Thursday, April 5, 2018


July 19, 2012

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 Pancreatitis  Pancreatitis - A name of a group of diseases and symptoms in which there is inflammation of the pancreas. If such a process is shown, the enzymes Produced by the pancreas does not fall into the duodenum. Consequently, they begin to be active in the pancreas gradually destroying it. Thus, there is a so-called self-digestion process. This pathology is fraught with subsequent involvement of other agencies, because with the gradual destruction of the pancreas is released toxins   and enzymes . In turn, they can appear in the bloodstream and damage other organs. Therefore, acute pancreatitis should be treated immediately after diagnosis. Under such condition, the treatment is carried out mainly in the hospital.

Women pancreatitis is diagnosed more often than men. It is also more prone to pancreatitis obese and the elderly.

How is pancreatitis?

The pancreatic ducts are gradually increased pressure, and enzymes acting in the breast tissue, to stimulate the process of destruction. If pancreatitis becomes more severe form (in this case we are talking about pancreonecrosis ), Then the pathological process characterized by considerable necrosis of the pancreatic tissue. If the development of such a process is not performed adequately treated, then necrosis   It could later hurt as fatty tissue that surrounds the pancreas affected by a number of other agencies, which are located in the retroperitoneal space. If you get active pancreatic enzymes into the abdomen of the patient develops aseptic pancreatogenic peritonitis . In this state no treatment is fatal.

Forms of pancreatitis

 Pancreatitis  Pancreatitis can be subdivided into several types. Depending on what the nature of the current illness is observed, pancreatitis can be sharp . recurrent acute . chronic And possibly exacerbation chronic pancreatitis .

In turn, acute pancreatitis can occur in several forms. With interstitial pancreatitis there is an acute swelling of the pancreas; at pancreatolysis   in prostate tissue is bleeding; at acute necrotizing pancreatitis   Iron is sealed, and on it there are pockets of decay. If a patient with acute pancreatitis combined cholecystitis , In this case we are talking about an acute holetsistopankreatit . Purulent pancreatitis   It is diagnosed when the gland has pockets of purulent fusion. All these forms of pancreatitis can gradually move from one to another.

With   acute pancreatitis   the patient there is a gradual change in inflammatory tissue cancer and appear foci of necrosis. Gradually, this condition is replaced fibrosis . atrophy   or calcification cancer. However, in some cases, acute pancreatitis appears extremely inflammatory process with edema specific department of the pancreas. In other cases, there is necrosis, fester, and the occurrence of multiple hemorrhages in the tissue and abscesses . With this development of acute pancreatitis, the patient's condition is extremely serious and can be fatal, even if the treatment will be adequate.

Chronic pancreatitis   - A disease in which inflammation progresses slowly, and the function of the pancreas gradually broken. The result may be a pancreatic tissue fibrosis or its calcification. In chronic pancreatitis, alternating periods of remission and relapse. A consequence of chronic inflammation of the pancreas tissue can eventually become weakened function of digestion. Such patients often develop later diabetes . In chronic pancreatitis, inflammation can develop either cancer in general or in individual parts.

In chronic pancreatitis and to distinguish between several different forms of the disease. If the patient is observed   asymptomatic form   disease, in which case it remains normal health for extended periods. With painful form chronic pancreatitis at the top of the stomach, constant pain, increasing significantly during the period of exacerbation. With chronic recurrent pancreatitis the pain occurs only with recurrent disease. Less often found "Psevdoopuholevaya" form   disease, which occurs during the development of the enlarged head cancer, fibrous tissue grows and the size of the prostate increases.

Provided also reactive pancreatitis In which acute pancreatitis combined with worsening disease of the duodenum, stomach, gall bladder and liver.

Causes of pancreatitis

 Pancreatitis  The normal pancreas sometimes violates human consumption is very spicy, fried, greasy food. Also contributes to the development of pancreatitis overeating, chronic or acute alcohol poisoning. To stimulate a sharp release of pancreatic juice may also the excitement of mental character.

Therefore, the higher the risk of pancreatitis have people who consistently abuse alcohol. Also pancreatitis occurs more frequently in pregnant women and young mothers in the postpartum period. The key to preventing the development of pancreatitis is the right approach to the formation of the diet. Therefore, the disease is often diagnosed in those who regularly eats junk food: fast food, monotonous food, food with high content of dyes and other chemical contaminants.

Development of the patients with chronic pancreatitis often occurs after acute form of the disease. However, quite often chronic pancreatitis develops as a consequence of other diseases: cholecystitis . peptic ulcer . intestinal diseases . liver   and etc.

The most common cause of pancreatitis becomes cholelithiasis . In addition, pancreatitis washes occur against a background of severe poisoning, injuries, virus diseases, surgical procedures and endoscopic procedures. Sometimes chronic pancreatitis exacerbated by getting too large doses vitamin A and   E .

