Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Child Psychology

July 6, 2011

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 Child Psychology  Today, the experts do not have any single version of the theory, and capable of providing a comprehensive and indisputable idea of ​​how the child's mental development.

Child Psychology   - A section of psychology, exploring the spiritual and mental development of children, the laws of the processes, studies instinctive and arbitrary behavior and features of development, starting with the birth and before the maturity of 12-14 years.

Psychologists divide childhood into periods, based on the periodization of mental development of children is the concept of leading activity, which is characterized by three main features:

At first It should be sense-certainly, carry meaning for the child, for example, previously incomprehensible and senseless thing to acquire a three-year child of a certain sense only in the context of the game. Therefore, the game - it is the leading activity and means of meaning.

Secondly , The basic relationships with peers and adults develop in the context of these activities.

And third In connection with the development of the leading activities appear and develop basic neoplasms age, the range of capabilities that allow these activities to implement, such as speech or other skills.

The leading activity is crucial at every stage of a certain mental development of children, it does not disappear other activities. They may become not essential.

Stable periods and crises

Every child develops unevenly, is relatively calm, stable periods, alternating with critical, crisis. During periods of stability child collects quantitative changes. It is slow and not very noticeable to others.

Critical periods or crises in the psychological development of children discovered empirically and, in random order. First it opened crisis seven years, then three, then 13 years old, and only after the first year of the crisis was born.

During crises, the child in the short term is changing rapidly, changing the basic features of his personality. These changes in child psychology can be called revolutionary, they are so swift and significant downstream within the meaning and significance of the changes occurring. Critical periods are characterized by the following features:

  • age crises children have quietly and very difficult to determine the date of their occurrence and end. Indistinct boundaries between periods, in the middle of a sharp aggravation of the crisis;
  • during the crisis, the child is difficult to education, often in conflict with others, attentive parents feel his experience, despite the fact that at this time he stroptiv and uncompromising. Falling school performance, efficiency and, on the contrary, increased fatigue;
  • outwardly apparent negative development of the crisis, there is a destructive operation.

The child does not acquire but only loses that acquired previously. At that time adults should understand that the emergence of a new development, almost always means death of the old. Looking closer attentive to the child's emotional state, you can even watch the critical periods of development and design processes.

The sequence of any period determined by the alternation of stable and critical periods.
The interaction with the child's social environment is the source of its development. Everything that the child learns to give his people around him. In the children's psychology is necessary that the training went ahead.

Age peculiarities of children

Each child's age has its own characteristics, which can not be ignored.

The crisis of the newborn (0-2 months)

This is the first crisis in the life of the child, the child has the symptoms of the crisis - the weight loss in the first days of life. In this age of the child - the most social being, he is not able to meet their needs and are completely dependent and at the same time, deprived of the means of communication, or rather, does not know how to communicate. His life began to become an individual, separate from the mother's body. As adaptation to the surrounding, the child appears as a lump in the revitalization of the complex, including a reaction engine excitement at the sight of approaching familiar adults; use crying to attract attention to yourself, that is. e. attempt to communicate; smiles, enthusiastic "cooing" with his mother.

The complex serves as a kind of revival of the critical boundary of the neonatal period. The term of his appearance is the primary indicator of normal mental development of the child and appears before those children whose mothers had not only just meet the needs of the child, but also communicate with them, talking, playing.

Infancy (2 months - 1 year)

At this age, the leading type of activity is a direct emotional communication with adults.

Development of the first year of life lays the foundation for its further formation as a person.

Dependence on them is more comprehensive, all cognitive processes are realized in a relationship with her mother.

The first year of life a child utters the first words that emerging structure of the speech act. Accustom arbitrary actions with the objects of the world.

Before it, the child - passive . He learned to understand the tone, repetitive turns, but he still can not speak. In child psychology during this period laid the foundations of all the language skills, the children themselves are trying to establish contacts with adults using crying, cooing, babbling, gestures, first words.

