Friday, February 9, 2018

How to escape from sinusitis

 How to escape from sinusitis  Besides that, a cold nose "gives a leak," we usually treat with special attention. Nasal spray and paper towels - that's the solution. Oh, shake their heads ENT doctor if it is not frivolous, it would not be so many cases of sinusitis!

Our expert - Head of the ENT department GKB number 59, MD, Professor Michael Leyzerman.

What is hiding in his bosom?

If the runny nose lasts longer than a week and is accompanied by a headache and feeling of heaviness in the forehead and cheekbones, so trifling ailment turned menacing sinusitis - inflammation of the sinuses. If bacteria or viruses impressed frontal sinuses - developing sinusitis if maxillary - sinusitis.

Called internal sinus bone formation, resembling small caves communicating with the nasal cavity. They are imbued with the nerves and blood vessels through which the blood flows to the brain. Therefore, inflammation in these departments is fraught with abscess, meningitis and even tragic consequences. But, fortunately, in the depths of such an infection is getting rare, as before on her way there are obstacles in the form of two two frontal and maxillary sinuses located, respectively, over the bridge and on both sides of the nose. But to infection just will not work - for this to happen, you need an important condition - the presence of edema of the nasal mucosa. During a cold it just happens, and then the mucus (sometimes with pus) does not come out naturally, and accumulates in one or less immediately in both maxillary sinuses. And can start sinusitis.

Preventive methods

However, the infection can not only get through the nose, but also through blood. This is possible when flu, sore throat, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases, and sometimes even with caries. There are other risk factors that facilitate access to remote parts of the infection of the nasal cavity. They are all states that violate the nasal breathing: a deviated septum, chronic rhinitis, adenoids, and so on. D.

Accordingly, to prevent disease, the time necessary to treat dental caries and other infections to monitor the adenoids and finally align the nasal septum.

Disease prevention can be considered and proper treatment of banal cold, which consists of regular nasal washing with antiseptic solutions and the application of vasoconstrictor drops during the first 2-3 days of illness (but no longer - or later have to treat vasomotor rhinitis). And it is important to blow your nose, and eyedrops. Cleaning the nasal passages should be in turn: first finger holding one nostril, then the other. If you blow into both holes at once, infected mucus from the nose can get into the sinus. And apply a drop of need, tilting her head to the side, which buried the drug.

The doctor knows best

But if, despite your best efforts, your nose and out through the week was "wet spot", you need to hurry to otorhinolaryngology. It distinguished itself from the strong sinusitis rhinitis easy.

In the initial (catarrhal) stage of the disease are usually thick, clear nasal discharge, unpleasant feeling of heaviness over the eyes and nose. The temperature rises slightly (up to 37-37, 3 ° C), and watery eyes. Often patients complain of weakness and fatigue.

Launched catarrhal sinusitis can go to the purulent stage. In this case, all the signs of inflammation (pain, fever) have become more apparent, appear dull greenish nasal discharge. After blowing the nose discomfort usually disappears briefly. But sometimes a person is experiencing only a bad headache, which is taken as a migraine. Therefore, accurate diagnosis should be a doctor. Only he can decide whether the patient needs an x-ray or CT scan, or a diagnostic puncture sinuses.

Treatment depends on the stage

Catarrhal treat sinusitis, usually antibiotics. To reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa using vasoconstrictor drops and antihistamine drugs.

When the sinus moderate, particularly in those cases where there are multiple lesions sinus (not only maxillary, and frontal and latticed) method can be applied YAMIK: using sinus catheter introduced into the nasal cavity, creates a controlled (i.e. positive the negative) pressure, helps to pump out the pus from the sinus and syringe to remove it. Plus method - the complete absence of pain. However, it is much inferior to the efficiency of the traditional method of treating sinusitis - by puncture, because by any other means other than the puncture, you can not enter directly into the tools maxillary sinus, where is the source of infection.

Therefore, if the disease is passed into the purulent form the most reliable means - a sinus puncture and washing it with antiseptic solutions, followed by administration of antibiotics.

Failure to puncture - "puncture" the patient

Puncture of the maxillary sinus known since the XIX century and still successfully applied. In combination with antibiotics, physiotherapy and local media, this method (through the use of anesthetics quality is not as painful as one might think) most of the time in minutes can cope with sinusitis.

However, many patients are afraid of fire as this procedure and somehow convinced that it is enough to do it once, so you have to repeat it regularly.

This is not true. Repeated puncture only necessary when chronic disease that occurs just at those last nedolechil his sharp sinusitis, abandoning of a puncture. Besides, the puncture is necessary not only to remove the pus from the affected sinuses, but also to take the material for bacteriological examination, which will determine the pathogen and to pick up an antibiotic sensitive to this microbe.

In chronic sinusitis for the prevention of exacerbations of effective alternative means. For example, the Buteyko method, which is to teach patients proper breathing technique, in which the function of nasal breathing is restored, and the problem itself often disappears.


Treatment and prevention

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