Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sadness - the longest in human emotion

November 4, 2014

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 Sadness - the longest in human emotion  Sadness - an emotion that lasts the longest in humans. Such a conclusion was made by scientists from Belgium, who conducted a special study, intending to determine how long it can last for a certain emotional states.

In the research process we were involved 233 students. A survey was conducted, during which volunteers were asked to recall what exactly emotional episodes they experienced recently, and how long they were. During the conversation the people involved in the study, reported the methods by which they are able to cope with the influx of emotions. With this detailed survey experts were able to determine how the duration and intensity are certain emotions.

The conclusion was that human sadness lasts 240 times longer than the other emotions. By the way, the researchers "looked at" only 27 other emotional states.

Much faster than sadness were emotions like disgust, shame, boredom, anger, surprise, and others. For example, if the sense of shame disappeared in humans as early as 30 minutes, in order to survive the grief, he needed 120 hours.

It was found that boredom is a short-term emotion, but joy can last about 35 hours. Quite expectedly experts confirmed that the emotions provoked by events that do not have a meaningful value for the individual, for it has relatively minor importance.

To cope with bouts of sadness, scientists from Germany are advised to listen to the sad, sad even music. They argue that the sad musical motifs evoke in the minds of people positive emotions, such as tenderness, a sense of calm, and others. It was carried out a special study, the participants reported that their attitude to the sad music. It turned out that people often listen to sad songs, to cope with feelings, to have fun and comfort. The feeling of sadness that attends a music lovers listening to music, then lets get rid of the most negative feelings and get some emotional boost. Due to a sad melody can throw the feelings and experiences overestimated.

But researchers from Boston say that helps to improve the morale of the ability of other people to thank. The researchers say that, and thanking, and whoever receives the gratitude, then feels much better. In addition, thanks to able to even reduce the performance of blood pressure, which is beneficial to physical health.

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