Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sexual disorders

January 17, 2013

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 Sexual disorders  For most adults sexual relationship They are an integral and very important part of their lives. But sex life affects so many different factors that can disrupt it. We are talking about the reasons Biological . social . psychological   character.

Forms of sexual misconduct

Sexual disorders   determined by a person in the event that problems in sexual relationships continue relatively long period of time and thus violate a harmonious sexual life of one or both sexual partners.

Modern experts define different forms of sexual dysfunction. They are usually divided into primary   (ie those that have taken place from the beginning of sexual relations) and secondary (those that are already evident in the development of such relations). Human sexual response consists of three different phases. Initially, there is the attraction, then it goes into arousal, orgasm, and then ends.

Very often, there is now a disturbed sexual desire in both men and women. This disorder can manifest itself in different ways: sometimes it is very rare and poorly expressed a desire, in other cases - a complete lack of sexual desire for a long time. The most common treatment of this pathology is required if the permanent partners have a very big difference in the attraction. Consequently, one of them there are sexual overload, the other - a palpable disappointment.

Causes of sexual dysfunction

Violations of a sexual nature occur in representatives of both sexes as a result of several important factors. Experts identify three main factors that significantly affect the sexual life of a person. First of all, we are talking about Social factors . Even from a young age a person often hears the moral dogma, indicating that sexual pleasure - it is something bad and forbidden. With age, this idea is strongly takes place in his mind. In addition, it is possible that when people lack the basic conditions for the sex life.

The second group of reasons   - Especially education, the presence of permanent conflict with a partner disappointment that occurred in the past, lack of confidence in their own attractiveness.

K the third group of reasons   include factors related to the specific situation. This distrust of the loved one, his infidelity, and others. Under the influence of these causes with time a person has sexual dysfunction, affecting the relationship with my boyfriend.

But in any case, the treatment of sexual dysfunction should take into account the common psychological disorders that have evolved in humans.

Sexual disorders in men

 Sexual disorders  In men, sexual disorders are developing quite often, but not always at the same time a person sees fit to go to the doctor. Very often an issue people do not tell anyone, try to treat yourself. However, this approach may significantly harm the health and lead to Impotence   and other diseases.

Many men suffer from premature ejaculation, as well as the lack of erection ( Erectile Dysfunction ). Also, men are sometimes diagnosed with so-called syndrome narrowed libido, in which a person attracts only some women, or particular forms of sexual relations.

According to experts, sexual disorders in the stronger sex are caused by endocrine and intellectual disabilities, as well as a number of diseases of internal organs.

Most often, a man comes to experts with complaints premature ejaculation . If such violation ejaculation occurs even before any sexual contact, or as soon as it began. This pathology is extremely negative impact on the sexual life of a person, causing a feeling of dissatisfaction. Doctors are divided on the reasons for such violations psychological and secondary, that appear after the development of other diseases in the body. As a psychological cause is determined too high excitability and excitement, which is manifested in the first period of sexual activity among young men. As a rule, the problem disappears with time, but sometimes the disease is long over.

Disturbances secondary type occur as a result of the body's inflammatory processes affecting primarily the genitourinary system. Also, violations occur due to changes in erectile function. If a man is very sexually active, then eventually he can form a tendency to fast during intercourse. Also, premature ejaculation may develop as a result of injury or disease of the lumbosacral.

Because of the constant premature ejaculation man has all the time to control the process of sexual intercourse. As a consequence, man is in constant tension, and later generally prefers to avoid sexual contact.

Sexual disorders in women

 Sexual disorders  Lack of sexual desire in women is called frigidity . In this case, we are talking about a substantial decrease in sexual desire, sometimes reaching up to complete indifference. But in fact, true frigidity in women is relatively rare, since most sexual desire is weakening due to certain reasons. It could be illness, family problems, and other facilities.

