Sunday, April 29, 2018

Depigmentation of the skin

March 12, 2014

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 Depigmentation of the skin  Depigmentation of the skin - A change in the pigmentation of the human skin, which is associated with a reduced amount of pigment, with either its absence.

How does the depigmentation of the skin?

If a reduced amount of skin pigment, a patient diagnosed hypochromia . If it do not, then we are talking about achromia . When depigmentation occurs in human skin certain morphochemical changes. As a consequence, there is a lack or absence Melanin   - A pigment which is produced by cells melanocytes . Most of the cells located in the skin. However, they are also in the hair, the iris of the eye, the inner ear.

White spots on the skin of the face and body occur due to certain pathological processes in the body. This phenomenon can be full   (in a particular area of ​​the body skin is completely white), or Partial (leather lighter shade alternating with areas of normal color).

Depending on the determined loss of melanin resistant   and temporary   depigmentation. When resistant form of the disease melanocytes function can not be restored.

There are also congenital and acquired form of the disease. Congenital depigmentation, in particular, is albinism . Loss of pigmentation in this case occurs, since the body is completely absent enzyme tyrosinase . As a consequence, the synthesis of melanin is impaired.

People with albinism have very pale skin, having a pinkish hue. Rayed vessels, the pupils have a red hue. At the very delicate albino skin, hair or white, or are not strong yellowish tint. Most people with albinism notes strabismus . photophobia .

For such people adversely affected by ultraviolet light, so the sun without protection they can not all be as skin burns very rapidly. Albinism is total . incomplete . Partial .

 Depigmentation of the skin  An example is the persistent form of the disease vitiligo . If you look at photos of depigmentation of the skin in this disease, it is clearly evident that the skin pigment is lost only in certain areas of the skin. As a rule, initially in vitiligo appear small spots, which gradually increase and spread. This disease gives a person a serious cosmetic discomfort. Most often, the first spots occur on areas of the body that are constantly under direct sunlight.

When a person has vitiligo can be formed foci of depigmentation of any size: possible depigmentation of the nose, parts of the face, arms, legs, and others. The pigment is lost as hair growing on the discolored areas, so when there may be vitiligo depigmentation of hair. This disease affects people of any age, but usually occurs in young women. Stains can be increased to merge. At the same time there is no subjective sensations.

Giprohromiya   - A condition in which hemoglobin   not saturated erythrocytes . Relatively rare phenomenon considered hypochromia in infants. Often this condition is diagnosed in girls. Hypochromia blood - a characteristic feature of the development anemia . Reasons for developing hypochromia red blood cells and, as a consequence, anemia associated with metal poisoning, thalassemia, as well as damage to red blood cells. A slight, moderate hypochromia seen against the background of reduced hemoglobin in the blood. Severe hypochromia that can be easily diagnosed if a blood test for hypochromia, patients often causes headaches, lack of appetite, upset the digestive system, general weakness. A person with such symptoms usually pale skin.

Hypochromia in the blood is determined by examining the level of peripheral blood erythrocytes, hemoglobin, color index study.

Why appears depigmentation of the skin?

 Depigmentation of the skin  Causes of depigmentation of the skin associated with a lack of pigment in a certain area of ​​the skin or in the skin in general. This phenomenon is due to the influence of certain factors. Thus, albinism - a hereditary achromia, which is associated with a mutation genetically transmitted.

Acquired achromia primary type (vitiligo) occurs for no apparent reason on the areas of skin where pigment used to be normal. Vitiligo often develops in people with dysfunctions of the endocrine glands, those that suffered severe emotional trauma and shock. It is believed that vitiligo may be a result of autoimmune processes And with chronic diseases.

Secondary achromia - is a consequence of the pathological process that occurs in the body. For example, peeling bright spots on the skin are observed in people suffering from psoriasis . leprosy . People suffering from these diseases, often say that they were round bleached spots. Their appearance comes with active disease progression.

Moreover, depigmentation reasons may be associated with some illness. Change the color of the skin is often marked on the ground, who were amazed lichen . seborrheic eczema . streptoderma , Other skin infectious diseases. However, in this case, the treatment of white spots on the skin is not required, since over time they gradually disappear on their own. Persistent pigment loss occurs only when seborrheic dermatitis.

The pigment is lost as a result of inflammatory processes on the skin after burns, injuries. Sometimes the side effects observed with long-term topical treatment of glucocorticoid hormones with drugs.

Hypochromia develops as a result of chronic or severe bleeding, malabsorption of iron, with the increased need for iron ( lactation . pregnancy ), With malnutrition, low protein content.

How to get rid of depigmentation of the skin?

 Depigmentation of the skin  Treatment of depigmentation of the skin is assigned depending on the disease and causes provoke him. In some cases, the depigmentation is possible to heal if it is carried out effective treatment of the underlying disease.

However, in patients with vitiligo and albinism effective treatment of white spots on the body, it is usually impossible. Therefore, experts symptomatic treatment, but also pay special attention to the implementation of measures to prevent burns that these patients can receive direct sunlight.

Doctors can assign complex treatment aimed at slowing the progress of depigmentation. Also, perform the procedure that allow the skin tone to bring the lost to former pigmentation shade. For example, in vitiligo skin initially smeared with tincture of iodine, and then irradiated with ultraviolet light in doses clearly established by your doctor.

It should be taken into account that the development of vitiligo is often seen in people who have certain disorders the functions of the immune system . Therefore, the treatment must take into account and this point. Therefore, dermatologists strongly urged to consult a dermatologist as soon as the first person to note the appearance of white spots on the body. If a patient afflicted with vitiligo more than 80% of the body surface, and repigmentation not possible, depigmentation can be performed to reduce the difference of the skin colors. In this case, often administered Laser depigmentation. Note, however, that such a procedure leads to a constant increased photosensitivity.

There is to date and effective methods of treatment of albinism. However, the physician should pay special attention to the condition of the patient's eye and provide vision correction and eye muscles, if a person has developed a squint. People with albinism should be very attentive to his own vision, as well as to protect the skin from sunlight, using high-quality protective cosmetics. People with albinism have to visit a neurologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist. If you plan on having a baby, you need to go through genetic counseling, because albinism is inherited.

Treatment hypochromia erythrocytes is carried out by long-term therapy with iron preparations. To make up for iron deficiency, it will need at least three weeks of regular intake of medicines. It is necessary to enrich the child's diet foods high in vitamin C , Meat dishes. If diagnosed malabsorption of iron in the intestine, such drugs are administered to the patient by intramuscular injection.

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