Symptoms of pancreatitis

In acute and chronic forms of the disease symptoms of pancreatitis are manifested in different ways. Moreover, after a person has suffered an acute pancreatitis, it may be formed pancreatic pseudocyst related to chronic pancreatitis. On the other hand the chronic form of the disease may develop acute pancreatitis.

If a patient develops acute pancreatitis, its symptoms are directly dependent on what the form and stage of the disease occurs, as well as some of the individual characteristics of each person. The most pronounced and constant symptom of acute pancreatitis is a form of severe abdominal pain. Pain is constant, dull or cutting. If the disease progresses, the pain gets worse and sometimes causes shock. Location of the pain - right or left upper quadrant, the stomach. If all of the pancreas is affected, the pain is the nature of shingles. Furthermore, symptoms of acute forms of pancreatitis is hiccough , Dry mouth, belching, nausea. Man suffers from frequent vomiting, which revealed an admixture of bile. However, after a vomiting patient feels relief. Chair in humans suffering from acute pancreatitis, mushy, it is possible to find part of undigested food. Chair characterized by an unpleasant smell, foam.

If the disease progresses, the general condition of the patient deteriorates very quickly. Pulse rate, body temperature rises, reduced performance   Blood Pressure . Man is constantly worried breathlessness The language there is a rich patina, the body constantly appears clammy sweat. The facial features of the patient look sharp, the skin turns white and becomes progressively earthy gray. During the examination the doctor finds strong abdominal distention , Intestines and stomach are not reduced. In the process of palpation painful stomach for a long time is not determined by muscle tension. Later symptoms of peritoneal irritation.

In patients with acute pancreatitis may eventually develop a number of serious complications and side of the abdomen, and by bodies outside the peritoneum. The most common complications are abscesses and cellulitis omental . peritonitis . gastrointestinal ulcers and erosions . swelling, and abscesses . pleural effusion . pneumonia . Very often provokes the development of acute pancreatitis hepatitis Also due to the disease increases the blood sugar, in addition, sugar is detected in the urine of the patient.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis forms expressed by pain in the stomach during an exacerbation, pain in the left upper quadrant radiating to the shoulder blade or the chest. In some cases, pain may be a manifestation of herpes character that varies from dull to very sharp. Such feelings resemble the pain of acute pancreatitis forms. After eating fatty foods the patient may suffer from severe vomiting. In addition, symptoms of chronic pancreatitis is often a strong weight loss, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea. Even in the period when the acute illness is not observed, a man may be sick, he is suffering from constipation , Dull pain. If during this period there are diarrhea, it indicates that the ability of the pancreas to digest very disturbed.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis

 Pancreatitis  Diagnosing the disease is usually not difficult, as its symptoms are almost always pronounced. Yet the doctor for the purpose of adequate treatment must necessarily determine the form of the disease. To do this, it is advisable to laparoscopy - a method to explore using a special tool from within the abdominal cavity.

If you suspect acute pancreatitis conducted some laboratory tests. It is a common blood tests, urine analysis, biochemical studies. Similar assays are carried out in suspected chronic pancreatitis. However, it is important to biochemical studies in the period of exacerbation. Also carried out a special study of feces.

Treatment of pancreatitis

It is important for the treatment of acute pancreatitis is a compulsory form in the hospital under the supervision of a specialist. Therefore, when suspected acute pancreatitis, the patient should be hospitalized immediately. But before people will be taken to the hospital, at home should do everything to avoid a painful shock. It is important not to take food, and emergency room doctors in some cases food is removed through a tube taken earlier. On the upper part of the abdomen is applied cold to slow production of digestive enzymes the pancreas. To remove a spasm, it is recommended under the tongue drip 1-2 drops nitroglycerin or intramuscularly drug relieves spasms, for example, Nospanum . Doctors ambulance necessarily administered an anesthetic.

In the hospital for the treatment of acute pancreatitis using conservative forms of therapies. In particular, various solutions are introduced bloodstream - saline . protein preparations . glucose , Which is overcome by intoxication and pain. Also, normal acid-alkaline balance.

To ease the pain and relieve spasms, used drugs, antispasmodics. And to maintain the normal activity of the heart using cardiac medications. Furthermore, complex treatment comprises administering B vitamins . vitamin C , Diuretics, which prevent the swelling of the pancreas and promote the excretion of degradation products. It is mandatory in the course of treatment consists of drugs that inhibit the production of enzymes pancreatic acid.

It is recommended to use mineral water without gas, but food patients with acute pancreatitis can be taken only after 4-5 days after the acute onset. Initially, it is recommended to take yogurt (100 g every half hour), and the next day before the diet is added to 200 grams of cheese. In the days following the treatment the patient should strictly follow the special diet As proper nutrition in pancreatitis - an important factor contributing to a cure.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, it is necessary to carry out surgery. Typically, surgery is performed after 10-14 days after the beginning acute pancreatitis. The indication for surgery more quickly are some complications. Surgery involves removing part of the pancreas, which has undergone necrosis, and conduct rehabilitation of the abdominal cavity.