In addition, the common form of sexual dysfunction in women is lack of orgasm during sexual intercourse . Another violation of a sexual nature, which manifests itself in women is vaginismus . At such pathology muscle vestibule frantically trying to cut during sexual penetration.


The therapy of this disease doctor conducts in light of the disease or condition, which provoked problems eyakulyativnoy function. If the specialist after contact with the patient and survey concludes that there is only psychological causes of this problem, the treatment will only tonic. Also important is the psychological help to the patient.

In the presence of inflammatory processes carried out a full course of treatment to eliminate the infection and the symptoms of inflammation. But most importantly - to address in a timely manner to the expert as sexual dysfunction may eventually gain a foothold in the cerebral cortex, and then overcome the problem will be much harder.


 Sexual disorders  Paraphilias   ( deviation ) Is not defined as a disease. Consequently, expert assistance to people who have such deviation is required only when the patients themselves are aware that such habits bring them discomfort. But the psychology of norms of sexual manifestations until today not fully installed. Today, therefore, considered to be sexual deviations in sex behaviors that are radically different from the standards generally accepted in the society. Optionally, you can pass a special test to determine his own tendency to sexual deviation.

Modern experts define some types of sexual deviation that occur most frequently.

Tansseksualizm   - A sense of identification with the opposite sex. This person feels expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that he belongs to his floor.

Lesbianism   and homosexuality   - A feeling of attraction to the same sex and desire sex with them.

Masochism   - The desire to self-torture or receiving torture from their partner, and this can be both physical and moral humiliation and torture.

Aseksualizm   - A complete rejection of sexual relations.

Sadism   - The desire to bring the partner of flour and moral humiliation. Sadomasochism   - Simultaneous presence of fantasies and sadistic and masochist.

Fetishism   - Attraction to objects and things, replacing a real partner.

Pedophilia   - Unhealthy sexual attraction to children.

Some sexual deviations in the modern world are punishable criminally. It is, above all, about pedophilia, sadism. But if the scope of the law a person does not go, he is entitled to such deviations.

Guided by a variety of sexual deviations, experts also use the term " perversion ". Defines sexual deviation with respect to a sexual object, which refers to gay, bisexual and transgender orientation. Perversion - a pathology of sexual behavior. Women perversion often expressed in the female manifestation of exhibitionism and masochism. Men such deviations sexual nature expressed frotterizmom   (touching in public places for women) voyeurism   (desire to pry) fetishism . exhibitionism .

Sometimes sexual deviation are shown in part, that is, during the sexual fantasies during masturbation or sexual contact with a regular partner. In other cases, the person meets their needs only a certain category of partners (for example, it may be a prostitute), while in a different environment deviations strictly not allowed.


 Sexual disorders  Until today there is no accurate information on the causes of the above manifestations of sexual deviations. For reasons due to which people manifest sexual perversion may be a hereditary factor, hormonal failure, intoxication, birth trauma of the brain. Distortions in the process of sexual development, as well as mental disorders.

Very often the person that is characterized by sexual perversion, loses control over what he does. He manifested severe sexual experiences similar to those experienced by an alcoholic or drug addict. Man gradually isolated from the outside world, feeling their inferiority. In view of such a man conflict between methods of obtaining sexual gratification and sexual norms accepted in society, he suffers from severe neurological disorders. In this case, it needs the help of experts.

Diagnosis and treatment

Medical care for people with sexual deviations is needed in case of deviation negative impact on human life. To ensure quality treatment of such problems, applied therapy that seeks to correct the negative feelings, promoting the adoption of a person of their sexual inclinations.

However, if the patient is a deviation, which can be dangerous for the people around them, it is waiting for forced treatment.

Sometimes the internal conflict of personality and propensity for abnormal behavior comes to such an extent that the person is morally obliged to oppose it. As a consequence, in some cases, attempt to protect themselves from sexual deviations can be expressed even suicide.

But the attitude towards sexual deviation from the position of a person exposed to it, can be expressed, and other lines of extraordinary behavior. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and psychotherapeutic help.

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