Thursday, January 26, 2017

Postpartum Contraception

May 30, 2012

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 Postpartum Contraception  A few weeks after the light appears desirable child, the woman is gradually returning to normal sexual activity. And at this time, more than ever, appears acutely question Contraception . After all, most of the women after the appearance of the baby is not eager to get pregnant again without a "breather." And if the first among young mothers, it was thought that breastfeeding - a time when the conception of the child can not occur, then an abundance of other evidence completely negates this theory.

In this case pregnancy Which sets in immediately after a woman has given birth to a child is not desirable for the young mother, and because of its weakened condition. Young mum should fully recover the body, or her state of health during the next pregnancy may significantly deteriorate, and the fruit can be developed with some delay. According to conventional wisdom physicians, a full recovery of the female body and the willingness to subsequent gestation after about two to three years after birth. Therefore, very often pregnancy, which occurs immediately after birth, in many cases, ends its artificial interruption. And this is highly undesirable from the viewpoint of obtaining both physical and psychological harm. Thus, contraception after childbirth - is extraordinarily important issue requiring competent approach.

Sexual life after childbirth

Hurry up with the beginning of the sexual life after childbirth definitely should not. Doctors urged to keep a period of abstinence, at least four weeks. But the best is still to sustain the recommended six weeks. However, there are statistics that most of the couple resumed sexual relations already living in the first month after the baby was born. In this case, the woman should be aware of the fact that pregnancy is possible even after childbirth before resuming menstrual cycle . Therefore, at the first sexual intercourse after childbirth should be mandatory to use contraceptives, using one or more methods of protection.

Features postpartum contraception

However, doctors suggest that there is a fairly low probability opportunities fertilization during the first six months after birth.   Breastfeeding - Natural, natural process in which there is a visible benefit, not only for the baby but for the mother as well as the feedback process in the body of the lactating mothers occur more rapidly. And contraception after delivery involves the selection of this method of protection against unwanted conception, which would have a negative impact on the process of the production of breast milk, its quality, and not undesirable impact on the health of mother and baby.

 Postpartum Contraception  The method, called lactation amenorrhea , Subject to the proper application of acts, according to statistics, in 98% of cases. However, all the conditions should be as thorough. This method of contraception after delivery is only valid if the woman produces breast-feeding at his request and at the same time feeding also occur at night. It is important that breast-feeding occurred exclusively breastfed, that is supplementation unused. The child must take the breast every three hours during the day and night between feedings should not take more than six hours. Thus, the more often will be feeding on demand, the higher the level of performance will be at such a method of contraception. The fact that the effect of the hormone prolactin, which causes lactation depressing effect on sexual hormones . Therefore, the conception does not occur.

When using the lactational amenorrhea method is important to note that it is only valid until the beginning of the first menstrual period and not more than six months after birth. As soon as a woman enters supplementation in the diet of a child or increases the interval between feedings, the effectiveness of the method is significantly reduced.

In practice, there are so many special moments that need to be taken into account. So, for example, sometimes 8-12 weeks after the normal process of feeding a child a woman happens to the so-called lactation crisis . The result is an unplanned pregnancy. At the same time, women who do not feed the baby milk after only six to eight weeks can get pregnant again.

Other methods of postpartum contraception

It is also possible to use other methods of contraception after childbirth. The relatively high efficiency (about 99%) provide intrauterine . If there are no contraindications, and childbirth in women there were no complications, the intrauterine devices can be used almost immediately after birth. The most optimal time for the process of the introduction of such a contraceptive - the middle of the second month after the birth of the baby. Such timing will significantly reduce the risk of possible loss of the IUD.

Intrauterine contraceptives do not adversely affect either the quality of breast milk or the process of its development. They can be used over a long period of time - about five years. This tool protects against pregnancy immediately after its proper installation.

As disadvantages of this method of protection should be noted the likelihood of expulsion (ie, the "loss") contraceptive immediately after its introduction. In addition, after IUD insertion, some women may significantly increase blood loss during menstruation, and pain may occur these days. In addition, when using this method of contraception is no complete protection against the development of ectopic pregnancy . This method of protection should not be used by women who has multiple sex partners.

As contraception postpartum appropriate use of Condom . Subject to the instructions for using this tool, as well as the agreement of both partners, the effectiveness of the condom may be 100%. Condoms, besides, can be used at the first postnatal intercourse.

This method of contraception is as accessible as possible, while it does not affect the health of the baby and mother. In addition, as a positive note with the help of a condom protection from diseases that are sexually transmitted.

However, many women suffer from shortcomings as an association of condom use with sexual intercourse, changing sensations during intercourse, the need to carefully follow all instructions regarding its use.

 Postpartum Contraception  Application Aperture   as postpartum contraceptive efficacy of about 80-90%. If this method is used in combination with spermicides , Its efficiency can be more improved. It is important to bear in mind that the diaphragm is only used once held six weeks after birth. It does not affect the health of women and children. But it is very important that the selection of a diaphragm made individually gynecologist. In addition, after each sexual intercourse necessary to take care of the diaphragm.

