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Numbness in hands

January 13, 2014

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 Numbness in hands  Numbness in hands   - A condition in which a person feels a tingling sensation, feeling of discomfort and " chills ". Numbness of the hands may manifest as a result of a number of diseases, and because of the effects of certain external factors.

What are the symptoms numbness of the hands?

Numbness of the hands at night and during the day the active movement indicates that the person marked circulatory disorders in hands. As a rule, people with circulatory disorders complain of numbness of the hands at night. Numbness in the fingers and hands as a whole can be felt when the dream man flexes elbow. Sometimes numbness in the hands of celebrated pregnancy .

If a person is marked numbness of the upper extremities, it usually feels numb tingling in the fingers and hands. Display a sense of chilliness, tightening can be felt as a burning sensation. Thus, generally, it is difficult to determine how to treat numbness of the hands, as this condition in most cases are associated with specific diseases.

When a person experiences numbness of the hands rather unpleasant. However, sometimes, even knowing that the numbness of the hands associated with impaired blood flow, the patient has no idea how serious it can be standing. Sometimes this symptom indicates that the operation of the cardio-vascular system have been serious problems. Therefore, when the regular display of numbness of the hands should always consult a doctor.

Be sure to visit the neurologist, except if there is a weakness numbness, pain, sensitivity is lost, along with numbness marked incoordination. The worrying is a condition when a person can not distinguish between the warm water from the cold.

Why manifested numbness of the hands?

 Numbness in hands  Causes numbness of the hands and feet are most commonly associated with the development of the disease. Accordingly, the treatment of this condition occurs in most cases during the treatment of the underlying disease.

Most often associated with numbness, nerve compression, which causes a number of reasons. It is primarily osteochondrosis   and other back problems. Periodic limb numbness manifested in connection with deficiency in the human body vitamin B12 . The fact is that this vitamin is actively involved in metabolic processes. And if there is a lack of it, then the person gets tired very quickly, he has broken the rhythm of the heart, as well as violation of the sensitivity swept aside.

At   Raynaud's disease a man marked circulatory disorders of the arteries, which leads to a periodic numbness of hands and feet. In people with Raynaud's disease is marked numbness and very rapid freezing, cyanosis of the fingers.

Numbness is possible with neuropathy That develops due to intoxication or metabolic disorders. In this condition, patients complain of "woodiness" limbs. Neuropathy is often observed in patients diabetes . rheumatoid arthritis   and etc.

Numbness may soputstvovat s ischemic stroke inferior cerebellar arteries and the vertebral . In more rare cases, hands numb due to hyperventilation, in which in a state of fear in humans there is frequent and shallow breathing.

Numbness of the limbs during sleep and while awake person often occurs in osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. Perhaps periodic numbness of the hands at night beriberi, a lack of certain trace elements in the body, the abuse of alcohol. This symptom is manifested in patients diabetes . multiple sclerosis At transient ischemic attacks At disorders of blood flow . Also, numbness of the hands may occur when compressed nerve in certain areas, with nerve damage due to deformation of joints, as well as in the defeat of the nerves that are connected with hereditary diseases.

Causes numbness of the hands at night are often associated with uncomfortable pillows or acceptance uncomfortable posture during sleep. Typically, in such cases you need to try to sleep on the other pillow to sleep in a different position, and the cause numbness of hands is eliminated. When, after the position change numbness gradually disappears, the person feels numb tingling in the extremities.

 Numbness in hands  However, if the causes numbness of the fingers in a dream not related to posture, but this state is shown very often, it is necessary in this regard to consult the doctor. Numbness in the fingers during sleep may be associated with the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. In most cases, the disease occurs in people who have to constantly be long in the same position and stretch arms. With the development of this disease in a dream a person may feel numb, not only at night during sleep, but the pain in the fingers. Might appear numb fingertips of his right hand or left hand. Numbness little fingers of both hands may indicate the development of osteoarthritis.

In some people, depending on the type of activity and features a host posture may experience numbness individual fingers - thumb, middle finger, index finger, ring finger hands. In such a case, be sure to consult with a specialist who will determine how to treat numbness of fingers. Definitely treatment of numbness of fingers will be associated with the treatment of the disease, which is a symptom of this condition.