Once formed, the active speech. Vocabulary baby up to 1 year 30, almost all of them have the character of action verbs: give, take, eat, drink, sleep, etc.

At this time, adults should talk to children clearly and distinctly to transfer the skills of correct speech. The process of language acquisition is more successful if parents show and called objects tell stories.

With the development of objective activity associated movements of the child.

The sequence of movements there is a common pattern:

  • moving eyes, the child learns to focus on the subject;
  • expressive movements - a complex revitalization;
  • movement in space - the child learns to roll over consistently, raise the head, sit down. Every movement of the child opens a new frontier of space.
  • crawling - some children, this step is skipped;
  • grasping, at 6 months the movement of random gripping turns into purposeful;
  • manipulation of the subject;
  • pointing gesture, it is a meaningful way to express a wish.

Once the child begins to walk, rapidly expanding the boundaries of the world available to it. The child learns from adults and gradually begins to acquire human actions: the appointment of the subject, the methods of action with the subject, the technique you follow these steps. Of great importance in the assimilation of these actions have toys.

At this age, it laid mental development, develop a sense of attachment.

The crisis of the first year

Crises in the psychological development of children a year are related to the contradiction between the biological system and verbal situation. The child can not control his behavior, begin to show sleep disorders, loss of appetite, moodiness, touchiness, tearfulness, however, the crisis is not considered acute.

Early childhood (1-3 years)

 Child Psychology  At this age, separated by a line of mental development of boys and girls. For children there is a complete identity, understanding of belonging to the floor. There is self-awareness, develop claims for recognition by adults, the desire to earn the praise, positive evaluation.

There is the further development of speech, to three years in vocabulary up to 1000 words.

There is the further mental development, there are the first fears that may be aggravated by parents irritability, anger, and may contribute to a child's feelings of rejection. It does not help and overprotection on the part of adults. A more effective method is when adults teach the child the treatment of the subject, causing fear in the illustrative examples.

At this age, the basic requirement is a tactile contact, the child develops feelings.

The crisis of three years

Crisis of acute symptoms of crisis in the child: negativism to offer adults, stubbornness, impersonal obstinacy, willfulness, protest, rebellion against others, despotism. Symptom depreciation, reflected in the fact that the child begins to call their parents, teasing, swearing.

The sense of crisis is that the child is trying to learn how to make choices, no longer need full guardianship of parents. Sluggish current crisis says the delay in the development of the will.

It should be determined for the younger child some activity where he could act independently, for example, in the game you can try out their independence.

Preschool Education (3-7let)

At this age, the child moves from the game of manipulating objects to the storyline the game - in the doctor, the seller, the astronaut. Child psychology notes that at this stage begins to appear role identification, separation of roles. Closer to 6-7 years in there playing by the rules. Games are of great importance in mental and emotional development of the child, to help cope with fears, learn to take the lead, forming the child's character and his attitude toward reality.

Neoplasms preschool facilities are ready for school:

  • personal readiness;
  • communicative readiness means that the child is able to communicate with others by rules and regulations;
  • Cognitive readiness suggests the level of development of cognitive processes: attention, imagination, thinking;
  • technological equipment - the minimum knowledge, skills, that allows to study in the school;
  • the level of emotional development, the ability to manage situational emotions and feelings.

Crisis 7 years

The crisis reminds crisis seven years to one year, the child begins to make demands and claim to attention to his person, his behavior may become defiant, slightly pretentious or even cartoonish. He can not yet proficient in their feelings. The most important thing that parents can show - it is respect for the child. It should encourage his independence and taking the initiative, and on the contrary, not to punish too severely for failure, because this may lead to lack of initiative that will grow and irresponsible person.

Younger school age (7-13 years)

At this age, the child's main activity - training and training in general and in school may not be the same. To the process is successful, training must be similar to the game. Child Psychology   It considers this period of development as the most important.

The main tumors at this age:

  • intellectual reflection   - There is the ability to remember the information, organize it, to store in memory, retrieve and apply the right moments;
  • personal reflection Expands the number of factors that affect the self-esteem, develops self-image. The warmer relationships with their parents, the self-esteem higher.

