.
The drug is contraindicated in:
- the presence of hypersensitivity to one or more components within the drug;
- skin tumors ;
- avium ;
- tuberculosis of the skin ;
- precancerous conditions;
- viral skin diseases ( chicken pox . herpes );
- pregnancy ;
- lactating (in the case of on extensive lesions).
Side effects
Side effects when using the drug may appear in gioksizon skin irritations . rash . itching Also may cause allergic reactions and superinfection.
In the case of the ointment on the face side effects may act atrophy of subcutaneous fat Located in the cavity, and telangiectasia .
Systemic side effects may cause glucocorticoid ointment application to large surfaces, as well as long-term use gioksizon ointment.
Ointment gioksizon, instructions for use (method and dosage)
It is used topically applied topically.
0, 5-1 g of ointment is applied directly to the affected areas with a thin layer of from 1 to 3 times a day. It is also possible to apply the ointment on sterile gauze after which it should be attached to the skin and fixed with a bandage. The duration of treatment with the drug gioksizon adjusted individually based on the location and extent of damage. But with a maximum duration of treatment - two weeks.
In the case of preparation on the skin of the face, gioksizon dot applied to the affected areas of the thin layer. The course of treatment - no more than 7-10 days.
Data on drug overdose gioksizon absent.
Data on drug interactions with other medications gioksizon absent.
Terms of sale
The preparation is available in pharmacies by prescription.
Storage conditions
The drug should be stored out of the reach of children. The maximum storage temperature - 20 ° C.
Shelf life
3 years.
In the treatment of corticosteroids is not recommended vaccination against smallpox, as well as other types of immunization because of the immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids.
In the case of the ointment on the facial skin, the duration of treatment should be short. It is associated with increased absorbability of the drug in these areas that you can cause side effects.
Akriderm . Triderm . Oksikort .
Children are not recommended to use the drug on a large surface, as well as its application under an occlusive dressing.
During pregnancy and lactation
Instructions on gioksizon ointment contains information on the use of the drug during pregnancy - in this period, the ointment is contraindicated. The lactation is not recommended to use the drug on extensive lesions.
Reviews gioksizon
The network can find a lot of reviews about gioksizon, but all of them are mixed. On one side stand the inefficiency of this ointment, and others note positive developments in its application.
Most of the positive reviews say that, from what gioksizon ointment helped. It is noted that the product copes with boils and reduces inflammation in addition gioksizon promotes rapid healing of the affected skin, thereby reducing the likelihood of scarring. There and efficacy of an ointment for acne.
Reviews for ointment gioksizon also note the effectiveness of the drug against allergic skin reactions , Which applied a very thin layer of the drug. At the same time he mentioned that the ointment eliminates a manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin, but does not eliminate the cause.
According allergic ointment has an excellent wound healing effect, and the well-absorbed, burns and moisturizes the skin. However, it relieves itching badly.
As for the negative reviews, most often it is about time, after which the drug begins to act - some partial effect is reached only after 10 days of use, although the effects have been waiting for 2-3 days. Also mentioned on the greasy yellowish, which stay on the field of application of ointment.
It is worth noting that the positive comments on the application of the ointment is much more negative, but there are also fears that hormonal ointment or not. Yes, a hormonal drug, although reports of side effects due to this network is not a lot.
Price gioksizon where to buy
Price gioksizon ointment, 10g in different pharmacies varies from 32 to 54 rubles per pack.
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