Monday, December 3, 2018

Chicken pox

December 10, 2011

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 Chicken pox  Chickenpox   (or chicken pox ) - A disease of an infectious nature that is caused by a virus Herpes   and it manifests itself in the form of bubble rash. The spread of chickenpox occurs through airborne droplets and also due to direct contact with secretions from the respiratory tract of an infected person and a liquid that is contained in skin rashes sick people.

Sometimes, chickenpox can be transmitted through contaminated and household items, clothing. Those who have already had chickenpox receive strong immunity to the disease, cases of relapse chickenpox are rare. However, the virus for some time still in the body and is able to induce shingles Nearly 15% of cases.

Usually chicken pox suffer practically all children aged 7 to 14 years, but recently this disease affects adults, and be severe. Kids under the age of 6 months get sick very rarely, because antibodies are usually ill with chicken pox mother. If a woman fell ill with chickenpox in early pregnancy, in most cases, developing fetal malformations, and if in the last month - it leads to infection of the fetus. It should be noted that the susceptibility to the disease is very high.

Generally, the incubation period of the disease lasts for 10 to 20 days, and initial symptoms. Chicken pox rash appears on the face, and then the whole body including the mucous membranes, approximately 10-14 days after the first contact with an infected person, as well as a sharp increase in body temperature to 38 or even 39 degrees. Doctors compared the rash produced during chickenpox, with drops of water spilled on a hot skillet. Most often, such a rash lasts from one to two weeks, after which the bubbles burst, formed a yellowish crust gradually disappear without leaving scars on the skin, but may appear pigmentation.

In most cases the disease is quite easy. In complex cases, the newborn, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases, the virus can infect the liver and kidneys, lungs and even the bone marrow, can be observed cramps, nervous system, or death.

The source of the disease is a human suffering from chicken pox. It is dangerous to others since the beginning of the disease, and a few days after the formation of the last bubble. Usually, you can catch chickenpox via airborne route, when you cough or sneezing   a sick person from touching the liquid bubble of the wind, the virus is hardy, and can penetrate through the ventilation systems into neighboring apartments.

The symptoms of chickenpox

 Chicken pox  The first symptom of chickenpox is a rash, while increasing the temperature up to 37, 5-39 degrees. At the same time the patient's worries headache , Weakness, sometimes - a sore throat and vomiting, that is, symptoms intoxication .

The rash occurs in about 7-14 days after exposure to varicella. Initially symptom is the appearance of chickenpox round pink spots Which gradually begin to rise above the skin, forming bubbles with a transparent liquid (diameter - from 1 to 5 mm). Around bubbles resembling a drop of water, formed pinkish-red rim. The liquid itself contain live viruses. Gradually, they burst, covered with yellow crusts, about two weeks and disappear. Located rash on the face and scalp, and quickly spread throughout the body and mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals.

New bubbles appear all the time, they are located between the old and, therefore, the rash looks uniform. At the same time there is redness, blisters and scabs. And each new wave of rash accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Typically, the patient worried itch And special inconvenience deliver rash on the mucous membranes. Therefore, treatment of chickenpox longer symptomatic. Many children, especially small comb and flay crust bubbles. Remember that this may be formed pustules And subsequently - and scars on the skin. However, in patients with uncomplicated chickenpox scars are not, it can only be a temporary pigmentation.

Diagnosis of varicella

This disease is easy to diagnose. For the resolution of the diagnosis "windmill" is necessary to detect the typical elements of the rash. Other methods of research, such as blood, urine, will not give more information. If there are any symptoms of chickenpox in pregnant women, and adults with chronic diseases, should immediately seek medical attention.

Treatment of varicella

 Chicken pox  Generally, treatment of chickenpox occur in the home, desirable bed rest, drink as many fluids and proper hygienic care. Bedding should be clean. To speed up the drying of the bubbles, they need to be lubricated with 1% solution zelenki   ( brilliant green ), 10% solution potassium permanganate   ( potassium permanganate ) Or sodium methylene blue . These substances are dried and disinfected the wound rash.

To reduce the itching can be administered anti-allergic drugs such as diazolin   and tavegil . At the same time, you can treat the skin with water and vinegar and a dusting of talcum powder. Once the bubbles dry out, warm baths are useful. If intoxication symptoms bother the patient, in order to prevent the development of severe forms of chickenpox can be assigned acyclovir .

To avoid scratching the bubbles and recording their infection, time clipped nails and keep your hands clean.

In complicated forms of the disease, as the treatment of chickenpox as well as pregnant women in late pregnancy may be administered immunoglobulin Which promotes the release of antibodies to chickenpox.

Complications of chickenpox

Complications of chickenpox occur in severe cases of its flow. In older children can develop severe cerebellar ataxia Causing problems with muscle coordination, in adults the symptoms of chicken pox complemented manifestations varicella pneumonia . Sometimes it can develop kidney damage, joints, heart and lungs. Bacterial complications arise due to infection with bubbles during combing, and are most often found in immunocompromised children.

It is believed that better have had chicken pox as a child than an adult, so vaccination against chickenpox is not necessary to vaccinate children.

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