 Child Psychology  The mental development begins during mental operations instantiated. Gradually decreasing egocentrism, there is an ability to focus on multiple attributes, the ability to compare them, to track changes.

The development of the child's behavior and affects family relationships, style of behavior of adults, an authoritarian behavior of children develop less successful than with a democratic, companionship.

Ongoing training with peers, ability to adapt, and hence, to the collective cooperation. The game is still needed, it begins to take personal motives: prejudice, leadership - subordination, justice - injustice, loyalty - treason. In games there is a social component, children like to invent a secret community, passwords, codes, certain rituals. Game rules and roles to help absorb the rules and regulations of the adult world.

Emotional development is largely dependent on the experience gained outside the home. Fictional fears of childhood give way to concrete: the fear of injections, natural phenomena, concern for the nature of the relationship with peers, etc. Sometimes there is a reluctance to go to school at the same time can appear headaches, vomiting, abdominal cramps. Do not take it for simulation, maybe it's the fear of some conflict situations with teachers or peers. It is a friendly talk with the child, to find out the reason for the reluctance to go to school, to try to resolve the situation and motivate your child for good luck and successful development. The absence of democratic dialogue in the family can contribute to the development depression of children   school age.

The crisis of 13 years

In child psychology age crises in children thirteen years - a crisis of social development. It is very similar to the crisis 3 years: "I myself! " . The contradiction between the personal self and the surrounding world. It is characterized by a fall health and school performance, personal disharmony in the internal structure and relates to the number of acute crises.

Symptoms of the crisis in the child during this period:

  • negativism The child is hostile to everything around the world, aggressive, prone to conflict and at the same time to the isolation and loneliness, experiencing dissatisfaction with everything. Boys exposed to negativity to a greater extent than girls;
  • drop in productivity , Skills and enthusiasm for learning, slowing down the creative process, and even in those areas in which the child is gifted and previously showed great interest. All the given work is done mechanically.

The crisis of this age is associated mainly with the transition to a new stage of intellectual development - the transition from the clarity and understanding to the deduction. Specific logical thinking is replaced. This is evident in the constant demand evidence and criticism.

In adolescents, there is interest in the abstract - music, philosophical questions, etc. The world begins to be divided into objective reality and inner personal experiences. Intensively foundations outlook and personality of a teenager.

Adolescence (13-16 years)

In this period there is rapid growth, maturing, the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Biological maturation phase coincides with the phase of development of new interests and frustrated old habits and interests.

At the same skills and established mechanisms of behavior do not change. There is, especially in boys, acute sexual interests are said to begin to "misbehave" sex hormone. The process of painful separation from childhood.

The leading activity in this period - intimate-personal communication with peers. There is a weakening of family ties.

Main neoplasms:

  • generated concept "We"   - There is a division in the community, "its - other people's." In adolescents begins the division of territories, areas of living space.
  • education reference groups. At the beginning of the formation of this group of gay, over time they become mixed, then the company is divided into pairs and consists of interconnected pairs. The views and values ​​of the group, is almost always the opposition, or even hostile to the adult world, become dominant for a teenager. Effect of adult hampered by a private group. Each member of the group is not critical to the general opinion, or the opinion of the leader, eliminated dissent. Expulsion from the group is equivalent to a complete collapse.
  • emotional development manifests a sense of adulthood. In a sense, it is still false, biased. In fact, it is only a tendency to adulthood. It is shown in:
    • emancipation - the requirement for independence.
    • a new attitude to learning - the quest for greater self-education, and, indifference to school grades. There is often a discrepancy between intelligence assessments and a teenage diary.
    • the appearance of a romantic relationship with the opposite sex.
    • changing appearance and manners of dress.

 Child Psychology  Emotionally, the teenager is experiencing great difficulties and experiences, feels miserable. There are typically adolescent phobias: shyness, dissatisfaction with their appearance, anxiety.

Games transformed into a child's fantasy of a teenager and become more creative.



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