Friday, January 13, 2017

Acute gastritis

July 9, 2011

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 Acute gastritis  Acute gastritis   referred to as an acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which appears under the influence of chemical, mechanical, thermal and bacterial factors. Gastritis manifests itself in partial damage to the mucosal surface epithelium and glandular system, and then, further development of inflammatory changes in it. Began inflammation can spread to the entire thickness of the mucosa and even the muscular layer of the stomach wall or limit the surface epithelium of the mucosa.

According to statistics, acute gastritis - the most common disease in the world, they have more or less ill, more than half of the adult population.

Classification of acute gastritis

Depending on the reasons for which there is inflammation of the gastric mucosa, acute gastritis are divided into 3 groups:

1. Acute simple or Gastritis acuta simplex .
2. abscess or Gastritis phlegmonosa, phlegmona ventriculi .
3. Corrosive or Gastritis corrosiva .

In turn, the simple acute gastritis divided into exogenous   and Endogenous   form.

Exogenous anyway irritative gastritis   developed under the influence of external factors: the use of poor-quality food, regular overeating, eating very spicy, fatty, too hot or too cold food, hard-digested food, spirits, and so on. d. (nutritional gastritis).

Endogenous or gastritis hematogenous That are associated with the internal impact on the gastric mucosa of various pathological agents. This effect comes from its own body: acute infection, breakdown of proteins of an organism with burns and irradiation, metabolic disorders, mental disorders, and so on. D.

Causes of gastritis are varied. Often the cause of gastritis becomes bacterium Helicobacter pylori But there are other reasons.

It may be banal bad chewing food due to laziness, bad habits or poor dental health.

Eating disorders, binge eating, especially after the previous period of prolonged fasting, xerophagy can also lead to acute gastritis. Another cause inflammation of the stomach may become alcohol abuse and smoking.

Of particular note is such a cause as poisoning That is, the reception of poor quality or contaminated food: coli infections, botulism, staphylococcal poisoning, salmonella and others.

Severe damage to the gastric mucosa can be triggered by prolonged use of certain drugs. Such as antibiotics, salicylic drugs, sulfonamides, quinine, digitalis, bromo, arsenic, iodine, phenylbutazone, steroid hormones , Atofan, insulin etc.

Because of individual sensitivity to certain medications also may cause severe allergic gastritis .

Endogenous causes of gastritis include a variety of acute and chronic infectious diseases such as lung abscess, typhoid fever, measles . scarlet fever . diphtheria . flu , Typhus, tuberculosis   etc.

The cause of gastritis in this group hematogenous drift into the stomach wall of pathogens and toxic substances released by them. In addition, infectious diseases the formation of significant amounts of toxic products of protein decomposition. These, together with bacterial toxins and hematogenous fall in the stomach wall, causing an inflammation. Causes of gastritis may be caused by uremia, burns, frostbite. These pathological conditions accompanied by circulatory disorders, hypoxia gastric mucosa and enters the bloodstream of toxic substances that make up a pathogenetic basis for the development of acute gastritis.

Among the exogenous factors in the development of gastritis, the main place is occupied by diseases associated with metabolic disorders, and the endocrine glands, it is diabetes . gout , Thyrotoxicosis, and others.

Often the appearance of gastritis associated with the influence of psychogenic factors, negative emotions and passion in which there is poor circulation in the stomach and functional disorders, t. E. Infringement of secretory and motor functions of the stomach.

Another common cause of acute gastritis are some toxic substances poisoning: it can be a strong acid, caustic alkali, such as ammonia or caustic soda. Poisoning can occur mercuric chloride, cyanide, arsenic, chloroform, Lysol. It is not excluded, and a similar effect when using high concentrations of alcohol and high doses of drugs. Such poisoning can be by mistake or prednamereno the purpose of suicide.

All of these toxic substances not only cause irritation of the stomach, but in concentrated form, have a bright pronounced necrotizing action. The degree and extent of damage depends on the concentration and the residence time of a particular toxic substance in the stomach.

In mild cases, and short-term effects, the mucosa can regenerate, in severe cases, development is inevitable rough scarring.

Gastric abscess   - Is developing a purulent inflammation of the stomach. It arises as a result of injury to the stomach wall a foreign object such as a fish bone. There is an infection in the area pyogenic infection. Different phlegmonous gastritis heat and unbearable pain in the epigastric region. Phlegmonous acute gastritis requires immediate surgery, otherwise begins peritonitis   and often the disease ends in death.

Symptoms of acute gastritis

 Acute gastritis  Very often asymptomatic gastritis, however, sooner or later, symptoms of gastritis manifested dependent form of the disease. Common symptoms of gastritis: pain in the upper abdomen, fasting and / or after a meal, heaviness in the stomach after a meal, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation, weight loss, loss of appetite. Symptoms of acute gastritis may disappear temporarily, and then reappear. When viewed topped visible grayish-white coating tongue, the patient complains of increased salivation, or, conversely, dry mouth, heartburn Sometimes frequent constipation , Unpleasant odor in the mouth, weakness. There sweating, dizziness . headache , Fever, low blood pressure, tachycardia .

Acute gastritis erosive form but common symptoms may show signs of gastric bleeding : Abdominal pain, vomiting and the appearance in the vomit blood clots or dark streaks, dark dёgteobraznym chair.

On palpation revealed pain in the upper abdomen.

The average acute simple gastritis lasts for five days. Early treatment of acute gastritis gives a favorable prognosis. If the action of harmful factors repeated acute gastritis becomes chronic.

Diagnosis of acute gastritis

The most effective and modern method of diagnosis of gastritis, currently is fibrogastroduodenoendoskopiya   ( EGD ). EGD method allows inspection of the gastric mucosa by means of a probe and a biopsy, ie, taking a piece of mucosal tissue for analysis. This method allows to distinguish from gastritis gastric ulcer. On the basis of the data at the time of EGD, doctors divide gastritis Erosive   and non-erosive .

Treatment of acute gastritis

Treatment of acute gastritis forms almost always start with the obligatory washing of the stomach and bowel cleansing. In the case of an infectious etiology prescribe antibacterial drugs ( enteroseptol . chloramphenicol   etc.) and the absorbent means: Activated carbon   or kaolin   and others. In cases of acute allergic gastritis recommended destination antihistamines . When expressed pain syndrome - spazmopitiki , Holinoliticheskie drugs: atropine . platifillina tartrate . When dehydration parenterally administered isotonic sodium chloride and glucose.

Easy for acute gastritis usually treated at home and takes 2-3 weeks. Activities include:

  • A strict diet - the first two days of illness abstinence from food is only allowed a warm drink, then it is recommended gentle food: warm, low-fat and pureed food.
  • Prescribing: adsorbs toxins, enveloping the stomach wall, analgesic, improves digestion of the stomach of the patient, reducing acidity, sometimes in order to get rid of the infection, patients prescribed antibiotics.

Prevention simple acute gastritis comes to observing a balanced diet. Very important health education to the public and strict sanitary supervision in catering.

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