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September 18, 2013

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 Dysphoria  The term " dysphoria "Comes from the Greek word that is translated as" suffer, suffer ". It is a manifestation of a person depressed mood, which is painful. Dysphoria is the antonym of the term euphoria .

How does dysphoria?

Dysphoria symptoms appear in humans depressed mood, marked gloom, a demonstration of hostility to those who surround him. When dysphoria is observed motor and mental retardation. However, a person easily enters a state of aggression, his affective outbreaks occur.

In some cases, dysphoria is one of the symptoms of a depressive syndrome, which is defined as dysphoric depression .

Elderly patients manifest symptoms of dysphoria frequent feelings of anxiety, depression. At the same time young people this condition is expressed irritability meticulously. Sometimes a person demonstrates excessive sarcasm, irony, a lot of offense and grumbles. In severe dysphoria possible violent outbursts of aggression and anger, a sense of hopelessness and despair.

A person who develops dysphoria may feel frustrated in life, to lose interest in everything that happens around him. Sometimes this state leads to the development of alcoholism and drug use. There is also an increased risk of suicide.

In some cases, it may seem that there is an infringement of the patient's emotional state as a result of physical illness or because of certain situations that occur in life. However, the evaluation of the frequency of symptoms of dysphoria and the frequency of its development indicate pathological manifestations of this symptom.

If dysphoria seen against the background of systemic diseases, a person becomes moody, picky trifles, irritable. Sometimes the person says a manifestation of his attacks of causeless melancholy state of anger on others. In addition to these symptoms in a patient can be diagnosed various dysfunctions autonomic .

In rare cases, symptoms appear dysphoria apathy a mild euphoria. Most often, these symptoms have occurred in patients who take large doses of adrenal hormones. Sometimes light displays dysphoria may initially consider the characteristic features of the person.

Symptoms of dysphoria often seen in person a few days, sometimes they last a few weeks. Such manifestations disappear suddenly.

Why manifest dysphoria?

 Dysphoria  Dysphoric depression   sometimes it manifested as a result of ordinary human diseases. This can be flu . thyrotoxicosis . rheumatism and etc.

Sometimes the causes dysphoria - a abstinence symptom   drug addicts. In addition, dysphoria observed in some diseases of the mental nature. Sometimes epilepsy dysphoria is a precursor to an attack, and can also occur after an epileptic seizure.

In addition to these diseases causes dysphoria may be as follows: a reaction to severe stress, certain varieties personality disorders . anxiety disorder . hypoglycemia . This symptom is typical for people who suffer insomnia , Some sexual disorders, chronic pain, hyperthyroidism.

Premenstrual dysphoria   develops from women suffering premenstrual syndrome . For this disorder is characterized by depressed mood, feeling of mental and physical discomfort, tearfulness, insomnia, pain in the body, depression, and others. The woman feels tired, depressed and remains depressed, with difficulty focusing. This condition develops in about 5 days prior to menstruation and disappears after the onset of menses. Therefore, the symptoms are cyclical. Premenstrual dysphoria diagnosed only if the symptoms exhibited significantly violate the woman's condition and affect the quality of her life.

Gender dysphoria It characterized by dissatisfaction on the part of their male or female gender status due to unexplained reasons. Gender dysphoria can be seen even from the parents of a child who exhibits unusual for its gender interests. But clearly identify the presence of the disease can only be a specialist. Gender dysphoria in the absence of such a correction leads to a state of constant stress, which can later develop into a neurosis. Sometimes a person who is suffering from the symptoms of gender dysphoria, drink alcohol and drugs to escape from unpleasant thoughts.

It should not be regarded as identical concepts of gender dysphoria and homosexuality. If a homosexual is not willing to change their own sex, the person suffering from gender dysphoria, gender did not initially satisfied.

How to get rid of dysphoria?

 Dysphoria  Treatment dysphoria initially provides comprehensive diagnostics. The doctor must take into account as proceeds dysphoria, which features state of the observed patient. If his condition resembles epileptic dysphoria, the therapy involves the use of anti-epileptic drugs, barbiturates. Sometimes apply combined treatment dysphoria when used antipsychotic and anticonvulsant therapy.

If the patient shows explosions of aggression and irritability, he is required to be appointed sedatives. Depressed patient is a prerequisite for the appointment of an antidepressant imipramine . When treating dysphoria practiced psychotherapy.

Treatment of severe premenstrual dysphoria involves taking oral contraceptives with progesterone , Lithium preparations. Sometimes it is advisable to antidepressant medications or tranquilizers.

If there is a suspicion of gender dysphoria in the patient, the initial psychiatric examination is conducted. Next, the doctor arranges individual treatment of the patient. However, in some severe cases, practiced sex-change operation.

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