Sometimes women complain of numbness in the fingertips of pregnancy. This usually occurs in the third trimester when a woman is seriously concerned about the swelling, in particular swelling of the hands. In this regard, blood circulation. In this case, a pregnant woman should be sure to tell your doctor about your feelings, who will explain how to make a special massage, and how you need to adjust the power. If a woman says numbness of his right hand at night or numbness of the left hand, it may be due to the inconvenience of sleeping posture. In the later stages of pregnancy expectant mother could only sleep on one side. Accordingly, after a long sleep in the same position marked numbness in his right hand, left hand, forearm numbness.

It should be noted that at constant numbness of the hands can then mark certain complications. And we can talk about how various circulatory disorders, and a more severe violations, up to partial gangrene   extremities. Therefore, when the hour display of numbness of the hands must be on time to establish the correct diagnosis, to avoid future serious complications.

Cases of frequent numbness of the fingers from the time when came into wide use computer technology. People every day an extended period of time working at the computer more often suffer from numb fingers in connection with the same type of work. If the direction of the symptom does not provide adequate treatment, it may eventually happen dying muscles, which provides the movement of the thumb.

How to treat numbness of the hands?

 Numbness in hands  Primarily the doctor must establish an accurate diagnosis, then the patient who complains of numbness in the hands, treatment is prescribed. How to treat numbness of the left hand or right hand, it depends on the disease, which triggered the symptom. In the process of diagnosing physician performs a detailed survey, determining the nature and characteristics of numbness (as is often observed a symptom of what part of the hand goes numb). If the patient is marked numbness palm, left or right wrist, thumb, little finger, etc., It may be indicative of a specific disease that the doctor must take into account.

Most effective is the treatment by an osteopath, which improves blood flow, metabolism, thereby restoring the normal functioning of nerve endings.

At polyneuropathy That is a consequence of diabetes, is necessary to adjust the level of glucose replenish B vitamins are also appointed by the administration of drugs that improve the properties of the blood and stimulate peripheral microcirculation.

If a patient is determined by vitamin deficiency and a reduced level of Hemoglobin , He, along with other drugs are prescribed multivitamin complexes and tools that allow us to overcome anemia. It is also recommended to practice physical therapy and physical therapy techniques.

To prevent the occurrence of numbness in the hands, it is important, first of all, to carry out general guidelines, relating to a healthy lifestyle. It is important to improve the diet, minimizing the intake of preservatives, products with dyes, alcohol, stop smoking, reduce the amount of coffee. Restore the right amount of B vitamins in the body proper nutrition can help. We need to eat foods of animal origin, not abuse permanent strict diet. Restore rate vitamin A will use red vegetables, carrots, green fish oil. To fill these salad vegetables need oil.

 Numbness in hands  Do not allow too much freezing hands in cold weather. If a person says that he is very strong and constantly freezing hands, you should immediately consult a doctor not to miss the beginning of a serious illness.

After approval of your doctor, you can also practice some of the techniques Traditional Medicine . Useful regular baths for hands which can be prepared from infusions of mint, sage. You must zaparivat a spoonful of dry grass and add a few spoonfuls of salt infusion. In such a gruel hand should be held for about 10 minutes, after which they wear gloves.

There is a folk medicine and other recipes. For example, in numb fingers often advised to apply warm mush of fresh pumpkin. Also can be rubbed into the hands of a lot of pepper and vegetable oil. To prepare it, it is necessary in one liter of fresh vegetable oil, add 100 grams of black pepper. This mixture is simmered over 30 minutes And after cooling several times a day is rubbed into the skin.

If numbness of the hands can be practiced contrast baths. Hands should be alternately dipped in very hot and cold water several times.

You can periodically make compresses of honey. Before you go to sleep, hands should be spread with honey and wrap with a cloth made of natural material. After several treatments the numbness may disappear. You can also hand rub before bed camphor ointment. This should be done very intensively, as long as the skin is not red. After rubbing your hands to put on mittens.

To prevent numbness of the fingers in the morning you can do simple exercises - to lift up their hands and 30-40 times to squeeze fingers into a fist and let go of it. Another exercise is done as follows: fingers crossed, after which they need to squeeze 30 times with great effort.

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