If there is an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the treatment is carried out in the same way as the treatment of acute pancreatitis. Patients with chronic pancreatitis should always stick to your diet and take medications regularly, compensating secretory failure and alkalizing agents (eg, Almagelum ). When the manifestation of pain shown funds relieves spasms - papaverine . atropine . Nospanum , Drugs with analgesic effect. Patients with chronic pancreatitis should periodically attend special sanatoria and treatment take place there.

There are many proven folk remedies to help cope with the disease. Three times a day before meals to patients with chronic pancreatitis is recommended to take half a cup of oatmeal. To prepare it, you need a glass of pre-washed oat pour 1 liter of water and infuse 12 hours. After this pudding is boiled for 30 minutes, and insist another 12 hours. Before use, it must be diluted with water to the original volume and strain.

It is useful in the morning to take a mixture of freshly squeezed juice of carrots and potatoes: an empty stomach to drink 200 grams of this mixture. The course of treatment lasts a week, followed by a week's break.

Diet for pancreatitis

 Pancreatitis  Particular attention should be paid to patients pancreatitis food. In the acute phase of the diet for pancreatitis is aimed at the most gentle treatment for pancreatic cancer. Thus, in the early days of the acute form of the disease (usually for two days), we recommend a complete rejection of food. On the day you can consume up to six glasses of mineral water, weak tea, or broth hips. After that, for a week at a pancreatitis diet is very strict, with a minimum of calories. These days you can eat pureed cottage cheese, lean meat, potatoes, zucchini.

During remission of such a diet is becoming a more high-calorie: the daily diet contains about 2,500 calories. This power is the most complete because the observance of this diet lasts for many years.

The day the patient should consume at least 120 grams of protein. Thus it is better to give up easily digestible carbohydrates, which are contained in honey, sugar, sweets. It is important to limit the amount of fat. It is strictly forbidden to consume food that irritates the mucous membranes. Do not eat fried: pancreatitis patients included in the diet exclusively baked, boiled, steamed dishes.

Thus, patients follow a diet for pancreatitis, may be included in the diet of these dishes and products: wheat bread yesterday's batch or crackers, veggie soup with sour cream, lean meat and fish, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, a variety of cereals, butter and vegetable oil, vegetables low-fat, sour apples, juices from fruits and berries without sugar. At the same time you can not eat fatty meat, strong broths, sausages, canned food, fried foods, beans, smoked. Prohibited coffee, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks. Food should always be slightly warmed, but not hot. The best diet - 5-6 times a day.

Prevention of pancreatitis

To prevent the development of this disease, it is important to eat regularly and efficiently. Do not drink alcohol, especially when alcohol is combined with the fatty meal. More often, pancreatitis develops in people who chronically consume alcohol, but the disease can occur after a single and a hearty acceptance of alcohol. It is important to quit smoking in time to treat all diseases gastrointestinal tract, contributing to the development of pancreatitis, monitor the condition of the gallbladder.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Took Onglyza off and on for a year. I  have an enlarged adrenal gland. Still I await the outcome of that CT, but I know that much. Will find out more.
    I had the CT because of chronic pancreatic pain that started out as "attacks" from a couple of times a month to finally after 3 months of use without interruption, "attacks" 2-3 times a week. My PA put Onglyza on my allergies list.
    In the meantime, I lost almost 50 lbs in 5 months due to illness. Loss of appetite, pancreatic pain, chronic diarrhea, then eventually, inability to move my bowels. Severe back pain from the pancreas, and severe chest pain sent me to the ER where I was worked up for cardiac pain. I was cardiac cleared, but told my amylase was very low.
    Still seeking a diagnosis, but I lay the blame squarely on Onglyza. I'd had pancreatic issues in the past, and argued with the PA that prescribed it, she was calling me non-compliant, and I feared repercussion from my insurance company.
    I even took an article about the dangers of Onglyza, particularly in patients with a history, and she made me feel foolish.
    I wish I had listened to my instincts, I fear not only damage to my pancreas that is irreversible, but also severe damage to my left kidney, though I have bilateral kidney pain.
    I was off all diabetes meds, and control sugars strictly low to no carb. I can barely eat anymore, I have severe anorexia.
    I would warn anyone taking Onglyza to consider a change and try Dr Itua Herbal Medicine, and anyone considering taking it, to select a different avenue. I have been suffering severely for about 9 months, but the past 7 months have been good with the help of Dr Itua herbal medicine which I took for 4 weeks.
    I have been off Onglyza now, for 7 months, and simply 100% improvement with the help of Dr Itua. I had none of these issues except a history of pancreatitis in my distant past.
    I will recommend anyone here with health problem to contact Dr Itua on and whatsapp +2348149277967 also he ccure the following disease with his herbal medicines Hiv/Aids,Herpes,Copd, Glaucoma, Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease, Enlarged prostate, Alzheimer's disease, Dementia. Fibroid,Diabete, Multiple Sclerosis, Hypertension,Fibromyalgia,Hiv, Hepatitis B, Liver/Kidney Inflammatory,parkinson,cancer,als.