The use of spermicides, the effectiveness of which is about 95% under normal use, perhaps even at first intercourse after childbirth.

Spermicides do not adversely impact on the health of women and children, and to some extent provide protection regarding diseases that are sexually transmitted.

As a tangible disadvantages of this method say its relative high cost, a clear link to sexual intercourse, as well as changes in the quality of sensations during oral sexual contact.

Hormonal contraceptives after childbirth

Use as a method of contraception after delivery means called minipill Effectively if applied properly about 98%. If the mother is feeding the baby breast milk, then use the mini-pill should be six weeks after childbirth. Non-breastfeeding mothers used minipill a month after giving birth. As part of the mini-pill contains the female   sex hormone progestogen , No effects on the production, quality and quantity of milk production in women. By using this means of contraception from the time a woman can gradually move on combined oral contraceptives   (abbreviated to COC).

Mini-pill affect the cervical mucus, thereby preventing the fixing of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Acceptance of this drug should be held strictly according to instructions, continuously, at the same time. In addition, the use of these tablets in the first few months occasionally a woman may show bleeding between periods. However, after some time a manifestation of the self disappears. Before using this contraceptive women should be sure to get the advice of the attending gynecologist.

As hormonal contraceptives are used as so-called hormone injections. The effectiveness of this method of protection is around 99%. After birth, the mother who fed the child, must make the first injection after six weeks. At the same time non-breastfeeding mothers are doing hormone injection in a month after the birth of the baby.

This tool is chistogestagennym hormonal contraceptives, which include women hormone progestogen Without adversely affecting the process of lactation. This method of contraception also does not affect the health of the baby and mother. After a single injection, depending on what type of drug was used to protect against pregnancy for a period of eight to twelve weeks.

Yet when using this method of protection, many women complain of discharge of blood between periods. This can occur in the first months of using the funds later this phenomenon disappears on its own. Sometimes a woman may feel dizzy, it can change body weight.

Before using this method, it is important to be sure to consult a doctor. Be sure to monitor the situation and in time to make the next hormone injection. Once the drug is stopped, restoration of fertility observed for one year.

 Postpartum Contraception  Contraception after birth can also occur through the introduction of Norplant - Hormonal implants, which effectively affects approximately 99%. After delivery, women who feed the child must enter Norplant six weeks. Non-breastfeeding mothers injected implant has cherezodin month after the birth of the baby.

The tool consists of six silastic capsules, which contain the female   hormone progestogen . These capsules are administered via a small surgical operation into the inner side of the forearm. Their action lasts for five years.

The method does not affect negatively on the child's condition and women is not associated with intercourse. After five years, the effectiveness of this method dramatically reduced, so you need to remove the capsule.

As a side effect of the method women sometimes say the appearance of bleeding in between periods, the increase in body weight, a manifestation of the periodic dizziness.

Before using the method it is necessary to consult a doctor. Extract capsules should spend only a specialist. After exposure of the drug ceases, fertility is restored during one year.

Using combined oral contraceptives   Breastfeeding can only take place from the seventh month after the birth of the baby. After the suspension of feeding, this method can be applied immediately. Non-breastfeeding mother can use oral contraceptives from the fourth week after birth. If you use this method correctly, its effectiveness can be up to 100%.

Combined oral agents not only provide absolute protection against the onset of unwanted conception, but also to some extent protect the manifestations inflammation of the pelvic organs . breast disease   and female genital mutilation . Also, these funds have a certain positive effect on the skin and hair of women.

As negative points should be noted decrease in the amount of milk in the application of such tablets. Also, their effect on the reception quality of breast milk. Therefore, breastfeeding combined use of oral contraceptives is unacceptable. Before using this method of contraception after childbirth should initially consult a doctor and undergo their assigned study.

Other methods of postpartum contraception

Contraception after giving birth with the help of the natural family planning method is directly dependent on how regular menstrual cycle of women, and whether it complies with all of the instructions exactly as it should. Even with this method, the efficiency is only 50%. In this case, it requires periodic abstinence from sexual intercourse. It is important to consider the fact that this method can be applied immediately after birth of the baby, but only after the complete restoration of the menstrual cycle. A woman who does not feed the baby breast milk, the restoration of the menstrual cycle has been going on six to eight weeks after birth.

It is important to take into account the fact that ovulation   It occurs before menstruation. Therefore, a woman might already be pregnant, but the lack of postnatal menstruation she explains the postpartum period.

There is also a method female and   male sterilization Which is an irreversible way Contraception . In this case, the operation is performed by tubal ligation or to impose terminals women on the fallopian tubes, and men produce ligation of the vas deferens. But such a serious step should do only those who are fully confident in the reluctance to have children in the near or more distant future.

Ideally, before the start of the sexual life of a woman after the birth of a baby should visit a gynecologist and together determine the most appropriate for her method of contraception after childbirth.

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